Hear Mu Luo Chen some lost voice, Mu shallow month just realize what he just did, connect busy way, "no, why does Luo Chen elder brother think so? Where can we meet? I'll take a taxi now

Mu Luo Chen stood up, took the coat on one side and put it on his body like this, "I'll pick you up."

Now, I don't need to go to the car

Mu Luo Chen also did not force again, said an address, Mu shallow month then hung up the phone.

The place they made an appointment with was a western restaurant, which looked very stylish.

Mu Qianyue hangs up and takes a look at Cheng Yu. I don't know if Lu Zeyuan asked Cheng Yu to send her off. What can't she do.

Mu shallow month and Cheng Yu said, Cheng Yu nodded, but did not say much.

Mu Qianyue also breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she sighed. Now she really cared more and more about Lu Zeyuan's idea. She even went out to see someone and wanted to consider Lu Zeyuan.

However, Mu shallow moon still quite like this kind of feeling.

Not bad.

Stop at a western restaurant, mu Qianyue asks Cheng Yu to go in with her, so as not to wait too long in the restaurant. Cheng Yu originally wanted to refuse, but he still nodded when he thought of what Cheng Ling said to him.

According to the habit of Mu Luochen, mu Qianyue looks at the window first when he enters the restaurant, and then he sees mu Luochen sitting upright in a suit and looking out of the window.

Mu shallow month raised step to walk past, call it a Luo Chen elder brother, but did not have before intimate.

Mu Luo Chen hears the sound of Mu shallow moon, a joy, turn round, see the Cheng Yu behind Mu shallow moon.

As a person around Lu Zeyuan, Cheng Yu is naturally not bad. He is in casual clothes, about 1.8 meters tall, and has no expression on his face, which can not be ignored.

Mu Luo Chen some doubt looking at Mu shallow moon, "this is?"

Mu Qianyue said, "Oh, brother Luochen, let me introduce you to you. This is a yuan's driver. His name is Cheng Yu. I'm afraid he's waiting outside alone. So I asked him to come in together. Brother Luochen won't mind?"

Mu Luo Chen tries hard to suppress the bitter corner of the mouth, "how can?"

"Moon, sit down."


"Cheng Yu, you can sit down, too."

"Madam President, no, I'll just stand next to you."

"Bang." A sound, Mu Luo Chen beside the cup was broken by Mu Luo Chen, the tea inside overflowed, some water sprinkled on mu Luochen's body.

Fierce lift an eye to look at Cheng Yu, behind don't know what to think of, and took back the sight.

Mu shallow month is also scared by Cheng Yu's wife, is not the good call Mu miss? How can you suddenly say "Madam President"?

See Mu Luo Chen so careless, Mu shallow month also did not go to tube those address, hurriedly asked, "brother Luo Chen, are you ok?"

Mu Luo Chen toward Mu shallow month smile, "nothing, month, I go to the bathroom." Finish saying, did not wait for mu shallow month to answer, left.

However, the back is a little shaky.

Cheng Yu took a look, then he moved away from his eyes and laughed in his heart. In this way, he was still the love enemy of the president?

In fact, Cheng Yu is also very black hearted. After all, he has dealt with Cheng Ling for such a long time. This time, he did mean it.

Cheng Ling told Cheng Yu what happened last time, so It's only then that we have today's crop.

Wait for mu Luo Chen to leave, Mu shallow month just see to Cheng Yu, "just now you are intentional." It is not an interrogative sentence, but an affirmative sentence.

Cheng Yu pauses, looking at Mu shallow moon, "yes."

Mu shallow moon, "why?"

Cheng Yu impolitely sold Cheng Ling, "Cheng Ling said, just now that man was interested in you, you are the president's wife, is the president's, so we need to pinch off all the peach blossom around you."

Mu shallow month at this time just carrying a cup of water to his mouth to send, heard Cheng Yu's words, a did not hold back, the water in his mouth so gushed out.

"Poof, cough, cough..." Mu Qianyue's face doesn't know whether it's choked to, or by Cheng Yu's words to thunder, and his face turns red.

Brother Luochen is interested in her? How is that possible? Brother Luochen has always treated her as his sister. How could he be interested in her?

Cheng Yu saw Mu shallow moon choked by the water, and rushed to Mu shallow moon's side, "Mu miss, are you ok?"

Mu shallow month slowly came over, "it's OK, just that words, are Cheng Ling to you?"

Cheng Yu nodded, "yes, he also asked me to call you the president's wife in front of this person, that is, to anger him, to see if he dare to miss you!"

Cheng Ling!


Bathe in the light moon, the eye color is slightly Ling.

This big mouth!

Where did he see that brother Luochen meant something to her?Lu's group, Cheng Ling, who is sorting out documents for Lu Zeyuan, suddenly sneezes.


Cheng Ling rubs her nose.

Is it who is thinking about him?

The assistant nearby was worried and asked, "Cheng tezhu, are you ok?"

Cheng Ling, "it's OK. Quickly put this in order and send it to the president."

Assistant, "OK."

Cheng Yu stood aside obediently, as if the person who just said bad things about Cheng Ling was not her.

And Mu shallow month is to support their own head, daze, the mind is all Cheng Yugang said, that sentence, Luochen brother is interested in her?

How could that be possible?

However, thinking of Mu Luochen's kindness to her, it seems that she has exceeded the limits of ordinary sisters.

Mu shallow moon's head has a moment of dizziness.

Oh, I'm bored to death. It's better to contact brother Luochen less.

When mu Luochen sat back again, his face was still tender, as if the man who had lost his manners just now was not him.

Because of Cheng Yu's words just now, mu Qianyue couldn't help looking at mu Luochen.

For a moment, he has been staring at Mu Luo Chen like this.

Mu Chen, what is dirty smile

"Ah?" Mu shallow moon doubts to look at Mu Luo Chen.

"Otherwise, why does the moon stare at me all the time?"

Mu shallow month some blush to take back their own line of sight, "no, no, I just feel like I haven't seen brother Luochen for a long time, so I want to see brother Luochen more, can't you?"

Mu Luo Chen's face with a smile like Mu Chunfeng, "of course, you can see as long as you want to see the month."

"Yueyue, what would you like to eat?"

Mu shallow month, "no, I'll go back to eat myself later. Brother Luochen will talk about your business first."

Mu Luo Chen under the hand tightly grasps in oneself, the blue veins burst, but on the face actually does not show the minute, "the month so does not want to stay with me?"