Two days ago, we had a cold war. Now we have made up. Moreover, we are really bored.

No one saw that after the car left, a man came out hiding under the tree.

The expression on the face is a little tired, there is a trace of dark circles under the eyes, the whole person looks a little decadent, completely different from the previous kind, sunshine, cheerful.

Looking at the car gradually away, Luoyang clenched his hands.

Mu Xuerou has gone abroad, and he only knows now. Originally, what did mu Xuerou do to Mu Qianyue? Luoyang knows that mu Xuerou will definitely be sued by mu Qianyue.

He was waiting at home, too.

He thought that he had made so many mistakes before. This time, he must not be wrong. He must not help mu Xuerou.

Because, these are her fault, is she hurt Mu shallow moon.

Who knows, the news did not wait to come, but wait for the news that mu Xuerou went abroad.

What's going on?

How can mu Xuerou go abroad?

Did mu Qianyue let her go?

Luoyang now does not have any Mu shallow month's contact information, so he can only wait here.

He saw mu Qianyue trotting over here with a soft smile on his face.

Luoyang thought it was Mu shallow moon who saw herself. Who knows, she ran to that car.

This is Lu's group. What's more, mu Qianyue works here again. Who is going to pick up mu Qianyue? In fact, Luoyang has already guessed.

But he didn't want to believe it. Always holding a trace of luck in the heart, that Mu shallow moon will not fall in love with Lu Zeyuan so soon.

But he didn't think about himself and mu Xuerou, thinking who could wait for him in the same place.

However, why does mu Qianyue come here to get on Lu Zeyuan's car? Moreover, it seems to be hiding.

Have they not made their affairs public yet?

Thinking like this, Luoyang in the heart, even his own did not think of a sigh of relief.

It seems that they don't love each other as much as they think.


Thinking of what happened in the company today, Lu Zeyuan unconsciously took a trace of air-conditioning. Looking at the clever muqianyue beside him, he asked, "what's going on in the company today?"

Mu shallow month heart a burst of helplessness, just a small matter, and now has been solved.

Nothing more.

However, Lu Zeyuan doesn't think so. In Mu Qianyue's body, whether it's a big event or a trivial matter, we should pay attention to it.

Mu Qianyue pursed her lips, took a look at Lu Zeyuan, and finally said truthfully, "in fact, there is no big deal. The drawing I put in the company yesterday was accidentally seen by Xu Xi'er, so she took my drawing, and as you saw today, she said that my drawing was hers."

Mu shallow month as far as possible to say light.

However, Lu Zeyuan could not help but be furious.

He didn't even think that there would be such a person in the company who would steal things to his own women.

It seems that who in the company should be well sorted out.

Lu Zeyuan, "how can you put things in the company?"

Mu Qianyue said, "isn't today that competition? So I took that one to the company, so as not to forget it when I went to the company today. "

"Be careful, or put a lock on it."

Mu shallow moon, "good, got it."

I haven't seen anything in the company before. Who knows how it turned out to be like this yesterday.

Even if Lu Zeyuan doesn't say it, mu Qianyue will be more careful and lock his drawer. It's better to be on guard.

Who knows if there will be such a problem in the future?

Mu shallow month looks at Lu Zeyuan, "by the way, how can you come here today?"

She has heard Ye Yiyi say, this is the first time to see this boring design competition.

Mu shallow month in the heart faintly has a little guess, but, she still decided to ask, lest be oneself again amorous.

Lu Zeyuan, "give you a surprise."

Mu Qianyue Well, there was no surprise, but there was still one.

However, mu Qianyue didn't say it. Well, if it hit Lu Zeyuan, it would be bad.

Mu shallow month, "next time you want to come, you'd better tell me about it, let me have a mental preparation."

Lu Zeyuan, "good."

But in my heart I was thinking, this is a surprise, how can I tell you at will.

After the two arrived at the villa, Zhang's mother had already made a meal. Mu Qianyue and Lu Zeyuan went to the building, put the things away and then came down.

Since mu Qianyue last time knew that Lu Zeyuan could not eat chili, and that he was the kind of person who could not touch spicy food, she told Zhang Ma that in the future, all the dishes on the table were suitable for Lu Zeyuan's taste. There's not a bit of heavy food.At the beginning, Zhang Ma still had some doubts. She was surprised to see mu Qianyue, "isn't miss Mu most fond of spicy food?"

Mu Qianyue's eyes were a little dodgy, "Oh, I suddenly feel that spicy food is not very good. I only had a stomachache yesterday, so I'd better do something light recently."

Mrs. Zhang didn't ask anything. She did it very quietly today.

Mu Qianyue took a chopsticks of vegetables in his mouth, only the taste of salt and oil, and a taste of vegetables.

Well, it tastes good.

It is very suitable for Lu Zeyuan's taste.

Lu Zeyuan looks at a table of light dishes, and then at mu Qianyue's wrinkled face. Although she is trying to adapt to the taste, the expression on her face can't deceive people.

Before, when she ate, her cheeks were bulging and her eyes were bright.


For a moment, Lu Zeyuan couldn't say what he felt in his heart.

It was clear that he liked to eat on the table, and it was light, but he felt that he had no appetite at all.

Mu Qianyue tries to finish that mouthful of vegetables. She finds that the bowl of rice in front of Lu Zeyuan has not moved, but he has been staring at her.

Mu shallow month some uneasy moved own body, "how?"? Don't you have your appetite for a quick meal

Mu shallow month says, frown slightly.

She also felt that the taste was too light, and there was nothing but salt.

It's just awful.

Lu Zeyuan didn't know how he had eaten for years.

Mu Qianyue suddenly sympathizes with Lu Zeyuan.

Lu Zeyuan shook his head. "No, it tastes good."

Mu Qianyue Well, you can't look at Lu Zeyuan with ordinary people's eyes.