"If we help mu Qianyue, and mu Qianyue doesn't speak for us, or Lu Zeyuan hates mu Qianyue, what should the Lu family do to us?"

Although Su Yu doesn't like mu Qianyue and has a great prejudice against it, he has to say that this remark is really about Mu Zhengtao's heart.

Mu Zhengtao sighed, "OK, that's it first, help Mu shallow month or wait for a period of time

Su Yu, "if you want me to say, you shouldn't help me to bathe in the moon. She's just a white eyed wolf. She's not familiar with it. "

As long as a thought of Mu shallow moon, Su Yu will think of his daughter.

Now I go abroad alone. I don't know if I'm used to it.

Although it is said that Su Yu's favorite person is mu Luochen, at least mu Xuerou is also a piece of meat from Su Yu's body. It is false to say that he is not distressed.

Mu Zhengtao, "that's enough. Let's see what you look like now! Like a shrew, it's no wonder that she'll teach Xuerou what she looks like

Mu Zhengtao takes a look at Su Yu, turns around and leaves.

Su Yu looks at mu Zhengtao, and hasn't come back to God for a long time.


He, he just said she was like a shrew?

Isn't she like this before? Didn't he say she was frank and lovely?

Why are you a shrew now?

In fact, since mu Xuerou left Kyoto and went abroad, Su Yu and mu Zhengtao have been quarrelling for three days and a big fight for five days. I don't know what's going on in the end.

Obviously, it is a very small matter. Both of them can quarrel.

Su Yu just came out of the study, saw mu Zhengtao with clothes, go outside.

Su Yu quickly stopped mu Zhengtao, "is it so late? Where are you going now? "

The heart is unable to help but panic.

Mu Zhengtao took Su Yu's hand. "There are some things in the company that I need to deal with. I don't have to wait for me tonight. I'll have an early rest at home."

Mu Zhengtao's attitude towards Su Yu is still good, but Su Yu is the kind of indomitable temperament.

At such a late hour, when he heard that mu Zhengtao was going to leave again, he could not sit still.

Su Yu, "is there something that can't be dealt with tomorrow? It's so late today. "

Mu Zhengtao, "no, I have to go today."

Su Yu said, "no, you can't go today. What can happen in the company now? Do you have someone outside? So I'm in such a hurry to see her now? Say it

Su Yu said hysterically.

Mu Zhengtao frowned and looked at Su Yu, "can you stop such nonsense? The company really has something to do."

Su Yu, "well, since you say there is something really wrong, then I'll go with you to see what kind of things can make you go back home in the middle of the night and go to the company again!"

Su Yu said that he wanted to go to the company with mu Zhengtao, holding mu Zhengtao in both hands and refusing to let go of anything.

Mu Zhengtao is really angry, "what are you doing in the company? Do you think I'm not bored enough now? Stay at home, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude Mu Zhengtao fiercely blows Su Yu's hand on his sleeve and leaves with a big stride.

Su Yu is not prevented for a moment, and mu Zhengtao's strength is not deliberately reduced, so Su Yu is thrown to the ground by mu Zhengtao.

Su Yu looked at mu Zhengtao's back and roared, "Mu Zhengtao, stop for me!"

In front of the people, the pace did not pause for a moment, so ignored Su Yu's words to leave.

Su Yu looks at the back of Mu Zhengtao in disbelief.

The face is unbelievable.

Mu Zhengtao, he unexpectedly, he actually left like this?

Su Yu looked at the things on the tea table next to him, and all the things on the tea table fell to the ground.

Mu Zhengtao had never done this to her before.

Moreover, also never night does not return home, even if there is, that is really the company's business can not leave, and fortunately said to coax her.

But today, he actually left without mercy.

Is there really a junior outside?

As soon as Su Yu thought of this possibility, his mind was blank, and suddenly he could not think about it.

The heart constantly denied the result, no, no, impossible.

She and mu Zhengtao love each other so much that there will be no one outside mu Zhengtao.

What's more, she gave birth to such a powerful son.

Su Yu stumbled up from the ground and hurriedly came outside. What he saw was the appearance of Mu Zhengtao's car just leaving the villa.

Su Yu was so angry that she kicked a tree next to her. The leaves on the tree were rustled by Su Yu.

Su Yu looks at the back of the car leaving, and finally has nothing to do. She can't go after mu Zhengtao.Mu Zhengtao, who left the villa, just went to the opposite route of the company.

Sitting in the car, mu Zhengtao rubbed his temple. How could he not find that Su Yu was so unreasonable.

I don't know how he could bear her temper for so long!

The car slowly into a high-end community, mu Zhengtao get off, come to a villa in front of, ring the doorbell.

In the villa, Yu Wei sat comfortably on the sofa watching TV. After the door bell rang, he frowned, "who is it so late?"

Few people know where she lives here. When Yu Wei opens the door, a flash in her mind says, "can't it be him?"

Yu Wei, who opened the door, just got this confirmation.

Yu Wei was surprised to see mu Zhengtao, "how did you come? Aren't you with a woman at home

Mu Zhengtao came in and changed his shoes. Looking at Yu Wei, he felt that he was more pleasant than Su Yu.

Hearing what Yu Wei said, he hugged Yu Wei and said, "what's the matter? Angry? "

Yu Wei came out from the arms of Mu Zhengtao, "no, where dare to be angry with you."

Finish saying, Yu Wei looks at mu Zhengtao, "you just come out from home?"

Mu Zhengtao said, "well, that woman just makes me upset. So, did you come here to see you?"

Yu Wei did not speak.

If Mu Qianyue was here, she would definitely recognize that woman. Isn't that woman who was with mu Zhengtao at Luofu's party last time?

Mu Zhengtao looked at the living room lights and TV are still on, asked Yu Wei, "why not sleep?"

Yu Wei casually sat down on the sofa, "can't sleep."

Mu Zhengtao, "what about Xiaoyu?"

"After sleeping, I'll take him to school tomorrow." Speaking of Xiao Yu, the expression on Yu Wei's face softened a little.