Mu Luo Chen, "I remember I said to you, let you not look for the trouble of shallow moon, but you? Take my words for granted? "

Mu Luo Chen sinks face for the first time to talk to Mu Xuerou.

This time muxuerou is really doing too much! Don't say it's mu Qianyue. Even he can't forgive mu Xuerou.

Mu Luochen, "do you know what you are doing now? That's a child! A living evil child! You killed me like this, and you want to put the blame on shallow moon? Mu Xuerou, when did your heart become like this? Well? "

"Speak up!"

Even mu Xuerou himself is not clear, why he will be so targeted at Mu shallow moon.

Anyway, she didn't like it when she saw the moon at first sight. She thought she could give her a big threat.

Yes, that's right. It's a threat.

Although mu Qianyue was dirty when she first came to their house, she took a bath and changed into a clean and beautiful dress, which was even more beautiful than her.

Besides, nothing is worse than her.

Mu Xuerou doesn't know whether she is jealous or what from the beginning.

All she knew was that she couldn't get used to Mu shallow moon, so she wanted to find some trouble for him.

I was fine when I was a child, but the older I grew up, the stronger my jealousy was. I could even do these things.

Now think about it, mu Xuerou doesn't even know that she's grown up so big. In the end, she has done something well. It seems that she has been aiming at mu Qianyue.

Heavy hands on the coffee table.

"Dong." The sound of a, call back Mu snow soft thoughts.

Looking at Mu Luo Chen, whose face was ugly in front of him, his eyes were red and red, "brother, I know I'm wrong. Can you help me again?". I promise that I won't go to muqianyue in the future. I won't go to see muqianyue in the future, OK

Mu Xuerou begged the way.

She knows that the only way to let Mu shallow moon let her go is mu Luo Chen.

Because, at the beginning of the Mu family, only mu Luochen was very good to mu, and the relationship between them was also very good.

Now, also only mu Luo Chen's words, Mu shallow moon can hear in a few words?

Mu Luochen sighed.

Mu Xuerou has always been arrogant since she was a child. She will try her best to get what she wants.

I don't know when to start, like to aim at Mu shallow moon.

He has always hoped that the two people can get along well, but they are just like enemies, saying that they are easy to get along with is just a fool's dream.

Now mu Xuerou looks like this. The whole person can't see the style before. Her eyes are red and swollen, and her makeup on her face is also some flowered. This time, maybe you really know what's wrong?

After all, it is his sister. How can mu Luochen not help her?

Mu Luo Chen took out a paper towel and wiped the tears on mu Xuerou's face, "OK, I promise you, go and talk to the shallow moon. But I'm not sure how shallow moon decided, because you really went too far this time! If the moon can't forgive you, I can't help it

Mu snow soft repeatedly nodded, "OK, thank you brother, you just need to talk with Mu shallow moon."

In fact, mu Xuerou knows in her heart that if it's mu Luochen and mu Qianyue, she will agree.

I don't know why, muxuerou is special duding.

Even she didn't know where her own share came from.

After seeing off mu Xuerou, mu Luochen rubbed his temple and found that what documents could not be read any more.

Take out his mobile phone, to Mu shallow month sent a message.


I have to say that Lu Zeyuan's action is really fast.

After asking your lawyer Xu to get the recording, less than a day later, when the recording burst out, the wind on the Internet changed inexplicably.

People can't defend themselves!

It's like, it's refreshing people's world outlook.

The recording was sent out by an anonymous person. There was no extra words written on it. It was just a simple sentence. After listening to this recording, we will know what the truth is.

See this paragraph, many people are unable to control their curiosity, point in.

As a result

I am cute: "I wipe, this is really a big news! The woman who said that her child was lost by her sister is not a human being! In order to be on the top and climb up the high branch, she killed her own child by this means. How could this woman be cruel? "

"The so-called" know the people know the face but not the heart, I said, when the video was released, so many people on the Internet were scolding the elder sister and saying how poor the woman was. But for so long, the elder sister never came out and said a word. There must be a conspiracy in it. Didn't expect retribution to come so fast? Is that sister beaten in the face? Disgusting and vicious womanWhite tea Qinghuan: "that woman is not a person! Their own children can do it! And set up his sister! If we didn't have this recording, I'm afraid we would all be in it. "

Xiaoxiaoxiao: "1"

first floor "+ 1"

second floor "+ 2"

third floor "+ 10086"

At the beginning, both the Luo family and the Mu family invited the water army, otherwise, this matter would not be so famous, let so many people know.

But now.

Mother Luo has already known what kind of person mu Xuerou is and will not help mu Xuerou any more.

And Su Yu doesn't know yet.

So, this time and that time, who used to say Mu shallow moon, said how cruel, now scold mu Xuerou, scold how hard!

After all, killing one's own child with one's own hands is more hateful than killing that child by others!

When mu Qianyue came to the company, well, fortunately, the eyes of those people who looked at her at noon were not like before.

Even, it seems, there is still some fear?

Of course!

When the news broke out on the Internet at the beginning, they all agreed that it was done by mu Qianyue. Originally, they thought it was fixed on the iron plate. However, it was unexpected that there was a big reversal.

Mu Qianyue will not pay attention to their eyes. Now that the matter has been solved, she is relieved.

It's just.

Mu shallow month looks to block oneself, persistent want an answer Ye Yiyi, some headache.

"You said, did you keep your hand for a long time? No wonder you didn't panic when I asked you last time. You worried me for so long. Do you know how much I worried about you?"