Mu shallow month's voice is not big, the tone is also mild, but there is a trace of firmness.

Let people watch, can't help but believe her.

Lu Zeyuan, who was sitting on it, frowned. He was in a good mood today. Moreover, he came to see his little wife. Who knows, such a thing would happen.

When Mo lin'er was at the side, she naturally saw Lu Zeyuan's impatience. Over the years, it was the first time for her to encounter the theft of drawings.

The above one, now a little impatient, otherwise, this matter will be dealt with later, now, or let them play well?

The idea came to mind for a second, and then she said, "president, let them go on. We'll deal with this kind of thing next?"

Lu Zeyuan took a look at Mo lin'er. He believed in Mo lin'er, but what if something happened in the middle?

Besides, he doesn't want to be bullied.

Lu Zeyuan said, "no, it's OK to solve it now. I'd like to see what's going on? This kind of thing happens in the company. "

Mo Lin Er now just want to solve the matter as soon as possible, also agreed to Mu shallow month said.

Let Xu Xier write three words again, that is mu Qianyue's name. If the handwriting is the same as that on the drawing, it can prove that Xu Xier is not lying.

If not, Xu Xier should pay the corresponding price.

Maureen, "good."

Mo lin'er told her assistant to go to the pen and paper and put it in front of Xu Xi'er.

Mo lin'er, "Xu Xi'er, did you hear that? If you can prove that the handwriting on the drawing is yours, then the drawing is yours. It is mu Qianyue who slanders you. She will be punished accordingly. If the handwriting is not yours, then you should give mu Qianyue an account. "

Looking at Mo lin'er's assistant putting the paper and Bi in front of her, Xu Xi'er was stunned. She didn't expect that things would turn into the way they are now.

What to do! What should I do?

That drawing is not her at all, and the handwriting can't be hers.

If she wrote it, it would be all exposed?

What will happen to her? What will they do with her?

Xu Xier's palms are full of sweat. What should she do?

Mu shallow moon on the side of Xu Xi'er, looking at the motionless Xu Xi'er, opened his mouth and said, "write quickly, it will soon be clear."

Xu Xi'er stares at mu Qianyue fiercely, that is her, otherwise she will not go to the present situation.

What Xu Xi'er didn't think of was that if she didn't go to take the drawings that mu Qianyue put in the drawer, how could this kind of thing happen to her today.

As the saying goes, no fire without wind.

Blame yourself.

The drawing in the drawer of Mu Qianyue was indeed taken by Xu Xi'er. Yesterday she saw that mu Qianyue put something into the drawer beside her. She had a trace of curiosity.

Maybe she wanted to catch mu Qianyue's pigtail. At that time, the people in that department had almost gone. Moreover, I don't know if God was helping her, and the camera was also broken, so she went to take the drawing that mu Qianyue put in the drawer.

She opened the whole place with envy.

Yes, she came in by the back door, which is no secret in this department.

Because she really has a few pounds or two, she is still clear about it, but she did not expect that mu Qianyue, who came in through the back door with him, would be so gifted. Then she was particularly jealous and took the design drawing of Mu Qianyue.

Originally, if she lost it or didn't take it out today, there would be nothing.

She is the only one to blame. She wants to take it out by herself. In front of so many people, she is looking for her own way now!

Xu Xi'er put down her pen and looked at them, "this is the drawing I designed by myself. Why should I write it again? Why do you have to help mu Qianyue one by one? Because her cousin is Cheng tezhu, do you want to flatter her?" Xu Xi'er is now a broken pot.

Cheng Ling looks at the death of Xu Xi'er silently. You are finished, you are finished, you are dead.

Don't you see the president's more and more gloomy face?

Also, you want to die why you want to pull me together, he is not really miss Mu's cousin!

He didn't dare to be.

However, who told him to say so at the beginning, in fact, he said so for the sake of Miss mu, OK? In order to be afraid that Miss Mu will be ignored by people in the company.

If Xu Xier writes a name obediently, who knows, she doesn't write it, and dares to say so.

Cover up? Who's covering her up?

Now it's just the truth!

Mo lin'er's face has sunk. She had wasted so much time on this matter. She was in a bad mood. Who knows Xu Xi'er still takes the bridge like this.Now, as long as the individual knows, in the end that design is whose!

Mo lin'er, "Xu Xi'er, you said that the design plan was yours, and the name behind it was also written by you. Now it is just for you to write three words. What do you mean? Or is it that this design plan was originally designed for mu Qianyue? In fact, you took it. Otherwise, why didn't you even write those three words?

How else can you prove that the design is your own

Mo lin'er looks at Xu Xi'er and thinks in her heart that no matter what happens this time, Xu Xi'er will be expelled. It is not a good choice for such a person to stay in her department.

Xu Xi'er doesn't dare to look at Mo lin'er at all, and she does not dare to write.

As soon as it's written, she's finished!

Lu Zeyuan is impatient, originally thought, Mu shallow moon this idea is very good, also can prove this design plan is mu shallow moon, but who knows, this female unexpectedly so stubborn.

After taking a look at Cheng Ling, who is trying to reduce his sense of existence, "you say, how to deal with the employees who steal the design drawings of their own but still don't recognize them?"

After hearing Lu Zeyuan's question, Cheng Ling was excited, and he had already seen this woman unhappy. OK? "President, you should dismiss her, and then write down what she did in the company in the file, so that other companies dare not employ her. Otherwise, this bad habit will be taken to other companies. What should we do

Xu Xi'er looks at Cheng Ling in disbelief, "why? Why did you fire me? I designed this blueprint. Why do you all cover her up? "