"You'd better have something important to say, or you'll die!"

Dare to be alone with Su youyou when he calls, is not impatient to live.

Nanjin's voice was a little urgent, "morning brother, come quickly. If you don't come, the woman said she would come to you. She is already packing up her things. Well, miss, wait a minute. Brother Chen is coming. "

Nanjin is now tortured by this woman. She really wants to kill her. And brother Chen, can you stop being so lenient around? Don't clean up your mess and throw it to him.

Nanjin's voice is sharp and urgent. Su youYou can hear some of Nanjin's voice.

"Take a look at nanluochen," you go busy, I have bought my things, and I will take a taxi back. "

Nanjin's voice is forbidden. He knows Su youyou's voice.

So, now morning brother is soaking in Su you again?

This can't work. Su youyou is a good friend of Mu Qianyue, and brother Lu is such a baby. If Mu Qianyue knows that brother Chen is soaking up her good friend and says something in front of brother Lu, what should he do.

I'm sure I'll be cleaned up by brother Lu.

Nanluochen pondered for a while and said to Nanjin, "wait, I'll be right here."

To Su you you way, "you long, you wait for me here first, I will come back in a minute, OK?"

Su youyou turns around and ignores nanluochen.

Nanluochen looked at Su youyou's back and said in his heart, "you, I'll tell you when I've dealt with this matter."

Yes, nanluochen only found out that she liked Su youyou.

He can sever all relations with the former women. Like Lu Zeyuan, he treats Su youyou well. Now he thinks she is Su youyou.

After nanluochen leaves, Su youyou turns around and looks at the back of nanluochen. A slight frown.

Try to ignore the point in the heart does not adapt, how to return a responsibility? Didn't you say you wouldn't like anyone?

She doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes and experience what she experienced when she was a child. She is very resistant to feelings and always thinks that she will be the same as her parents when she was a child.

It may be that nanluochen has been pestering her for a long time recently, but when he leaves, she still has some discomfort.

This habit is not good, can not develop his presence all the time.

If, that day, he suddenly tired, tired, suddenly disappeared what to do?

She didn't dare and couldn't gamble with her own feelings.

Su youyou shakes her head. She doesn't know the mind of nanluochen. What's the use of brain toning here.

She and he will never be possible.

It will be the end of the month in two days. Su youyou wants to go back to Los Angeles to see the two old people, so she wants to buy some things in the supermarket and bring them back.

Although she can't go back to see them often, she will go back to see them as soon as she has time.

Su youyou has been wandering for a long time, pushing the car and preparing to go out to check out.

Suddenly a small figure sprang up in front of her, which surprised Su youyou.

He quickly put down the cart and looked at it. But I didn't see anyone.

"Is my sister looking for me?" When Su youyou looks at the front of the puzzle, suddenly comes the crisp, soft waxy children's unique voice behind.

Su youyou turns to see a four or five-year-old girl standing next to her car.

Hair into two braids, wearing a very fairy princess skirt, bulging a bun face, eyes curiously looking at themselves, moist eyes can not help but feel good.

Su youyou looks around. There is no adult.

Su Youyou, "little sister, why are you here alone? Where are your parents? "

In such a big shopping mall, children come out alone. Aren't they afraid to get lost?

Su a drum a bun face, head to one side, looks like some angry, "I don't want dad."

"Poof!" Su youYou can't help but laugh.

The key is that the little girl, with a face full of solemnity, said she didn't want her father anymore. It was really funny.

Su looked at Su youyou one by one, "you must not laugh!"

Su Youyou, "OK, OK, OK, I don't laugh at you."

"But if you run out alone like this, your parents will be worried, and they may be anxious to find you somewhere."

Su youyou squats beside Su 11 in a soft voice.

Sue glanced aside. "He won't worry about me."

"Why, you are so cute, they must like you very much. If I can't find you now, I must be very anxious. "

Su looked at Su youyou one by one, "really?"

Su youyou nodded, "yes, you are so cute. Moreover, they all say that your daughter is a little cotton padded jacket for your parents. If you leave like this now, they have to worry about it."Su 11, "but he won't let me eat what I like. So I don't want him. He doesn't care about me at all

Su youyou asked, "what would you like to eat?"

I'd like potato chips, ice cream and ice cream. But he won't let me eat it

Su youyou is laughing at herself. If she doesn't eat these things, she doesn't like her? Don't care about her? Don't you worry about her?

As expected, it is still a child's nature.

Su youyou touches Su 11's head, "do you know why he doesn't give you these things?"

Su looked at Su youyou one by one, only thought that this elder sister was so gentle. She was different from other people at all, and her voice was good.

So Su Yi shook his head without hesitation, "I don't know."

Su youyou said, "it's not good for your health to eat these things once in a while, but you can't eat them often. Your parents are worried about your health, so they don't let you eat those things."

"Besides, they must be very anxious if you run out like this."

Hearing Su youyou say, Su's eyes are red with anxiety, "he, will he really look for me anxiously?"

Su youyou nodded, "yes."

Su youyou couldn't bear to see Su Yi look like this. "Knead Su Yi's head. Do you remember your father's and mother's phone number? Shall I call them and ask them to pick you up

"There's no mother," Su replied

Su Yiyi's voice is too small, and with some nasal sounds, Su youyou doesn't hear clearly, "hmm? What did you just say

Su Yi shook his head a little aggrieved.

But Su Yi still remembers his father's telephone number. He calls Su youyou together, and they are waiting.