"Did you? Just call me yo yo, Miss Su. It's strange

"Well, you."

Su Jinyan changed her words quickly.

"Come in."

Su youyou holds Su one by one and walks inside. Su Jinyan follows Su youyou and looks at the two people in front with a spoiled face. The three people look like a family.

Three people into the living room, nanluochen see this scene more dissatisfied.

There are always people who want to peep at him.

This man doesn't look like a good man.

Besides, there is a daughter.

I don't know how you got to know this man.

In a flash, nanluochen's heart was full of vinegar.

Discontented in the past, the two people were separated, "aren't you going to the kitchen? After a while, the dishes in the pot are all pasted

Su youyou thought of the things in his pot, "then you can help them to greet them first."

Su youyou left a sentence and then went into the kitchen.

Then the living room is only Su Jinyan, Su Xi and Nan Luochen.

They all say that they are jealous when they meet.

Now it seems that nanluochen was the only one who showed up. In his eyes and on his face, he was not welcome.

But Su Jin Yan, a calm face, can not see what.

Su Jin said, "thank you for taking care of me last time."

Nanluochen, "it's OK. After all, you're my business." Nanluochen is no doubt swearing in sovereignty.

But Su Jinyan seemed to be unable to hear, and could not see any expression on her face.

Nanluochen poured two glasses of water for two people and looked at Su Jinyan to drink. Nanluochen then said again, "you are here now. Should we leave?"

Su looked at nanluochen angrily, "I'm not, I'm going to play with you sister."

Su Jinyan's face was calm, but the words she said made nanluochen hate her teeth itch. "No hurry, this time I'm here to see you. One by one, I like youyou very much."

A leisurely, leisurely, I don't know how close you are!

Nanluochen didn't want to watch two people add blocking here, leaving a sentence, "I went to help you." Then I went to the kitchen.

After nanluochen left the living room, Su 11 looked at her father with some dissatisfaction. "Dad, why don't you help sister youyou? You should go in and help sister youyou cook, so as to enhance the relationship between you two."

Su Jin Yan some helpless, point Su 11 forehead, "where did you learn these?"

Su eleven cleverly replied, "on the Internet, there are those TV watching, isn't it all written in this way?"

Su Jin said, "that's different. If the uncle doesn't go back, we can go in, but the uncle is there, and he has already gone in. It's not good for me to go again. "

Su Yi, "Why are you adults so busy? You can go if you want."

"Forget it, I'll go if you don't go."

When Su youyou finished, she left her father. She was not afraid that he was alone in the living room. She ran into the kitchen.


Nanluochen is helping Su youyou to wash the dishes. He feels that he has used more than ten points of strength in his hand. He doesn't know what kind of test the dishes are.

It's like venting something.

He also takes a look at Su youyou from time to time. When Su youyou looks over, he hums at Su Youyou, and then looks away.

Su youyou has no idea what nanluochen is angry about?

Su youyou asked with good temper, "what's the matter with you?"

Nanluochen, like waiting for Su youyou to say, immediately put down the things in his hand, "that man, how do you know him? Why did he come to you? "

Nanluochen didn't know how jealous he was in his tone.

Su Youyou, "I met in the supermarket last time. As for why you came to me, don't you already know the reason?"

It is because of clear reasons that nanluochen is so angry.

That man is uneasy and kind at first sight!

"So you two know each other very well?"

Su youyou helpless, "No."

It's very easy to be cheated by nanluo this time. Even if he doesn't want to get in touch with nanluo, it seems that it's easy for him to get in touch with nanluo this time

Su youyou is surprised, "how can you?"

"Why not? Do you know him? Do you know what he does? "

Su Youyou, "I don't know."

"That's it, so I can't have any more contact with him, you know? What's more, the little one has a lot of ideas. "

Su youyou said, "what's so small? How do you talk? She has a name. Her name is one by one. Moreover, she is so cute. How can you see that? "Nanluochen did not speak. The little one called out to him.

And yunmo is called brother?

And you you, sister?

Does he look so old?

"Sister Youyou, what are you talking about?"

When they were talking, there was a soft voice outside. Su came in and looked at them curiously.

"Sister Youyou, I'll help you."

"Why did you come in?"

Su youyou blinked big black and white eyes, "I come in to help my sister cook."

Su youyou looked at Su Yi, who was not around her waist, and laughed, "can you cook?"

Su Yi, "no, so I'm here to learn. How about, sister youyou. "

Su youyou touched Su 11's head. "You don't need your help. You go out first. You can eat immediately. Besides, the cooking fume in the kitchen is bad for your health."

Su Xi doesn't want to go. She wants to stay with sister youyou.

"Good, my sister will come out later. You can go out and watch TV with Dad first."

"All right."

Su went out one by one and waited for a while. Su youyou began to bring out the dishes. It's a common family dish, four dishes and one soup.

After all of them came out, Su youyou asked Su Jin with some embarrassment, "by the way, did you have dinner? If you don't have a meal, make do with it here and have some. "

Su Jin Yan did not answer, Su 11 on the first step, "no, sister, my father and I have not eaten."

Su youyou laughed, "OK, then you can make do with it. It's just some common food. You don't mind it."

Su Jin's face was gentle with a smile. "We're still bothering you. It's delicious to smell so fragrant."

Nanluochen snorted coldly.

Obviously, I'm here for dinner.

Su youyou stares at nanluochen, but nanluochen is restrained. However, she is still so unfriendly to Su Jinyan.