Mu Qianyue looks at Lu Zeyuan adding a few strokes to the water drop shape on her book.

It's a new feeling.

Mu Qianyue liked painting when she was a child, so it was not difficult for her to draw. But what she didn't expect was that Lu Zeyuan's painting skills would be so good. It's a bit unexpected.

This water drop necklace is one of her favorite designs, but she always feels that there is something missing from it.

I'm not satisfied with this necklace all the time, but I didn't expect that Lu Zeyuan simply added a few strokes on it, which made people feel totally different.

Mu shallow moon eyes bright looking at Lu Zeyuan, as if in silent say, you are fierce.

Lu Zeyuan rubbed his head and said, "how? I'll surprise you with all this? "

Mu Qianyue nodded without hesitation. Yes, yes, you are the president of Lu's group. You can do so many things. You are just a genius.

Lu Zeyuan light explained a sentence, "when I was a child, it was interesting to see this, so I learned it for a period of time."

This is not only a period of time to learn ah. As the successor of the Lu family group and the leader of the Lu family, Lu Zeyuan didn't know how many things he had to learn when he was a child. Moreover, he had to learn everything and learn it well. He learned better than others.

Lu Zeyuan went to the bathroom to take a bath. He was lying in bed with a pen in his right hand and a book in his left hand. He looked at the pens that Lu Zeyuan had just added to her.

The teardrop shaped necklace is well painted and lifelike, and the details are well handled. People can't help but be astonished at a glance. This is why mu Qianyue likes this necklace so much.

But Lu Zeyuan added a few small diamonds to it on the outside, giving people a different feeling.

If the necklace used to be simple, generous and simple, after Lu Zeyuan's handwriting, it was gorgeous and generous, but it would not make people feel luxurious.

The more you look at the moon, the more satisfied you are.

After Lu Zeyuan came out, mu Qianyue took the book and couldn't help getting together.

Mu Qianyue's eyes looked forward to Lu Zeyuan and said, "well, do you have time now? Can you take a look at it for me? "

Lu Zeyuan looked at mu Qianyue with a smile, "are you sure you want me to show you like this?"

Mu Qianyue looks up and sees that Lu Zeyuan is only surrounded by a bath towel, who is still dripping from the soft black hair tip. At this time, the cold and hard face is not sure whether it is the cause of being moistened for a while, so it seems a little soft.

Mu shallow moon next second fierce move eyes, "you still blow hair first."

Just as soon as she saw Lu Zeyuan come out, she went to ask for advice with an open mind with a book in her arms. She knew there would be such a look.

Lu Zeyuan said, "I have seen a lot of documents today, but my hands are a little soft. It's like there's a pain in the wrist. " In the Mu shallow month quietly holding her book to the other side of the bed, behind suddenly sounded Lu Zeyuan's voice.

Mu shallow month Leng Leng Leng, wrist some pain? So you can't get a hair dryer?

Mu Qianyue quietly put the book on the bed, got up, went to the side to get the hair dryer, and asked Lu Zeyuan to come here, "come here, I'll blow it for you. In case you catch a cold. "

Lu Zeyuan strides his pair of big long legs leisurely walk past, "that is these wife adults."

Mu shallow month touched his face, some fever, eyes also some erratic.

This person is talking about these love words, it is just a slip, let a person some irresistible ah.

Fortunately, the sound of the hair dryer is a little loud, which successfully rescued Mu shallow moon's embarrassment at this time.

What muqianyue doesn't know is that beside them is a big mirror. Lu Zeyuan only needs to turn his head slightly to see the scene of the two people at this time.

Just bathed in shallow moon blushes to cover the face, and some at a loss appearance all by him income eye.

Mu Qianyue puts his hand on Lu Zeyuan's hair, which is soft and smooth, like the best silk, which makes people feel reluctant to let go.

Mu shallow month silently thought, as a man, how can the hair be so good.

The focus of Lu Zeyuan and mu Qianyue is obviously not on one channel.

A pair of soft and boneless hands were inserted into Lu Zeyuan's head, which made Lu Zeyuan relax and close his eyes comfortably.

After blowing her hair, mu Qianyue stops Lu Zeyuan, and they sit on one side. Lu Zeyuan quietly tells mu Qianyue that there are shortcomings in her paintings, and that they need to be improved and that they are very good.

Extra patience.

And Mu shallow month also listens with relish in one side.

If Cheng Ling sees this scene here at this time, his chin will fall to the ground there.

This, this, this

Will such a patient person be the president of his family?

The president is not always simple and rude, to the point that the problem is good?It's going to be like this, with patient explanations.

Lu Zeyuan's voice is deep, steady and with a trace of magnetism. At this time, he gives a low explanation to Mu Qianyue. His voice is like a cello.

The details are too important for the design. Of course, you don't pay too much attention to the details. The most important thing is that you don't pay too much attention to the details

In Nuo Da's bedroom, Lu Zeyuan's orderly, low magnetic voice sounded. Although it seemed to be lecturing, it would not make people feel particularly boring.

Lu Zeyuan said for a while. Mu Qianyue, next to him, did not make a sound. When he looked at him with calm eyes, his shoulder suddenly became heavy. He saw mu Qianyue. He did not know when his eyes had been closed and made a subtle breath.

Today, mu Qianyue was very tired. First of all, she went to the company to report. Everyone thought she came in by the back door. She tried her best to explain it. Then she was convinced. In the afternoon, she was confronted with difficulties. In addition, she heard some things about Lu Zeyuan and Feng Rusong. It's good to just be able to listen to Lu Zeyuan for such a long time.

Lu Zeyuan looks at mu Qianyue's quiet sleeping face and seems to smile. He puts the things on his hand beside him, so that she can have a good sleep.

Mu Qianyue grabs Lu Zeyuan's clothes, "no, don't like the wind like a song..."

Lu Zeyuan didn't hear clearly at the beginning. He approached mu Qianyue and listened carefully for a while before he could understand what Mu was saying.