Get rich?

Well, you can say that. The eldest lady of Gu's group is always better than getting rich and winning the grand prize. I don't know how many times it is better.

There was nothing wrong with the school today, and they were seniors, and they were about to graduate, so they made an appointment to go shopping.

In fact, they were three people out to go shopping together. However, Chen Yuning had a temporary business and wanted to accompany her boyfriend, so only Li Yutong and Li Xinyi went out for a stroll.

Li Yutong's mobile phone rang as soon as they entered a clothing store. It was a strange number. Li Yutong wanted to hang up, but he didn't know what to think of, and suddenly changed his mind.

After talking to Li Xinyi, she went out to answer the phone.

After a while, Li Yutong came back, looking in a hurry.

"Xinyi, I may not be able to go shopping with you today. I have something to do now. I need to go back immediately."

Li Xinyi just raised her head from a skirt. "What's important?"

Li Yutong, "for a while and a half, I can't say clearly. Let's go shopping together next time. Bye."

Li Yutong finished and left in a hurry.

Li Xinyi looked at Li Yutong's back and murmured in a low voice, "what's the important thing in the end? You've left your best friend here. Ah, forget it, forget it. People are all gone. What's going on?"

Li Xinyi also left here.

After Li Yutong came out, he took a taxi, "master, go to Shenghao hospital."

Just called the doctor in the hospital, because last time Li Yutong took that thing to the hospital, he also made a special explanation. If the result comes out, let her know.

Now Li Yutong is very glad that she made that decision at that time. If the hospital didn't call, she might have forgotten about it.

Li Yutong came to the hospital and found the place where the doctor said, "Hello, I'm Li Yutong. I just answered the phone. Did my result come out?"

The doctor was a woman in her thirties and forties. She took a look at Li Yutong and turned out a document for Li Yutong.

Li Yutong quickly took over, "thank you."

And then it was opened in front of the doctor.

When browsing to that column, Li Yutong was frozen.

He blinked his eyes, then rubbed again to make sure he was not wrong.

She has no blood relationship with Gu Chuli.

And the one Gu Chuli showed her last time is just a big difference.

Li Yutong stabilized his body, looked at the doctor and asked, "doctor, this, is there no mistake?"

The doctor frowned and looked at Li Yutong. "We can't make a mistake here."

Li Yutong, "but..." But this one is totally different from the one Gu Chuli showed her last time.

There is nothing wrong with this.

If something goes wrong, is that difficult?

Li Yutong once again said thanks, and then left the hospital.

Holding the paper tightly with both hands, the whole person was in a trance.

So, the information she got is real?

Although I don't know why the one Gu Chuli showed her was different from this one, Li Yutong would not suspect going to the hospital.

Does she want to tell Gu Chuli that there is no blood relationship between them.

However, they do not know, ah, they get that one is wrong, her one is right.

She can't, can't just pretend to be her.

However, thinking of Gu Chuli's kindness to her and her mother's gentle face, Li Yutong wavered.

They should really want to find their own sister, and their own daughter.

If they knew she wasn't, how disappointed they might be.

She will be a while, when a while Gu chuxia is good, if Gu chuxia really comes to her, then she will give it to her.

She just doesn't want to see Gu Chuli disappointed. She just doesn't want to see her mother disappointed.

Li Yutong thought, clenched the paper and told himself that she was just pretending to be Gu chuxia. It would be OK for a while. When she came back, she would return everything to her.

However, in the absence of that luxury, the life of the eldest lady is OK, but once you live that kind of life, it is so easy to say that you want to give up and leave, can you leave so easily?

When Li Yutong comforts himself, the mobile phone ring rings out of time.

Li Yutong is not in a good mood now. He is impatient. When he takes out his mobile phone and sees who is calling, he is even more impatient.

Li family call her?It never happened.

I don't know what I want her to do.

Li Yutong thought, did not answer, let it ring like this, but, do not know what is going on today, the Li family is particularly patient, see Li Yutong did not answer, and then called back.

Li Yutong just wanted to turn the mobile phone off in silence, as if he didn't hear it.

But, after thinking about it, what's important if you really want to find her?

Li Yutong finally answered the phone, "hello?"

"Come home now, no matter what you're doing, come back to me right now!" It was Mrs. Li's voice. As expected, it was the same as before. She didn't have much patience. She spoke in a commanding tone.

Li Yutong frowned, she asked her to go back, she had to go back?

Why is her face so big?

She has something to do.

Li Yutong, "I have something to do outside now. If I can't come back, I will tell you anything."

Li's mother heard Li Yutong talk to her like this, the whole person just can't help but be angry, Xiao Ni Zi, it's really wings grow hard, now even her words don't listen, right?

Just want to say something, next to a sound, gentle, soothing voice, "is Xiaotong? May I have a word with her? "

Li Mu Na would have scolded out of the words, so forcefully swallowed back, turned to the sofa sitting on the elegant woman said, "yes."

Gu's mother took her cell phone and put it in her ear. She was a little excited, "is it Xiaotong? Where are you now? I'm at your house now. Do you have time now? Can you come back? "

Since Li Yutong went to Gu's last time, Gu's mother asked for the address of Li Yutong's home and school from Gu Chuli.

It's not easy to come out today. Naturally, I want to see her.