Seeing Su Yi looking at nanluochen curiously, Su youyou smiles, pulls Su 11 and introduces Su 11 to Su 11. "This is my sister's friend. You can call him Uncle Chen."

Su looked at nanluochen one by one, with a smile on her face. She was particularly naive and lovely, "Hello Uncle Chen."

Nanluo morning looked at Su Yi, heart, this little bit is still very clever, look at her so clever face, don't care about the things that entangle Su you you.

Nanluochen's idea just came out of his head. Who knows the next second, Su looked at nanluochen innocently and said something that made his face suddenly black.

I saw Su one one slanting his head, big eyes looking at nanluochen, "Uncle Chen, you are beautiful, more beautiful than dad, I like you so much!"

Su youyou took a look at nanluochen's face and said, "Pooh." A, laugh out.

Nanluochen's face was not so ugly. Now he decided to withdraw his words!

This little one is not clever at all!

Looking at nanluochen's ugly face, Su Yi suddenly felt a little unhappy. She pulled a face and said to Su Youyou, "sister, did I say something wrong? Uncle Chen looks a little unhappy

Said, and looked at nanluochen, the small steamed bun face is all serious, "morning uncle, I'm sorry, I don't know what I said, let you angry, really sorry."

Su youyou is a little distressed by Su Yi's appearance. She is a child. Moreover, nanluochen is very good-looking, which can't be said.

Su youyou stares at nanluochen. When he comes, he makes them look like they are now.

Su youyou comforted, "it's OK. Your Uncle Chen is not angry. That's what he looks like. You don't have to pay attention to him. "

Nanluochen is innocent. He didn't say anything, OK? What's going on? How innocent he is!

Su Yi, "really? Uncle Chen, aren't you angry? That's great. I like you one by one. "

Nanluochen thought that the other side was just a child. Maybe he didn't know anything and didn't care about it. "It's OK."

Su Yiyi saw a bunch of beautiful roses in nanluochen's hand.

As Su Jinyan's daughter, Su Jinyan's pursuers are many, moreover, Su 11 is not stupid, even a little ancient spirit.

Although I don't know what nanluochen's look at Su youyou represents, she has seen her father look at her sister in this way.

What's more, the rose can't be sent casually.

Su eleven's small eyes turn, if it is Su Jinyan here, you will know that this little girl must be playing some ghost idea.

Sure enough, Su looked at nanluochen sweetly, "Uncle Chen, what flowers are you holding in your hand? It's so beautiful. You haven't seen such a beautiful flower yet. Can you give it to one? "

When nanluo saw Su staring at himself, he felt that something bad had happened.

Nanluochen refused if he didn't want to think about it. "No, this is for you. I can't give it to you."

Then he thought, "if you want, I'll buy it for you again. I can't give you this one."

Su eleven wronged turn his head, "but this is really beautiful, since the morning brother is for sister, then give it to sister."

Su youyou holds a bunch of roses from nanluo morning's arms and puts them in Su 11's arms.

Nanluochen was staring at Su youyou's series of things, "youyou..." I gave it to you.

How can you give it to someone like this.

Nanluochen's words were interrupted by Su youyou before he finished. "Since you gave it to me, it's mine. Now I give it to you. Do you have any opinion?"

Nanchen Of course, there are opinions, big opinions!

This little one is running out here to make a mess!

Seeing Su youyou's eyes, nanluochen how dare to say that he has any opinions, "No."

Su 11, "sister, one just want one, the rest to sister, this is the morning brother gave sister, one can not take!"

One by one, looking at Su Youyou, serious way.

Su youyou touched Su 11's head, "one, you are really good."

They completely ignored nanluochen.

Su Youyou, "you sit here first, I'll cut some fruit for you."

Sue one, "OK."

Nanluochen, "Youyou, I'll help you."

Su Youyou, "no, you are here to accompany one by one."

When Su youyou enters the kitchen, Nan Luochen and Su one stare at each other.

Who is this man? How do you feel good with your sister?

Nanluochen, "little, where are your parents?"

Su 11, "my father went out on business, so he left me with my sister.""And when will you leave?"

Su 11, "I don't know. When will my father come to pick me up, but I like my sister so much that I can't bear my sister."

Nanluochen asked several questions later, and Su answered them cleverly. However, she never mentioned her mother, but she always talked about her father.

Nanluochen had a bad feeling in his heart, "your father?"

Sue nodded smartly. "Yes, my dad."

Nanluochen, "what about your mother?"

"I don't have a mother."


Can you say that friend Su youyou said is a man!!

Nanluochen wants to ask what else, Su youyou comes out with a plate of fruit.

Seeing that they get along well, Su youyou casually asked, "what are you talking about?"

Su ran to her, "sister, we're talking about Dad. Uncle Chen asked when my father would pick me up

I don't know why. When Su youyou looked at her in the eyes, nanluochen felt guilty.

However, his heart was empty.

Su Youyou, "OK, come and eat the fruit."

In the back, no matter what Su youyou wants to do, Su Yiyi follows Su youyou. Nanluochen and Su youyou have no chance to get along with each other at all.

Nanluochen a little irritable, if once or twice said is accidental, then so many times is intentional!

Thinking of the father that Su Yiyi said, he must be interested in Su youyou.

He doesn't look at himself. A daughter is three or four years old and dares to pursue youyou. Youyou won't agree, and my sister-in-law won't agree.

Nanluochen's mind suddenly flashed, yes, my sister-in-law, I'm so precious and you won't let you stay with that man.