I also want to see the president. I'm afraid it's not a dream!

Kidnapped Miss mu, but also let Miss Mu suffer such a heavy injury! Li Zhe's life can only be spent in prison.


Mu Xuerou has always wanted to seduce Lu Zeyuan. She has never stopped. How can such a perfect and beautiful man be mu shallow moon!

If she can rob Luoyang from muqianyue, she must be able to rob Lu Zeyuan from muqianyue.

Mu Xuerou's confidence in herself is not so great.

It's conceited.

However, mu Xuerou feels uncomfortable recently. She wants to sleep all day long. Moreover, she has a good appetite and eats a lot.

This is not a good thing for mu Xuerou, because she wants to keep her perfect figure!

Mu Xuerou comes to the door of the hospital and frowns. Suddenly, she feels that she has a bad premonition.

This situation has lasted for almost a month, and her menstruation has not come for two months. At first, she thought that she was too tired. After all, recently, she was busy with the affairs of Luo family and Lu Zeyuan.

But two months did not come menstruation, mu Xuerou suddenly some fear, can not help but come to the hospital for examination.

She has seen a paragraph on the Internet before, and she looks like this, it is likely that she is pregnant.

So she came to the hospital for examination with all her friends without telling her family.

"19, muxuerou."

Inside suddenly called mu Xuerou's name.

Mu Xuerou clenched the number plate in her hand and went in.

Inside was a doctor. She was a woman. She looked like she was in her thirties. She looked very serious.

Take a look at mu Xuerou and ask, "name."

"Soft snow."


"22 years old."


"Recently, I've been pregnant for two months. Have you ever been sleepy

Mu Xuerou suddenly looked at the doctor and asked anxiously.

Female doctor looked at mu Xuerou one eye, "it is likely to be pregnant, but the specific or to do a careful examination."

The doctor gave the list to Mu Xuerou, "it's on the side. Turn left. It's fast."

"OK, next, Li Xing, 20."

"Yes, thank you, doctor."

Mu Xuerou pinched the paper and went to the side.

Although the doctor is not sure, but mu Xuerou knows that this must be very important.

Her so many symptoms are very consistent, and before she came, she also went to the Internet to check some of the characteristics of pregnancy.

Mu snow soft tightly grasp the things on the hand.

In the heart cannot help but think, so once, how can be pregnant?

What if you are pregnant?

If it is before, she will certainly leave this child, and will take good care of her, in the bath around the moon constantly around, show off.

But now, thinking of that man, mu Xuerou bit her lip, she still decided to knock it off!

The task is very simple, that is, you lie on it, expose your stomach, and then do a B-ultrasound.

Doctor, "Congratulations, you're pregnant. It's been 10 weeks now."

Mu Xuerou thought, over, really pregnant.

Mu Xuerou, "I want to ask, can this child be killed?"

Doctor, "what? You're going to kill this kid? Why? This kid is so cute. It's a pity to knock them out. "

Next to an elderly doctor looking at mu Xuerou, the meaning in his eyes is self-evident.

Obviously, mu Xuerou is regarded as a woman with no self-esteem and self love.

Ask the world, there is a mother who is about to become a mother. When he hears that he is pregnant, the first thing he does is not surprise or surprise, but whether he can kill the child.

This world, how can such a cold hearted woman ah.

Mu Xuerou sees that kind of look in the eyes, is originally a daughter. No one has ever seen her with this kind of eyes. How can she not be angry, "what kind of eyes are you looking at? This is my child, I want it! Don't want it! What does it have to do with you! Just a doctor! What do you think you are? The Savior? "

Old doctor, "you..."

Mu Xuerou said, "what are you? Don't I say that? As a doctor, it's good to be a good doctor. There's no need to be so nosy

Mu Xuerou finish saying, it is anger can't rest, turn around and leave in anger.

The old doctor looked at mu Xuerou's back, gasping constantly, "listen to what she said! How could she do this! For her good, she said that to me! I'm so angryNext to the doctor comforted, "OK, OK, these women are not like this now? Don't be angry. Anyway, they're right. It's their own children, and they're hurting their own bodies. If they don't want to listen, we won't do such thankless things. "

In this way, the older doctor felt a little better.

However, I was still a little angry and sighed, "Oh, girls now..."

But the doctor next to him shook his head.

The old doctor used to be like the girl just now. When he was young, he was not afraid of anything, as if he didn't pay attention to anything.

I had a pregnancy, but later, because I was not sensible when I was young, I had several pregnancies, and I couldn't get pregnant. I regretted all my life. So when I saw the woman who said she wanted to give up her baby, I couldn't help saying a little more.

Mu Xue Rou's face is not good. She comes out of the gynecology department. The whole person is not good. Her face is ugly.

This child is her. She wants it and she doesn't want it. It's her own business. A doctor is responsible for it.

Mu Qianyue stands on the fifth floor, where you can see the first floor very clearly. After so many years in Kyoto, she didn't even know that there was such a hospital in Kyoto.

It's decorated well, gorgeous and generous. It doesn't look like a hospital at all. If it wasn't for the smell of disinfectant in the hospital, muqianyue might have thought it was a villa.

Mu shallow moon eyes down side Piao, suddenly saw a little familiar figure, Mu shallow moon slightly stood straight body.

Mu Xuerou some flustered from a place, face so ugly, can see the door of the hospital.

Mu shallow moon is absolutely not wrong, two people have lived together for such a long time, even if it is ash, Mu shallow moon also know mu Xuerou.

However, Mu shallow month frowned, what did she come to the hospital for?