"Where are you going, sister mu?" Xiao yunmo stopped working. Brother Lu was on a business trip. Sister Mu had time. How could yunmo just let mu Qianyue leave.

Mu Qianyue said, "I have something to do now. I want to find you. Didn't you ask a friend to play? Then go and have fun with your friends. Don't worry about me

Mu shallow moon to cloud Mo Road, and then push open the door to want to go in.

Who knows Mu shallow moon just want to push open the door, the box door was opened, Tang Feng surprised to see some flustered Mu shallow moon, "shallow moon, what is this? Is something going on? "

Mu shallow month has not had time to speak, in the Mu shallow moon next to the cloud ink suddenly inserted in, surprised at Tang Feng, "Tang Feng? Why are you here? "

Eyes in Tang Feng and Mu shallow moon between two people look to see, how do these two people know each other?

Mu shallow month some surprised, "do you know?"

Then the reaction came, can go to the wind of the party, the status is certainly not low where to go.

Tang Feng lightly looked at cloud ink one eye, eh a.

Cloud Mo looks at Mu shallow moon, pointing to Tang Feng, "Mu elder sister, how can you and Tang Feng be together?"

Mu shallow month looks at cloud Mo face the expression of heartache, do not want to say what.

What's that look like?

Is she doubting that she will do something wrong to Lu Zeyuan?

"Tang Feng is my friend," Mu explained

Cloud Mo looks at mu Qianyue with suspicious eyes, "friend?"

Mu shallow month whole face is black completely, do not have good spirit Avenue, "do you think?"

Cloud Mo flatters to Mu shallow month to smile, "Mu elder sister, I don't want to doubt your meaning, but I believe you are sincere to brother Lu, will not like Tang Feng, right?"

Mu Qianyue said.

Tang Feng in the side looked at the interaction between the two people, squinting eyes, what is the relationship between them?

Why did yunmo call her sister mu, and who was brother Lu in yunmo's mouth?

Several people were standing at the door of the box. Seeing Tang Feng's pestle at the door of the box, he had some doubts and couldn't help walking over, "Why are you standing here? Aren't you going to find the moon? "

Gao Han said, eyes toward the outside, see cloud ink and Mu shallow moon, two people close and close, is very intimate appearance.

Gao Han pointed to cloud ink, "cloud ink?"

Hearing someone call his name, yunmo turned his head and saw an unbelievable cold on his face, "what do you want me to do?"

Cold from Tang Feng side over, "how can you be here?"

Yunmo, "why can't I be here? You don't drive here."

In Kyoto, the upper class is divided.

For example, yunmo, Lu Zeyuan, Gu Chuli, and nanluochen are fighting together.

But Tang Feng, the cold, their group of people, again into a group.

Although they are all from the elite families in Kyoto, they all know each other, but the relationship is not so good.

Gao Han cut a, "yes, you are happy."

See now cloud Mo side Mu shallow moon, "shallow moon, what are you doing around him, come here quickly, don't look at cloud ink with a baby face, in fact, his baby face is the most deceptive, you can't be deceived by cloud ink."

Yunmo pulls mu Qianyue and puts mu Qianyue behind him. He looks at the cold which is constantly smearing him. He doesn't pay attention to it. He just looks at him pitifully, "sister mu, you see, they all bully me."

Cloud ink this move let the cold see is simply stunned, as if has not found cloud ink actually will have such a side.

Yunmo can even play a poor role?

Although, looking at the face of cloud ink, there is really a kind of very heartbreaking feeling, but, that's just pretending, OK?

Mu Qianyue took a look at yunmo and originally wanted to rub yunmo's hair, but who knew that yunmo was even higher than her. Mu Qianyue certainly couldn't knead it. Then he patted yunmo on the shoulder with a more comprehensive attitude, "OK, I didn't say anything about you. Don't you have something else? You go and do your work. "

Cloud Mo shook his head, "sister mu, I'm ok, but it's you. Don't you want to find sister youyou? You seem to be in a hurry just now. Do you have something urgent to do with sister youyou

After yunmo said so, Mu shallow moon this just remembered, she is not going to find you?

It can't be delayed because of this.

Although she and you said that it is the company's secret, can't casually type out to see, but mu shallow month still some uneasy.

Mu shallow month looks at Tang Feng, just want to ask Tang Feng to send her to Su youyou where, who knows, she was cut off by cloud ink on the way, "Mu elder sister, I just want to miss you, or I'll send you there."

"Ah?" Mu shallow moon looks at cloud ink, some embarrassed, then how can she wait to meet Tang Feng where?In one side did not how to speak Tang Feng opened his mouth, looking at Mu shallow moon, "or I send you in the past."

Mu shallow month some hesitation, "that you here?"

Tang Feng, "there was no plan to come here, it doesn't matter. I'll take you there."

Mu shallow month just want to nod to promise, cloud ink but suddenly pulled Mu shallow month's hand, "Mu elder sister, do you really want to go with Tang Feng? Won't I take you there? "

Mu shallow moon some embarrassment, the head is big.

Cloud ink is also a worry.

Mu shallow month persuades to say, "cloud Mo, isn't there some of your friends here? You can stay here with them. It's not a big deal anyway. I'll come to play with you next time. "

Yunmo takes a look at Tang Feng and insists, "no, brother Lu told me before going on a business trip and asked me to take good care of you. If you let brother Lu know, sister mu..."

Mu shallow moon surprised, there is such a thing?

Indeed, when Lu Zeyuan was on a business trip, he felt that the people of the Lu family would not give up. After thinking about it, he told yunmo to take care of muqianyue, so as not to happen.

Lu Zeyuan didn't think about nanluochen and Gu Chuli. However, as Gu Chuli has just found his sister, he must be very busy. However, since nanluochen is a playboy, Lu Zeyuan is even more worried about handing mu Qianyue to nanluochen.

Finally, after thinking about it, I still thought that cloud ink was reliable, so I asked cloud ink to do so.

Cloud ink see Mu shallow moon some doubt, some anxious, "Mu elder sister, if you don't believe it, I can call brother Lu now, let brother Lu speak to you personally."

Looking at yunmo, he wanted to make a phone call. Mu Qianyue stopped him and said, "OK, yunmo, I don't believe you."