Su Yu sneered and looked at mu Zhengtao, "do you think that even if Mu shallow month doesn't sever the relationship with Mu family, will Mu shallow month help Mu family?"

Mu Zhengtao, "why not? Mu Qianyue is also a member of the Mu family. She has raised her for such a long time. Can't she just forget it? "

Su Yu, "do you think, like us to her, she is more grateful to Mu family, or hate more?"

Mu Zhengtao squinted at Su Yu, "that's not because of you. If you have something to do, you like to look for mu shallow moon stubble. Now things are like this. Who can know?"

"Blame me?"

Su Yu said coldly, "at the beginning, you didn't agree with me when I was bathing in the moon like this? Now Mu shallow moon has climbed the high branch, what matters to my head? Mu Zhengtao, is this your attitude towards me

Mu Zhengtao rubbed his temple, "so what do you want?"

Su Yu's cold eyes, "anyway, no matter how, can't help Mu shallow moon!"

Mu Zhengtao, "I still want to help. Now, how can I help you when I'm stirred up like this? Is it too long? "

"All right, all right, stop talking and go home."

Mu Zhengtao stops Su Yu, who wants to say something else. He shakes his hand wearily, then moves the car and leaves the villa of the Lu family.


This way.

Tang Feng and Mu shallow month had dinner outside, and then they were ready to go back.

Mu Qianyue was playing with her mobile phone. She inadvertently saw the date on her mobile phone and found that her day was almost coming.

Let Tang Feng stop at the side of the road, and then get off, go to the supermarket.

At first Tang Feng still wants to follow, Mu shallow month say good or bad just let Tang Feng on the car.

Mu shallow month in a hurry to take two bags of their own commonly used, with a black bag, and then go outside.

Tang Feng looked at the black bag on the hand of Mu Qianyue, stretched out his head, and looked at mu Qianyue with some doubts, "shallow moon, what are you buying? Why put it in a black bag? "

Mu shallow month light cough a, on the face some abnormal redness, "nothing, just some simple daily necessities."

Tang Feng nodded, "Oh, OK. However, if you need something else, you can tell Aunt Wu directly, and she will come out to help you prepare it. "

Mu shallow moon, "mm-hmm, OK. Let's go back. "

Tang Feng, "good."

Tang Feng's mobile phone suddenly rang, Tang Feng picked up at will, "what's the matter?"

There are all kinds of sounds over there. You can almost hear the deafening sound in the phone screen when you bathe in the shallow moon.

So the voice over there said very loud, "brother Feng, where are you now? Come out and play together

The sound over there feels to be roaring out completely, Mu shallow moon all heard.

It's probably Tang Feng's friend.

Tang Feng just light back two words, "no time."

And then I wanted to hang up.

Naturally, the cold over there will stop.

Gao Han, "Feng Ge, you wait a moment, you can't be in accompany younger sister paper? That's not good. You must come. You didn't go to the car last night. You can't be absent tonight. There are so many brothers waiting for you. "

High cold is estimated to be a relatively quiet place, so the sound is not as loud as just, but mu shallow moon still heard.

Tang Feng, "No

"Don't, brother Feng. If you don't come, we'll have no fun playing."

Tang Feng also wanted to say something to refuse. Mu Qianyue hesitated and said, "otherwise, you can go. I'll go back by myself. You didn't go yesterday. If you don't go today..."

Mu shallow month's words have not finished, was Tang Feng to interrupt, "nothing. They just have a day's leisure and have nothing to do. Don't pay attention to them. "

Mu Qianyue Is that so? Is that really good?

Gao Han said, "don't, brother Feng, we have so many people waiting for you. You must come. I'll wait for you where we often are. By the way, if you don't come, I'll tell them that you've gone to accompany my sister

Tang Feng sneered and ignored.

Mu shallow month, "Tang Feng, or you still go."

In fact, mu Qianyue is very embarrassed, it is she who bothered him.

The car didn't go yesterday, and I can't go today.

Tang Feng, "you go back alone?"

Mu shallow month nods, "um."

Tang Feng, "do you know the way?"

Mu Qianyue, "I don't know..."

Mu also wants to make up for it, "but I can take a taxi."

Tang Feng chuckled, "where, the general car is not able to enter."

Mu Qianyue Although they know that the villas of their rich people are like this, but, you say so seriously, really good?See Mu shallow month eat shriveled, Tang Feng not kind smile.

Mu shallow month silent for a long time, finally made a decision, "then I accompany you to go, I will wait for you outside."

Tang Feng, "OK."

Then the car changed course.

Mu shallow moon open the window, looking at the scene flying outside, and some cool wind, comfortable squint eyes.

Tang Feng saw this and asked, "do you want me to slow down the car?"

Mu shallow month, "no, it's so good."

In the cold, the location they were in was not very far away from where they were just now, so the car came for a few minutes, and then it arrived.

Tang Feng stopped the car, which is called Mu shallow month get off, "OK, get off."

Mu shallow month and Tang Feng get off, there is parking brother to Tang Feng's car to drive away.

Mu Qianyue looks at the brilliant characters in front of her eyes and feels that she is familiar with it.

Lu Zeyuan's face burst into Mu shallow moon's mind, Mu shallow moon this just remembered, this is not, last time cloud Mo birthday, Lu Zeyuan brought her to that place?

It seems to be a royal marquis.

Tang Feng see Mu shallow month has been staring at the front of those two words, can not help but ask, "how?"

Mu shallow moon returns to consciousness, shook his head, "Oh, nothing, just think here should be very expensive."

Tang Feng is surprised to see Mu shallow moon.

Mu shallow month's voice just fell, would like to bite off his tongue, she just said what?

Mu Qianyue, "that, I..."

Tang Feng said, "well, it's really expensive here, so you can have more delicious food in it later. It's their treat anyway

Mu Qianyue No, it's not. Listen to me

Mu shallow month a face tangled looking at Tang Feng.

Tang Feng chuckled, "OK, don't tease you, let's go in."

Mu shallow month feels oneself is stupid.