After dealing with all the reporters outside, Lu Zeyuan put his eyes on the security guards.

If this incident had not been a mistake on the security guards, how could the reporters have come in again?

Security captain Lu Zeyuan that cold breath, came to Lu Zeyuan side, "Lu, Mr. Lu."

It's sunny now, the breeze is not dry, and it's warm everywhere. However, the security captain standing beside Lu Zeyuan feels a chill, straight from the tip of his foot to the top of his head.

Lu Zeyuan put his eyes on the body of the security captain, "what's going on?"

Lu Zeyuan didn't know anything about it.

As early as Cheng Ling called them here, he felt bad when he saw so many reporters around here.

This is their dereliction of duty.

The leader of the security team wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, "this is our dereliction of duty. I will find out and give Mr. Lu an account."

Lu Zeyuan pursed his lips and did not speak.

The captain of the security team was more worried.

The security captain looked at which group of security guards below and said in a loud voice, "who is on duty this morning? Who let these reporters in? "

Although the captain of the security team was afraid of Lu Zeyuan, he was full of dignity when facing these security guards.

The security guards stood in a row below, standing straight. When they heard the question from the leader of the security team, they looked at each other one by one, and there were many voices.

Cheng Ling is on the side, looking coldly. If the president doesn't know this matter in the first time and doesn't rush back in the first time, what will happen to miss mu?

Cheng Ling, "who is on duty today? Stand out automatically, otherwise, when I find out, it will not be like this now. "

"Which two are on duty today? Come out on your own initiative quickly, really, and implicate us to be punished here again

"It's just that I've been a security guard for so long. It's not clear that even the most basic one can't be let in casually?"


Some security guards were whispering below.

Two young security guards looked at each other and then stood up.

The two security guards who came forward this year just came after their internship. Moreover, because they were very good in these aspects, the captain of the security team kept them.

Looking at these two people standing out, the captain of the security team questioned his original decision for the first time. He should have known that such a thing would happen. He should not have left the two security guards behind at the beginning.

He was very smart at that time. How could he be confused now?

The captain of the security team asked them to come to the front and looked at them, "what's going on? Did you eat all the security manuals? Why did you suddenly let so many reporters in? "

The captain of the security team said that he hated iron and steel.

One of the security guards frowned, looked at the security captain, some doubts, "we looked at it very seriously this morning, did not see any reporters sneaking in?"

"Yes, because it's the reason why we just went to work, we were both very careful. We didn't dare to take a nap and looked at the passing vehicles and pedestrians seriously. We didn't come in as these reporters."

Security team leader, "are you on duty today? Those reporters just came in this morning. How do you explain that? How did they get in? "

"Well, we don't know. Anyway, we didn't see so many reporters coming in."

"Well, wait a minute. I saw two cars this morning, because the people in them are also from this villa, so I didn't think much about it, so I just put them in. Will that be the way the reporters came in? "

A security guard looks at Lu Zeyuan, as if suddenly think of something, suddenly to Lu Zeyuan way.

Cheng Ling, "isn't there monitoring? Why don't you just investigate the surveillance? "

After Cheng Ling said this, all the talents remembered that there was still a matter of monitoring.

All of them were in a hurry to transfer the monitoring out. There was no reporter in this morning, but there were two bigger cars coming in.

Cheng Ling looked at which car, asked the security guard, "that person is that villa?"

The security guard scratched his head, some embarrassed way, "this is not very clear."

Because there are a lot of people living in the villa, the security guards can't remember everyone's face. Although most of them know each other, there are still some who don't know. It's because everyone has a certain thing in the villa.

Without finding out anything, Lu Zeyuan couldn't see any expression on his face. He asked Cheng Ling to stay here and find out the matter. He took the lead to return to the villa.

Inside the villa, mu Qianyue anxiously walks around the living room. I don't know how Lu Zeyuan is out there.I don't know if things outside have been solved.

Zhang Ma looked at the anxious Mu shallow moon, also did not know what to say to comfort.

In the Mu shallow month worried about walking around, the villa door was suddenly opened.

Mu Qianyue's heart is startled and thinks that it should not be the reporters who have broken in. Those reporters should not be able to enter.

There is only one answer, that is, Lu Zeyuan is back.

Mu shallow month hurriedly ran to the porch, sure enough, Lu Zeyuan came in from the outside.

Mu shallow month hurriedly welcomed up, "a yuan, are you ok? Are the reporters out there? "

Lu Zeyuan a mu shallow month into his arms, "nothing, things are solved, do not worry."

Mu shallow moon, "then you are OK?"

Lu Zeyuan, "it's OK."

Mu shallow month, "nothing is good, nothing is good, you don't know, I'm worried about it."

"By the way, what is the matter? I remember that I was very vigilant every time I got on the bus. How could someone suddenly find us both? "

Mu shallow moon some doubts, before is not all good? No one found out. Now, what's going on?

Lu Zeyuan let go of Mu Qianyue and looked at it with a tone of rare plaintive, "who told you to hide our relationship?"

If not, it would not have happened now.

Mu Qianyue looks at Lu Zeyuan and is speechless. At that time, she thinks it is just Lu Zeyuan who wants a wife, and she, in order to get back her jade pendant, so they are naturally together.