Outside, Cheng Ling looked at the back of the moon, stunned for a second, and then quickly chased up.

In front of Mu Qianyue, "Miss mu, wait, why do you want to run? Are you looking for the president? The president is in the office. Miss mu, you can go directly to the president. "

Cheng Ling catches up and stops mu Qianyue, saying a long string of words.

Mu Qianyue takes a look at Cheng Ling and doesn't speak. She breaks away Cheng Ling's hand, and her eyes are cold.

Let her in? What are you doing in there? Go in and see how the two of them kiss me?

Mu Qianyue said he didn't have this hobby.

Mu Qianyue wants to leave, but how can Cheng Ling let mu Qianyue leave?

If this matter is not explained clearly, then his crime will be great!

Moreover, the president will certainly not let him go!

"Miss mu, things are not what you see. Listen to my explanation..."

Mu Qianyue interrupts Cheng Ling with a sneer, "explain? What do you want to explain? How to explain it? I saw it with my own eyes. What are they doing in the office? It can't be just a simple tea chat, right

"What's more, I've seen two people so close that they almost kiss each other. What else can you explain? What can you explain? "

Cheng Ling was Mu shallow month said speechless, how did he not find before, Mu Miss originally so eloquent?

It's hard for Cheng Ling to find herself.

At that time, when Feng Ruge came to Lu Zeyuan, Cheng Ling didn't think much about it. He thought it was just a matter of work. Moreover, he thought that Feng Ruge would not stay long, so he put Feng Rugong in.

But did not expect him to leave for a while, Miss Mu unexpectedly came, and also saw that scene.

Cheng Ling knows that if this matter is not explained clearly, Cheng Ling feels that even if he comes to jump into the Yellow River, he will not be able to wash it clearly, and the president will certainly want to peel off his skin.

Just through that gap, Cheng Ling saw what the people were doing. Cheng Ling didn't expect that Feng Rugong would be close to the president's office.

You know, Lu Zeyuan's office, very few people can enter, before only Cheng Ling alone, now more than a month.

Well, of course, Cheng Ling can't be compared with mu Qianyue.

To Cheng Ling's surprise, Feng Rusheng enters Lu Zeyuan's office, but Lu Zeyuan doesn't say anything.

Through which gap did Cheng Ling see that they were very close, but Cheng Ling would never believe that Lu Zeyuan would be interested in Feng Ru Ge.

Because Cheng Ling knows that Lu Zeyuan, from the beginning to the end, likes only mu Qianyue. How can he feel about the wind like a song.

If so, they could have been together almost before. Why wait until now?

And still wind like song has been pestering his president.

When Cheng Ling stops mu Qianyue, Lu Zeyuan has already chased him out. Naturally, he also heard what mu Qianyue just said to Cheng Ling.

Lu Zeyuan looked at the cold face of Mu shallow moon, in the heart has his unexpected joy.

On her, this is jealous?

Although the two people's feelings are very good, there is no misunderstanding, or what makes the relationship between the two bad things.

But mu Qianyue is shy, but he has never said that he likes Lu Zeyuan.

Although know Mu shallow moon is like oneself, but what can compare, hear oneself love person say love oneself.

Lu Zeyuan ran to Mu shallow moon's side, took Mu shallow month's hand, "month, you are jealous."

Not doubt, but affirmation.

Mu Qianyue glared at Lu Zeyuan and retorted, "I haven't!"

She's not jealous!

Although seeing them two together, I feel a little uncomfortable, but mu Qianyue will never admit that he is jealous.

Lu Zeyuan's lips with a smile, looking at Mu shallow moon, "good, you said no, no, but you always have to listen to my explanation."

Mu shallow month to break away from Lu Zeyuan, holding her hand, "there is nothing to explain, I have seen."

Lu Zeyuan, "what you see with your eyes is not necessarily true."

"Yueyue, listen to me."

Mu Qianyue looks at Lu Zeyuan's face. The first thing she thinks of in her mind is that in the office, she sees through which crack Lu Zeyuan and Feng Ruge are very close. They almost kiss each other!

Seeing the wind behind him, mu Qianyue turns around and wants to leave, but how can Lu Zeyuan let mu Qianyue stand and leave.

Fierce Mu shallow month into their arms, tightly embrace, do not let Mu shallow moon leave.

Mu Zeyuan, let go of me

Lu Zeyuan did not speak, a pair of eyes so straight Mu shallow moon to stare at, Mu shallow moon also looked at Lu Zeyuan.Cheng Ling was watching the two fight. Oh, she just didn't want to say anything. Unexpectedly, the president had such a side.

Miss Mu stands such a president, is really enough for Miss mu.


Cheng Ling can't help but look away.

Behind him, the wind like song also catch up, see two people close to each other, hands tightly clasped together, nails are embedded in the meat, but the wind like song seems not to feel pain in general, so looking at the two people embracing!

Mu Qianyue doesn't need to do anything or say anything. She just goes directly here and Lu Zeyuan will pass by.

This scene, the wind like a song, see clearly.

It is because she saw clearly, so the wind like song will be more angry!

Mu shallow moon, she with what!

Seeing the wind like a song, mu Qianyue wants to push Lu Zeyuan away. However, Lu Zeyuan holds mu Qianyue very tightly. There is a feeling that he wants to rub mu Qianyue into his body.

Mu shallow month pushed two times, did not push, she is also lazy to push again.

Just like this, I stayed in Lu Zeyuan's arms and watched the wind like a song.

The wind such as song saw Mu shallow month one eye, take back the vision, undisguised disgust!

"Zeyuan, since you still have something to do, I will leave first. However, what I just said, you still have to consider carefully. I believe you are a smart person and will know how to choose, which will be the best."

Wind such as song finish saying, fiercely stare Mu shallow month one eye, then left.

Mu shallow month by the wind such as song stare some inexplicable, how? It's not that she asked Lu Zeyuan to hold her. Moreover, she has not said that she robbed someone else's husband with the wind like a song. She still dislikes her?

Also bad Mu shallow moon heart big, otherwise, also refers to how to rush up to say the wind like a song.