Su Yu now only hates why he didn't listen to Mu Xuerou's words at that time and explained it to Mu Zhengtao in advance. Now, things have become like this. The people of Mu family all know that mu Qianyue is not a member of Mu family any more, but mu Zhengtao is alone in the dark.

Su Yu, "there may be some Don't get angry when I tell you later

Mu Zhengtao is a little impatient. What happened today is enough to make him tired. Now he comes back to this situation, "if there is anything, please tell me quickly. What are you doing slowly?"

Su Yu, "is, I want to say is, Mu shallow month, she is not our Mu family now."

At the beginning, mu Zhengtao didn't care much when mu Luochen said so, because mu Luochen just came back from abroad. He didn't see the figure of Mu Qianyue in Mu's home. He thought that mu Qianyue was no longer a member of Mu family, which is justifiable.

But what does Su Yu mean now?

What is mu shallow moon now is not their Mu family's person?

She's not from the Mu family. Where is she from?

He would also like to think that if that person is really so good to Mu Qianyue, he would not mind playing family card, so that Mu family and Lu family get involved.

As long as there is a little bit of relationship, then their Mu family will have a relationship with the Lu family. Who will not give them some face at that time.

Mu light even let Mu light the dream of his home is not to destroy it?

Mu Zhengtao asked in a deep voice, "what's going on in the end? You can make it clear."

Seeing mu Zhengtao like this, Su Yu called out in secret that he was terrible.

But we have to explain. If we don't explain it now, it will be even more difficult to explain in the future.

"Last time, didn't you let mu Qianyue go on a blind date? Mu Qianyue made a request, that is, after she went to the blind date this time, she said that she had no relationship with the Mu family and asked me to give her her her account book. At that time, I thought she just mentioned it casually, so I agreed. Who knows mu Qianyue actually recorded the voice... "

Mu Zhengtao, "so, at last, you gave her the account book? Admit she's not a Mujia? "

Su Yu nodded. "At that time, I didn't expect that she would climb such a high branch. She was just a girl adopted by our Mu family. Who knew she would have such great ability..."

Mu Zhengtao, "it's ridiculous! Why didn't you tell me about it? Tell me now? "

Su Yu, "aren't you very busy at that time? I thought it was not a big thing, so I didn't tell you... "

Su Yu's voice became smaller and smaller as mu Zhengtao's face became more and more ugly.

Mu Zhengtao, "it's just the benevolence of a woman. It's not enough to succeed, but more than to be defeated!"

Su Yu was wronged by mu Zhengtao's saying, "I didn't know that mu Qianyue would be like this at that time..."

If she had known that mu Qianyue would have the present scenery, she would not let mu Qianyue leave Mu's home at that time.

Mu Zhengtao, "what's the use of saying these now? Get something ready. We'll see her sometime. After all, how can we say that it doesn't matter if it has been raised for so many years? Maybe she was just angry

When Su Yu heard mu Zhengtao's words, his eyes suddenly brightened, right.

Mu Qianyue has lived in Mu's home for so many years. How can he say that he will leave immediately. Perhaps at that time just said angry words, now they Mu family to Mu shallow month a step down, Mu shallow moon must also be happy down.

What's more, she doesn't think about the identity of the Lu family.

She is an orphan. How can she enter the Mu family, even though Lu Zeyuan is in love with her?

It's impossible for Lu Zeyuan to love her, or even fight against the people of the Lu family for her?

They are good or bad, no matter how bad they are, they have a place in Kyoto. At least they are Mu's parents.

Su Yu, "good, good, I am going to prepare, or you smart."

Su Yu finished, immediately went upstairs, to prepare what things.

And what she just said, mu Xuerou wants to go abroad, what things to prepare, are all forgotten by her.

Now I see, where can mu Xuerou compare to her rich life.

Mu snow soft saw Mu Luo Chen one eye, "you want to ask what, I know will tell you." Anyway, she has decided to go abroad now, and what she did before suddenly felt that it was meaningless.

I don't know why she did it at that time.

Do you think you have a great sense of achievement when you rob something from muqianyue? Or are you happy to see her ugly face?

She didn't know why she did it herself, or what it was for?

Mu Luo Chen, "shallow moon, why did she leave Mu home?"When mu Luochen came back, mu Qianyue said to him that she had no relationship with Mu family now, but no matter how he inquired about the reason, mu Qianyue didn't tell him.

Murou, after all, "because of me."

"When I was with Luoyang again, my mother was worried that mu Qianyue and Luoyang would be reunited, so she wanted to let mu Qianyue make a blind date and get married."

"At that time, mu Qianyue broke up with Luoyang. How could he go on a blind date and get married? What's more, the person Su Yu is looking for is still such a disgusting person. "

"So, mu Qianyue refused, but later I didn't know how to go again, and even put forward that condition to her mother. Maybe at that time, her mother thought mu Qianyue was just talking about it casually, so she didn't care much about it, so she agreed. Who knows, mu Qianyue will record, and then it's what you see today."

Mu Luo Chen did not speak, for a long time he just picked up a smile, "I think, light month left Mu home, at least, she left Mu home, more happy than before."

In the past in the Mu family, Mu family people in addition to Mu Luo Chen, who do not want to see Mu shallow moon.

Now is also good, and Mu family has no relationship, she can also have a free and easy life.

Mu snow soft looked at Mu Luo Chen, but did not think he would say such words.

I think so.

Mu Luo Chen looked at Mu Xue Rou one eye, "the wound on your face, I'll ask someone to come up and apply it to you later. After that, don't do it again. In the end, it's not yourself who gets hurt. "

Mu snow soft eyes some red, looking at Mu Luo Chen, nodded, suddenly hugged Mu Luo Chen, "I know brother."