When the assistant heard this, he was worried, "but now the president is in a meeting, we can't go in at will."

"Little employee," you go to inform Cheng tezhu now. There should be no problem in informing Cheng tezhu

Assistant, "is it so serious?"

"Yes, otherwise, how could I come up to look for you? When I just came up, they seemed to be about to fight."

Assistant, "OK, I'll call Cheng tezhu now."

This assistant is just one of the many assistants. The assistant looks into the conference room inside, grits his teeth, or opens the door and walks in.

The assistant's action should be as light as possible and slow down, so as not to disturb them. When Lu Zeyuan held a meeting, those senior leaders were also attentive and did not dare to be distracted.

So, the assistant came in, and there was no big move.

Assistant carefully comes to Cheng Ling's side. At this time, Cheng Ling is now beside Lu Zeyuan. As a special assistant, he is also the leader of Lu Zeyuan. Cheng Ling is naturally very busy.

The assistant comes to Cheng Ling's side and whispers the matter in Cheng Ling's ear.

Cheng Ling looked at the assistant and frowned, "is the eldest lady really coming?"

The assistant nodded. "Of course, it's true, Cheng tezhu. Now the eldest lady doesn't know what's going on. She has a dispute with your cousin. They're both about to fight."

Cheng Ling, "OK, I know. You go out."

Cheng Ling heard the news, the whole person was stunned for a while, Lu Ruoxin came to the company? She came to the company a few times Ze, did not expect, this time came to the company unexpectedly and Mu miss to bump into.

This is where he had a dispute with his cousin. It is clear that Lu Ruoxin is not used to miss mu, and that the president is so kind to miss mu.

Cheng Ling looks at Lu Zeyuan, who is in a meeting. At this time, Lu Zeyuan is meticulously sitting on the office chair, dressed in a decent black suit, and has no facial expression.

You know, the president hates to be disturbed when he is in a meeting.

Just, now

Forget it. If Miss Mu is allowed to be bullied by Lu Ruoxin like this, it will be a more terrible thing.

Cheng lingchui in Lu Zeyuan's ear, said all the things he had just heard, and added a fire. If the president can't go down now, Miss Mu must be wronged.

Cheng Ling just finished speaking, just left Lu Zeyuan a little, who knows Lu Zeyuan suddenly stood up and walked outside without saying a word.

This can frighten Cheng Ling and catch up with Lu Zeyuan.

After a few steps, he suddenly stopped and said to a crowd of high-level people who were stunned, "the president is in a bit of an emergency. The meeting is postponed."

Finish saying, can't wait to keep up with Lu Zeyuan.

Left a crowd of high-level look at each other, do not know what happened.

This is the first time since Lu Zeyuan held the meeting.

Is it true that something important has happened?

First floor.

Lu Ruoxin is holding mu Qianyue's hair. Just now, mu Qianyue was holding an express in her hand, which made Lu Ruoxin stop easily. Now, Lu Ruoxin is pulling her hair. No matter how you look at it, mu Qianyue is at a disadvantage.

The people nearby can only watch and worry, but they can't go up and say something.

One is the eldest lady of Lu's group and the other is Cheng tezhu's cousin. What they do is wrong.

"What? Now that the eldest lady and miss Mu are together, shall we go up and tell Cheng tezhu? "

"Where can we get help from Cheng te? Besides, you don't know the temperament of the eldest lady. She wants to clean up a person now. Where can we stop her?"

"But what are you talking about? How can I hear the words "brother, Fox and so on?"

Because of their identity, these people did not go too far forward. Who knows, in case the eldest lady is in a bad mood, she will take them out of her anger.

"Who knows, and I don't know how Cheng tezhu's cousin got into trouble with the first lady. If the president knew about this, would he help Cheng tezhu or help Miss Cheng?"

"It must be miss. She is the sister of the president. Who does the president not help?"

"I think maybe Cheng tezhu is the president's right-hand man. What if the president helped Cheng tezhu?"

"Well, look over there, where is Cheng tezhu and the president coming down?"

Hearing this, all the employees looked over there. As expected, they saw the president and Cheng tezhu. Moreover, looking at the president's appearance, it seemed that he was a little anxious.

The younger sister who just said that the president helped the eldest daughter was a little proud. "I said, the president must have helped the eldest daughter. The eldest sister is the general sister. How is Cheng tezhu? That's just an outsider."

“……”Lu Ruoxin is still holding mu Qianyue's hair and questioning mu Qianyue. She wants mu Qianyue to admit that she seduced her brother.

What's more, she kept saying that her wind was like a song. How could her sister, how good, and her brother were made for each other? She was just a little girl!

Mu shallow month did not expect Lu Ruoxin's strength to be so big, and now Lu Ruoxin is holding her hair, she also dare not act rashly.

But, hear that sentence small three, and she said her wind like song, how good sister, Mu shallow moon can not help but smile.

Lu Ruoxin fiercely looked at Mu shallow moon, "what are you laughing at?"

Although mu Qianyue's hair is in Lu Ruoxin's hand, mu Qianyue doesn't mean to be afraid, "what am I laughing at? You say I'm a junior? How does your brother and your sister like song match?

Two of them, male unmarried, female unmarried, I and your brother together, it's just and proper, why do you say I'm a junior? What's more, what's more, you didn't say that your sister Ruge was so good? How can your brother look down on her? Didn't they say they were engaged? Where is it? "

There is another sentence she didn't say. She and Lu Zeyuan are married now. If you have to say who is the third, it's that Feng Ruge is the third.

Lu Ruoxin is speechless by Mu shallow month, you have not been able to say a word for a long time.

Lu Ruoxin was so angry that her face was red. "It wasn't you who seduced my brother. If it wasn't you who seduced my brother, now my brother has long been with sister rugo."

In the face of Lu Ruoxin said these, Mu shallow moon is just a cold hum.

Lu Ruoxin sees Mu shallow moon this appearance, is simply not angry to hit a place, originally is! It was the brother she seduced first! Also said that like song elder sister! She will teach her a lesson for sister rugo today!