Luoyang thought, mu Qianyue's heart should still have him, otherwise, how could he be so targeted at mu Xuerou, and after hearing that mu Xuerou had his child in his stomach, he would have done such a thing.

Luoyang looks at Mu shallow moon's face, think is, before Mu shallow moon is how kind, how understanding, how now become like this?

I don't know why, when mu Qianyue treats mu Xuerou like this, Luoyang still has a fantasy in her heart. Should she still have her own?

Otherwise, why would you treat mu Xuerou like this after hearing that she is pregnant.

Luoyang thought that he knew the love of Mu Qianyue, but he thought of muxuerou lying in bed. After all, muxuerou had the upper hand.

If Mu Qianyue heard what Luoyang thought at this time, he would not laugh at Luoyang.

She did not say anything, and these things have not been found out, all mu Xuerou's one-sided words, they believe it?

Because at the beginning, there was only her bath shallow moon and Mu snow soft?

I don't think about it with my own brain.

You feel proud to be coaxed around by a woman like this? Yeah?

That's what happens to some people's brain circuits.

Mu Qianyue didn't expect what Luoyang would do to her.

On the contrary, Luoyang's voice softened a little, "shallow moon, now there are some voices that are not good for you on the Internet. You'd better go and apologize to Xue judo. I'll try my best to let uncle Mu and my mother not do so absolutely."

Mu shallow month pick eyebrow, she said, how online reaction so big, originally is mu family and Luo family two people joined hands, to deal with her?

She bathes shallowly, how can he de, unexpectedly can let these two families unite to deal with her, is too look up to her?

Mu Qianyue said, "so, you do everything online? That's how I'm doing these things? " Mu shallow month's heart can not say the desolation.

Not for herself, not for Luoyang, but for the child. Mu Xuerou wants to be a higher and better person, so even her own children can be treated like this.

Luoyang frowned, some dissatisfied with the attitude of Mu Qianyue, "when Xuerou saw the news on the Internet, she worried about you for the first time. I was afraid that you would be affected by those things on the Internet. Let me come to you specially. Would you put down your body and apologize to Xue Judo? In this way, you won't have the voice that is harmful to you on the Internet. "

Mu shallow moon did not speak.

As long as she apologizes to Mu Xuerou, the voice on the Internet will be gone?

What if she was a three-year-old?

I don't think about authenticity when I say these words.

What's more, muxuerou is really for her good? What rumors on the Internet, she is not a person on the rumors, and Mu snow soft Luoyang.

Thinking of Mu Xuerou's words, mu Qianyue's eyes flashed. She thought, she knew the reason why mu Xuerou did it.

Didn't she want to marry into the Lu family?

But how could the Lu family let a pregnant woman marry into the Lu family?

So mu Xuerou is hiding herself as much as possible?

Well, that's a good idea.

If she had not heard mu Xuerou's words, maybe she didn't know it now.

Mu Xuerou's heart is also quite big.

If you want to have both fish and bear's paw, don't you dare to support yourself to death?

Murou said a few words in her heart, and she thought it was good to see her again.

Mu shallow month listen to straight want to retch.

However, anyway, muxue soft, she is in a hospital, and today no one to pick her up, free cars do not sit.

Such a thought, Mu shallow month is much more at ease.

Take a look at Luoyang, "let's go."

Luoyang hastened to follow.

See Mu shallow moon's attitude a little bit loose, Luoyang continues to make efforts, he also does not want to see Mu shallow moon like this, be sued by them.

After all, he still has her in his heart

Luoyang, "shallow moon, you can rest assured, I will try to persuade them to withdraw the lawsuit, will not let you suffer any harm!" Luoyang said it was a promise.

Mu shallow moon skin smile meat does not smile way, "that I really thank you ah."

First of all, mu Qianyue is protected by Lu Zeyuan. What is his Luoyang.

There was no word along the way.

Mu Qianyue has nothing to say about Luoyang.

Mu shallow moon and Mu want to talk to each other.

Moreover, to oneself is also cold light.

Although Luoyang can't compare with Lu Zeyuan, he was also the favored son of heaven since he was a child. When did he put his face down to a woman and said a few words, he saw that mu Qianyue was like this, and Luoyang did not speak any more.Until arrived at the hospital, Mu shallow month gets off to want to leave.

The air with him in Luoyang is really bad.

Luoyang just stopped the car, saw Mu shallow moon to the opposite direction to leave.

Immediately after, but also did not have much complaint, just think Mu shallow moon don't know where Mu snow soft is just, "shallow moon, snow soft here." Luoyang wants to take a bath in the moon.

Mu shallow month's eye is quick to avoid, looking at Luoyang, smile rather than smile, "who said I want to see Mu snow Rou?"

Luoyang silly eye, lenglengleng looked at this kind of Mu shallow moon, seems to have never thought that she would say such words.

Luoyang, "how can you do this? You just promised me!"

"What's more, Xuerou is thinking about you wholeheartedly. How can you treat her like this? Are you right about Xuerou? "

Mu shallow month sneers, "why am I sorry for her?"

Mu Xuerou is desperate to let the child run away. She tries her best to let the child stay. She is pushed by mu Xuerou, and her head slams into the wall. She falls into a concussion. Now her head is still in the pain of pumping!

She's sorry she's soft?

Who is sorry for whom?

Luoyang, "you get rid of the child in Xue Rou's stomach, don't you have a little guilty psychology? What is your heart made of? How could it be so hard? "

Mu shallow month already some impatience, the head faintly painful. But where is Luoyang? It's always said, always said, and never stopped! It's just annoying!

Mu Qianyue doesn't know if he has a whim in his mind. He actually agrees to Luoyang to see mu Xuerou.

Mu shallow month, "OK, shut up, I'll go."

Mu shallow month that six words fall, Luoyang banned voice, Mu shallow moon also did not speak.

Mu Qianyue followed Luoyang like this.

Although muqianyue knows that muxuerou is in the same hospital, she still doesn't know where muxuerou lives.