At the same time, nanluo morning's angry voice sounded, "Su you, shut up!"

Yes, he used to be a lot of women, but those were just for fun! It's just what you want me to do!

However, he never thought to treat her like this!

How could she say such a disparaging remark about herself.

Nanluochen is very angry now, not for anything else, but because of what Su youyou said. How can she say that about herself.

What's more, she called him chenshao? She called him chenshao?

He was so angry!

Su youyou's eyes trembled, pursed her lips, and did not speak.

Nanluochen moved Su youyou's head to himself and looked at Su youyou's eyes. "Youyou, tell me what you just said is angry, isn't it serious?"

Su youyou looks at nanluochen's eyes. At this time, nanluochen looks at Su youyou. His eyes are full of seriousness and even some expectations.

Su youyou moved away from his eyes. "No, what I just said was my sincere words, so..."

"Su you, you look into my eyes and talk! What you just said is not true, right? "

Su youyou looked at nanluochen's eyes. "No, what I just said is true, so Chen Shao, you can leave now."

Is this the order to leave?

Nanluochen pinched Su youyou's chin and said word by word, "Su Youyou, you are really good!"

Nanluochen said, let go of Su youyou's hand, and then left.

"Bang." The sound of closing the door was very loud.

Su youyou's eyes tremble. After knowing that nanluochen has left here completely, Su youyou dare to look up at the figure that nanluochen has just left.

After nanluochen left, Su youyou suddenly hugged herself and began to cry.

Where there is just that strong look.

Now she's all alone. She's the only one left. They're all gone.

Su youyou went back to Los Angeles because she went back to visit two old people.

Who knows, but gave her a fatal blow.

When she returned to Los Angeles, there was no one in her family. She thought that they were all out on business, but she did not wait for them to come back when it was dark.

Su youyou finds out something is wrong. What's more, some of her neighbors look at her as if they have something to say to her. But when she looks at her, she looks like she wants to talk.

At first, Su youyou didn't notice so much. Later, when the two old people didn't come back, she panicked and asked the neighborhood leaders nearby.

At the beginning, when Su youyou asked them, they still hesitated and did not speak. Su youyou realized that something was wrong and asked them.

Finally, they told her that her grandparents had died a month ago.

Uncle Su and grandma Su have never had any serious illness in their lives, and they are so old now, so this time the disease is coming fiercely, and no one expected it.

As if they knew what they were going to experience, they told them not to inform Su youyou. She is very busy in Kyoto now, so she can't hide it later, and then tell Su youyou.

When hearing what neighbors say, Su youyou's first reaction is not to believe it. How can it be?

Some time ago, they were all fine in Kyoto. How could they be like this when they came back?

If she knew that, she would not have let them come back.

Later, Su youyou lived in Los Angeles for a few days, and then went back to Kyoto.

Nanluochen opens the door to see such a picture. Su youyou is holding her knees on the bed and burying her head in it. She is crying bitterly.

Nanluochen can't tell what it's like to have a relationship with him. Is it so unacceptable?

Nanluochen put the breakfast bought in front of Su Youyou, "Youyou, eat something first."

Su youyou raised his head and looked at nanluochen, "didn't you go?"

At this time, Su youyou's whole eyes are red, eyes are a little red, and, with tears on his face, there is also a trace of scarlet, looks very poor.

Nanluochen sighed and came to Su youyou. "Have you forgotten what I said last night? Anyway, you still have me. You are not alone


She's not alone?

Can she really believe him?

Su youyou feels confused and helpless.

She didn't know what to do.

Father, mother that failed marriage, gave her a lot of shadow, so, she subconsciously against this feeling.

However, she found that she did not dislike nanluochen.

Nanluochen is very happy when she is in front of her every day. She has never found out before.But when nanluochen is not by her side, she sometimes doesn't even know what she is missing.

See Su you you some Leng Shen, eyes empty, do not know what is thinking.

Nanluochen slowly moved to Su youyou's face and held Su youyou's hand. "Youyou, I know I used to be very bad and scum, but I can promise you that I will never be like this in the future. Will you give me a chance

Nanluochen said it sincerely and seriously.

Su youyou looks at nanluochen's eyes and nods slowly.

Forget it. She'll indulge herself once.


If, really, he betrayed her, then just leave quietly.

Seeing Su youyou nodding, nanluochen still had some meaning that he couldn't return to God. "You agreed, didn't you? Did you agree? "

Su youYou can't help but smile at nanluochen's appearance.


"That's great, yo yo. We'll be boyfriend and girlfriend in the future."

Nanluochen was so excited that he wanted to roll around in the same place.

Nanluochen brought the breakfast she bought back to Su Youyou, and fed her with a spoon. "Come on, Youyou, slow down. Be careful."

Su youyou is not good together. "I'll do it myself."

Nanluochen, "no, you just let me feed you."

Su youyou has no choice but to let nanluochen feed her.

Two people eat to eat, do not know when to change the flavor, start you a mouthful, I a mouthful.

Su youyou has the same idea as mu Qianyue. When he looks at nanluochen and eats his spoon, his expression is a little subtle. Doesn't he feel sick?

I have to say that Su youyou and mu Qianyue are really good girlfriends, and they can all think of one another.

Fortunately, nanluochen doesn't know what Su youyou is thinking.