Wait until the next day when you get up for breakfast.

But Tang Feng suddenly felt that this is quite good.

Being absorbed in eating noodles, the moon naturally did not find Tang Feng looking at her eyes.

Mu shallow moon lived here in Tang Feng for several days, and they were all at peace.

In addition to the first two days, Tang Feng also quite leisurely accompany Mu shallow month to go out, the latter two days also do not know what is busy.

I left the villa early in the morning and came back late in the morning.

Mu shallow moon and Tang Feng also did not meet.

Mu Qianyue thinks it's good to do this. After calculating the time, Lu Zeyuan should be back. Mu Qianyue's face is full of laughter recently.

Mu Xiaoyue had nothing to do for a day, so she helped aunt Wu clean up some things in the villa.

Aunt Wu is also very satisfied with mu Qianyue. She is not indulgent and sensible. She doesn't know which family's daughter is.

No wonder the young master can be so concerned.

"Jingling, jingling."

The doorbell of the villa was pressed.

Aunt Wu clean hands, ready to open the door, Mu shallow moon see, "aunt Wu, you first busy, I go to open the door."

Aunt Wu, "good."

Outside, a woman in a goose yellow dress, some looking forward to, and some uneasy looking at the door of the villa.

She knew that it was not very good for her to come here like this, but she couldn't help it. She just wanted to meet her.

The woman took a deep breath and showed her most perfect smile.

But when I saw the light moon when I opened the door, the smile on my face solidified on my face.

Su Xinrui is shocked to see the moon.


Isn't this brother Tang Feng's home?

How can there be women here?

Mu shallow month sees a beautiful girl, full face can't believe looking at oneself, some doubt, waved to Su Xinrui, "Hello, who are you looking for?"

Su Xinrui comes back to comfort herself. Maybe she is just a friend of brother Tang Feng.

Su Xinrui, "I'm looking for Tang Feng. I'm his friend. Is he at home now?"

Mu shallow month to this beautiful woman quite has the good feeling, "no, Tang Feng went out early in the morning. You may come in first, and he may come back later

Hearing Tang Feng's absence, Su Xinrui originally wanted to leave.

But hear Mu shallow month after a word, Su Xinrui and some waver, still decided to stay here.

She had come to see brother Tang Feng.

Mu Qianyue welcomed Su Xinrui in.

"Who is she?" she asked

Mu shallow month turns to ask Su Xinrui, "by the way, what's your name?"

Su Xinrui, "my name is suxinrui."

Mu shallow moon, "Su Xinrui, a nice name."

Su Xinrui sheepishly smiles, "thank you."

Mu shallow month, "aunt Wu, come is a beautiful girl, she said her name is Su Xinrui."

Aunt Wu was surprised, "is the core here?"


Su Xinrui also came to Aunt Wu and called aunt Wu.

Aunt Wu Xinrui said, "if you don't like our food in advance, please tell us how to prepare something."

Su Xinrui pursed her lips and laughed, "I don't want to trouble aunt Wu, so I didn't tell you."

Aunt Wu patted Su Xinrui's hand, "what's the trouble?"

Aunt Wu seemed to think of something, looking at Mu shallow moon and Su Xinrui, "you must have seen both of you?"

Mu shallow moon and Su Xinrui nod.

Aunt Wu introduced to the two people, "this is mu shallow moon, is the young master's friend."

"This is Su Xinrui, the young master's unmarried It's also a friend of the young master. "

"Hello, I'm mu Qianyue."

"Hello, this is Su Xinrui."

Aunt Wu looked at Su Xinrui, "core core core, young master has something to go out now. If you want to find him, you may have to wait for a period of time."

Su Xinrui, "it's OK."

Aunt Wu, "well, you two young people have something to say when they are together. Then I'll go out and buy vegetables first."


Aunt Wu has been in the Tang family for many years. Tang Feng is also aunt Wu who grew up and treats Tang Feng as his half son.

Su Xinrui has been engaged to Tang Feng since she was young, so Su Xinrui often comes to the Tang family. She is familiar with Su Xinrui and loves Su Xinrui very much.

But, don't know how to return a responsibility, Tang Feng to Su Xinrui this fiancee is not cold appearance very much.

So, although they are fiancees, they are not as good as the others.Su Xinrui looked at Mu shallow moon, some envious tone, "you and Tang Feng brother relationship, should be very good?"

Mu Xiaoyue looked at Su Xinrui in surprise and said with a smile, "it's not very good either. I've only seen it a few times, and then I got to know him. He has helped me a lot and is a very good person."

Su Xinrui, of course, is a very good person Otherwise, she would not have fallen at that time.

Moreover, Su Xinrui looks at mu Qianyue, which is the first time Tang Feng brother brought a woman here.

They were sitting in the living room, chatting with each other.

Time soon arrived at noon, Tang Feng has not come back.

Mu shallow month thinks, difficult can again and a few days before same, very late will come back?

Mu shallow month looked at Su Xinrui, "otherwise, you call Tang Feng."

Su Xinrui shakes her head, "no need."

She didn't want to disturb him. She had the courage to come here today.

Su Xinrui, "may I leave you a contact information?"

Mu shallow month was surprised for a moment, "mine?"

Su Xinrui looked at mu Qianyue's appearance and couldn't help laughing, "yes, now there are only two of us here. Otherwise, who do you think I'm looking for to contact me?"

Mu Qianyue is a little embarrassed, because she is not familiar with each other, so when the other party says this sentence, she thinks she is talking to whom, but she has no idea that it is herself.

Mu shallow moon and Su Xinrui exchange contact information.

Su Xinrui put away her mobile phone and said to Mu Qianyue, "shallow moon, I'll leave first. When Aunt Wu comes back, you can help me and aunt Wu talk about it."

Mu shallow month stopped to leave Su Xinrui, "you don't stay here to eat?"

Now it's time for Suzanne to shake her head

Mu shallow month, "otherwise, you still have lunch here before you go, anyway, there is still a while aunt Wu will come back."

"Besides, aunt Wu is very happy to see you. Maybe she will make a lot of things you like to eat this afternoon. Isn't it a pity that you don't eat here?"

Su Xinrui looked at mu Qianyue. As soon as she said to eat, she had some bright eyes. She couldn't help but chuckle and laughed, "shallow moon, you are so cute."