Linxi also wanted to say something, but Xu Ru interrupted impatiently, "OK, don't worry, this matter will not be found out, you can rest assured. Besides, if it's found out, it won't find you. You can rest assured. "

Xu Ru and Linxi are good friends, good, but she is not used to the kind of careful Lin Xi, every time do the same thing, to think before and after.

Can't they be as decisive as they are?

Linxi looked at Xu Ru's back, frowned, and finally did not say anything.

She knew that they didn't like to play with her. She was afraid of it since she was a child, and she was very careful about everything.

This kind of weak character is completely fostered.

People in her family were very strict with her since she was a child, and no matter what she did, they were very strict in their control. Some things wanted to be done, but they could not do them. Some things, which did not want to do, were forced to do.

As time goes on, this disposition develops.

Linxi dimly droops her own eyes, she sometimes also quite hates own such disposition.

Wind such as song came to Mu shallow moon side, as if did not find the same atmosphere here, surprised at Mu shallow moon, "shallow moon, how did you come here? Didn't I just ask you to wait for me over there? Just now my father had something to do with me, and then I couldn't leave for a moment. I'm sorry, where did I leave you? "

Mu shallow month, "it's OK."

Lu Zeyuan didn't even look at the wind like a song.

I want to leave.

The wind is like a song, looking at Lu Zeyuan's hands on mu Qianyue's body, his eyes are dark and obscure.

After a few steps, Lu Zeyuan's mobile phone rang.

Lu Zeyuan's private mobile phone is on Lu Zeyuan himself. Lu Zeyuan looks at the name flashing on the screen and connects.

"Zeyuan, where are you now? Have you been looking for your father's birthday party

The phone call is from Lu's mother. Lu Fu is standing by her side, and her expression is not worried.

Lu Zeyuan, "yes."

Lu Mu, "where are you now? We are here with your uncle Feng. Come here now. "

Lu Zeyuan didn't say good or bad, so he hung up the phone.

Mu shallow moon, "what's the matter?"

"It's OK. Let's go."

Wind such as song walks in Mu shallow moon's side, "just what I heard, shallow month, you ok?"

Mu shallow month calm reply way, "nothing, just things have been made clear, they are also designed in, as for which photos, are p out, may be someone wants to frame me." Mu shallow month said incomparably calm, like someone else in the frame, like to say how the weather is today.

Wind such as song in the heart secretly gnash teeth, you just rely on landing Ze yuan beside you just so have no fear!

If Lu Zeyuan is not by your side, you may have been said by those people!

"How could that happen? Are you ok? They didn't do anything to you just now, did they? " The wind is like a song, worried looking at Mu shallow moon.

Mu shallow moon, "No

Mu Qianyue will not believe that Feng Ruge will be so kind to worry about her. Nine times out of ten, this thing may be done by Feng Rugong.

Mu shallow moon is not stupid, this party, who has the most hatred of her, must be only the wind such as song.

However, when the matter is not found out, mu Qianyue is just suspicious.

Lu Zeyuan and his usual pace, slowly came to the place where Lu Mu said.

Where are the parents sitting like song of wind, there are Lu Mu, Lu Fu, and Lu Ruoxin. As for the woman beside Lu Ruoxin, mu Qianyue met several times, that is Li Yutong.

Mu Qianyue's impression on Li Yutong is very good, and he smiles at him.

Li Yutong also did not know to see Mu shallow moon, did not know how to return a responsibility, suddenly moved his eyes.

They sat there and talked happily.

"Dad, mom." The wind, like a song, saw his parents and came to their side.

"Why are you here now? Just now you aunt Lu, uncle Lu mentioned you. I don't know where you went. "

Feng Ruge looked at Lu Mu and Lu Fu and apologized, "Uncle Lu, Auntie Lu, I'm really sorry. I just had something wrong with Ruge over there, so I came late. However, I also brought brother Zeyuan here

The wind, like a song, said and looked at the back.

When several people came to the lounge, Feng Rusheng took the lead in entering. Lu Zeyuan and mu Qianyue were behind, slowing down a step, so the people inside did not see Lu Zeyuan and mu Qianyue.

The wind mother joked, "originally I went to see your brother Zeyuan. Just now I asked you to accompany me to see the guests. No wonder you said you didn't have time. Of course, your brother Zeyuan is more important."The wind such as the song by the person teases the facial expression to be slightly red, stomped to stamp a foot, angry called a, "Mom."

The wind mother knows her daughter's mind, also does not tease, "well, mother does not tease you."

"Zeyuan is here. Come in and sit down. What are you doing standing outside?" The wind mother heard the wind such as song, and hurriedly looked behind, beckoning Lu Zeyuan to come in.

When she saw the woman standing beside Lu Zeyuan, she frowned and didn't have the smile at the beginning. The thing that her daughter likes him is not a hidden thing in Kyoto. Last time Feng Ruge said that Lu Zeyuan had a woman around her, she didn't care much, because she had heard of and knew that there was no woman around Lu Zeyuan.

The wind mother collected the smile on her face and looked at Lu Zeyuan, "is this?"

Mu shallow month did not speak, in this kind of time, she still did not speak well.

Wind such as song looked at Lu Zeyuan and Mu shallow moon, bit his lips, "she is Zeyuan brother's friend."

At the same time, Lu Zeyuan's voice also sounded here, "my wife."

Although the two voices came out at the same time, they did not coincide, so they heard Lu Zeyuan's words clearly.

The expression on Feng Ruge's face is a little embarrassed. Looking at Lu Zeyuan, "brother Zeyuan..."

Lu Fu suddenly stood up, and his voice was speechless with disgust, "wife? Our Lu family has never admitted her daughter-in-law! Where did you get your wife? "

Lu Fu looks at mu Qianyue. His eyes are full of cold disgust and disgust. Maybe everyone here thinks that mu Qianyue seduces Lu Zeyuan.

Lu Fu also thought so. He was still a little angry. He couldn't help seducing him!