Luoyang see Mu shallow moon out, busy asked, "how are you chatting?"

Because the sound insulation effect in the room is very good, so there is no scruples when you talk about the soft snow and shallow moon. In fact, Luoyang can't eavesdrop on the two of them.

Mu shallow month looks at Luoyang to worry about the appearance, "you go in to have a look not to know?"

With that, he left without a chance to see what Luoyang was like.

Anyway, he won't listen to what she says now. As long as mu Xuerou blows the wind in his ear, who should listen to? Isn't he making a decision?

What a fool!

Luoyang looked at Mu shallow moon's back, frowned, only a few seconds, and then entered the ward.

As soon as I entered the ward, I was frightened by the way mu Xuerou looked.

Mu Xuerou's face was pale, and she was half lying on the hospital bed. The whole person seemed to have no consciousness. Her eyes were somewhat lax.

All of a sudden let Luoyang's heart soften, came to Mu Xuerou's side, soft voice way, "snow soft, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me

Mu snow soft eyes moved, see is Luoyang, suddenly fell Luoyang's arms, voice aggrieved called a, "brother Luo."

Luoyang hold mu Xuerou, let muxuerou lie in his arms, "what's the matter? You speak slowly. Did mu Qianyue say something to you? "

Mu Xuerou looked at Luoyang with tears in her eyes. "Elder sister, my sister said that I didn't care about her affairs. I was for her good. I didn't want to let her reputation be so bad. However, her sister..."

"She also said that it was the child who deserved to come to the world without any good fortune Brother Luo... "

Mu Xuerou cried bitterly.

Luoyang claps Mu snow soft back, soft voice comfort way. I don't know how long, muxuerou just fell asleep in the arms of Luoyang.

After mu Xuerou sleeps over, Luoyang is a little angry. Even he doesn't know what he is angry with.

It is Qi Mu shallow moon does not care about his reputation at all, or Qi Mu shallow moon does all these things to Mu Xuerou.

Did not think much, the mobile phone toward Mu shallow month's telephone dial out.

Mu shallow month is here can not find the way out, see someone called, although it is Luoyang, Mu shallow moon also received.

Mu shallow moon, "hello?"

Luoyang, "where are you now?"

Mu shallow month looks at familiar place, pursed lips, "Mu snow soft ward outside."

This is Lu Chi's sorrow, she found that she could not find the way!

I don't know how to get out!

What does that make her do?

She is also very helpless!

Luoyang, "where are you waiting for me?"

Luoyang then hung up the phone and ran outside the ward.

Mu Qianyue is sitting there quietly, playing with his mobile phone. He looks like a abandoned dog who can't find his way home.

Mu shallow month saw Luoyang, in Luoyang has not spoken when a step to open a way, "you can send me out first? I can't find my way. "

Luoyang frowned, this just remembered, Mu shallow month has always been a road crazy, really do not know the road.

Luoyang, "why did you treat Xuerou like this? Why is Xuerou single-minded? Hello, even if you are ungrateful, you can't treat Xuerou like this! "

Mu shallow moon helpless.

Looking at this, it must be mu Xuerou again. She doesn't know what she said in her ear.

Anyway, now she said what he did not believe, but was mu Xuerou to play around.

Mu shallow moon really has some doubts, how did he like Luoyang before?

Mu shallow month, "how did I treat mu Xuerou just now? What did she tell you? What do you believe in what she says? What if I said I didn't do that to her? " Mu Qianyue looks at Luoyang's eyes and looks straight at the way.

Luoyang suddenly seemed to be stabbed by something, and looked away.

Thinking of Mu Xuerou on the hospital bed, Luoyang subconsciously said, "no, Xue Rou won't cheat me."

Bathe shallow moon, "Oh!"

Mu shallow month finish to want to leave.

Forget it, I'd better go out and try my luck. Maybe I'll go out later.

Mu shallow month just turned around, was held by Luoyang arm, hand strength some big, Mu shallow moon slightly frowned, "what do you want to do? Let go

Luoyang see Mu shallow moon this appearance, just in the mouth words, unconsciously changed into, "you don't let me send you out? If I have time now, I'll take you out first. "

Mu shallow month fierce wave Luoyang's hand, indifferent way, "no need."

But Luoyang looks at Mu shallow moon's back, for a long time can't return to God.

That kind of cold and merciless eyes, he is the first time in the eyes of the moon.……

But fortunately, mu Qianyue has been wandering outside for more than half an hour and finally found his own ward.

I don't know if Lu Zeyuan specially ordered someone to deliver the meal at seven o'clock on time, and it was still rich in three dishes and one soup, but Lu Zeyuan's figure was not seen.

Mu shallow month after eating a meal to rest for a while to wash, and then lie in bed looking at the news about her on the Internet.

It has to be said that Mu family and Luo family really want to force her to the dead end this time.

All the news on the Internet all had a negative impact on her, saying that she was so kind that she couldn't let go of her sister's baby.

It is inevitable that some water troops are in it. Otherwise, with these alone, how can the moon be so "hot."

If that day she did not see mu Xuerou's abnormality and recorded the sound, then she met such a thing, she was really finished.

After reading the online evaluation for a while, mu Qianyue brushes her microblog for a while, and then feels sleepy.

It is already nine o'clock at this time, and Lu Zeyuan has not come back.

This is the first time that Lu Zeyuan has come back so late since their marriage.

Mu shallow month can not help sleepy attack, lying in the hospital bed, the room to air conditioning, neither cold nor hot, Mu shallow on the body covered with a thin quilt.

I don't know if there is no reason why Lu Zeyuan is there, or what is going on. Mu Qianyue frowns slightly, and the whole person seems to be sleeping uneasily.

When Lu Zeyuan came back, it was already more than 12 o'clock in the evening. There was a party he had to go to today, so he told Cheng Ling in advance and asked Cheng Ling to send mu Qianyue back so that mu Qianyue would not have to wait for him.

Who knows Cheng Ling didn't send mu Qianyue back, but let her come back by herself. Lu Zeyuan couldn't rest assured. He stayed at the party for a while and then left. Although he wanted to leave, who would let him leave so easily? So when he came back, it was still so late.