The above paragraph is rough, but the bottom is very clear.

Mu shallow month some doubts, these symptoms seem to have no ah, just recently a little sleepy just.

Like what, anemia, fever, cold, bone pain, should not ah?

However, speaking of fever, mu Qianyue remembers that when he was at Tang Feng's house, he didn't know whether it was the reason for the sea breeze. He seemed to have a little cold in those days.

But she casually took a little medicine, this is a small matter, she did not put it in mind, is it related to this?

Mu shallow month sat in front of the computer to see a lot, also want a lot of.

Mu shallow month covers his head, feel oneself can't go on like this again.

She just feel a little uncomfortable recently just, how can be got leukaemia?

No way!

She can't just sit around waiting for death. What if it's the wrong examination in the hospital?

She had never had any of these diseases. How could she suddenly get such diseases?

Mu shallow month did not know what to think of, suddenly got up, hurriedly washed well, and then went down to eat something.

Say it to Mama Zhang and go out.

She doesn't believe it. She wants to check it again!


However, the final result, no matter how mu Qianyue looks up, the results are the same.

Mu shallow moon can think of, wind such as song how can't think of?

Wind such as song has already agreed with those hospitals in advance. What I worry about is that I am afraid of bathing in the shallow moon, and I don't believe that I will go to check again.

So, Mu shallow month goes to any hospital examination result is the same.

Although Mu shallow month does not believe that he may have leukemia.

Zhang Ma looked at mu Qianyue with a decadent face. She thought something had happened to Mu Qianyue. She hurriedly came to Mu Qianyue's side, "Miss mu, what's wrong with you?"

Mu shallow month sat on the sofa, eyes gradually gathered, looking at Zhang Ma, reluctantly smile to Zhang Ma, "Zhang Ma, I'm ok, I'm tired, I want to go up and have a rest first."

Zhang Ma worried looking at Mu shallow month, "Miss mu, Xiaoya is already at noon, you have to eat and then go to rest."

Mu shallow moon, "no, I'm not hungry."

Zhang Ma looks at mu Qianyue's back and worries. What's wrong with Miss mu?

This morning, I went out in a hurry. I didn't go out for long, but I came back like this.


Mu shallow month returns to bedroom, close door tightly, shut oneself in inside alone.

The whole person was full of despair.

How could

How could she get that disease?

I don't know if I know why I have this disease. Mu Qianyue feels that she is more and more similar to the symptoms above.

Wind group.

Since Feng Ruge came back from abroad, he has been working in the wind group.

Moreover, the position of Feng Ruge is not low. He is the vice president of the wind group.

Although some high-level members of the wind group were not satisfied with it, they were the daughter of the wind family and the wind group. When they came back, they also had several big business deals with Lu group. Therefore, Feng Ru song Club became the vice president of the wind group. There were also people who wanted her to be, and there were people who didn't want her to be.

However, Feng Ruge is the daughter of Feng's group, and she comes back from studying abroad. She has been living in various upper classes since she was young. She is also the first lady in Kyoto. It's natural to be the vice president. What's more, there is a father who is the chairman of the board.

Just as Feng Fu and Feng Mu said, if they really don't have sons, then the wind family group of nuota is not inherited by Feng Ruge.

As for the illegitimate son, they would not give him the wind clique.

Feng Ruge, dressed in professional clothes, sat in front of the computer. Fingers on the keyboard slapping what words look very focused, very serious look.

All of a sudden, put on the side of the mobile phone ring suddenly, the wind such as song some impatiently frowned, glanced at the mobile phone screen.

Is planning to ignore the time, but see the name above, a moment of silence, or connected the phone.

Because she knew that if it wasn't for something important, that person wouldn't call her.

This person is the person that Feng Ruge looks for at the beginning, Mu shallow moon of surveillance.

As soon as I got through the phone, there came a male voice, with some flattering meaning, "Miss mu, I have something important to look for you. I believe you will be interested."

The wind is like a song, "what's the matter?"

Man, "it's about bathing in the moon. I can't say it clearly on the phone for a while."

"Where are you now?" the wind frowned

"I'm downstairs at your company right now.""Wait for me to send someone down to pick you up."

After hanging up the phone, Feng Rucheng asked his assistant to pick him up.

And then think of that person said those words, must be mu shallow moon there has been some progress, just do not know what kind of surprise he gave himself.

Wind group.

Downstairs, a man is looking around, looking at the door of the wind group.

After a while, an assistant came to the man and said, "are you Mr. Xia?"

The man nodded, "I am."

They did not know what to say, and then the man followed the assistant up.

If Mu Qianyue saw that man here, she would find that this man was following her when she was on Lu Zeyuan's car.

The man followed his assistant into the wind group and was attracted by the luxurious building.

Looking at the building of wind group, I can't blink my eyes.

He was just a reporter, but also a second rate reporter.

If it's the previous estimate, it's definitely impossible to touch these.

But I didn't expect that pie would fall from the sky.

One day a woman appeared in front of him and asked him to watch a man.

Let him write down in detail who the woman contacts with and what she does every day.

Then give it to her. If there is nothing important, don't look for her, unless something important happens or something important happens to a woman.

And, most important of all, there is a valuable reward.

Everyone will agree to such a good thing.

Therefore, he also accepted the request of the wind like song. He has been tracking and monitoring Mu shallow moon these days.

However, this is his first time to look for Feng Rusong.

It's hard to avoid being nervous.

Assistant also has some doubts in the heart, do not understand how the vice president Feng suddenly wants to see this man.

But this is not something he should be concerned about.