Did you quarrel with your wife again?

Aunt Wu shook her head. Although the young master didn't like the things arranged for him at home, he had a good relationship with his wife since he was a child. He should not quarrel with his wife.

Maybe something happened to come back in advance.

After thinking it out, aunt Wu continued to do her own business.

In the past, I came to my bedroom, but I didn't live in my bedroom.

Push open the bedroom door of bath shallow moon, the smell that still seems to still exist in the room.

Tang Feng looked around for a while, and Mu shallow moon left when there was no difference.

No one knows. When Tang Feng heard what Gao Han said just now, the whole person was confused. He didn't even know what he should do and how to do it.

I just want to drive back. As soon as I come back, I come to my room.

Even, he did not dare to take out his mobile phone to see, for fear that what he saw was the result that he had been unwilling to see.

Outside, the cold did not walk a few steps, feel as if they have forgotten something important, can not help but stop their own pace, low head to think about, finally found that they have forgotten the Fengge thing?

Gaohan patted his head with some annoyance. Now his sister-in-law is almost robbed by others. Now Brother Feng is in a bad mood. Therefore, he must take good care of him now, so as not to regret what he has done.

In this way, the cold suddenly turned back and ran to the door of the villa and rang the doorbell. After a while, aunt Wu opened the door.

Seeing that the visitor was cold, his face was very happy, "young master Han, are you here? The young master has just come back. "

Because Gao Han and Tang Feng grew up wearing a pair of trousers since they were young, so the cold often comes to Tangfeng's house, and aunt Wu also knows Gaohan.

Naturally, there are not so many etiquette.

Of course, Gao Han knows that Tang Feng is back. He was still in a car with him just now.

Gao Han smiles at Aunt Wu and shouts sweetly, "aunt Wu."

"OK, I will go up now. I have something to say to Tang Feng.

Aunt Wu looked at the cold with a smile, "OK, you go quickly."

After saying goodbye to Aunt Wu, Gao Han went upstairs to find Tang Feng. Because of the reason why he often came here, he was familiar with this place, just like his own home.

Because he used to like to come to Tang Feng's house when he had nothing to do. It can be said that they were almost inseparable.

This also shows that the two of them have a good relationship, which has nothing to do with the interests of the family. It is just a simple good feeling. It is very rare in such a society.

The cold first went to Tang Feng's bedroom, opened the door, but did not find Tang Feng's figure, alpine some doubts, not to say Tang Feng back? How can we not see people?

Gao Han looked around and confirmed that Tang Feng was not found. He was going to go downstairs to ask aunt Wu. When passing by a guest room, he found that the door of the bedroom was open.

Gao Han poked out his head and looked inside. He found a figure standing beside the bed. The figure was not Tang Feng he was looking for. Who else could it be?

Gao Han walked in, slapped Tang Feng on the shoulder, "you don't stay in your bedroom, what are you doing here? What's the difference? Aren't all guest rooms and bedrooms? Is there any gold in this The cold joked.

Tang Feng looked at the cold, did not speak, took his hand from his shoulder down, turned out of the bedroom.

Now he is in a bad mood. They'd better not mess with him, otherwise he can't guarantee what he will do.

His hand was suddenly taken down by Tang Feng. There is no strange place in the cold, looking at Tang Feng's back, followed out.

With Tang Feng came to Tang Feng's bedroom, the cold suddenly said, "Oh, brother Feng, what do you think? Now that you are back in Kyoto, would you like to call mu Qianyue and ask what happened on Weibo on the Internet? "

Hearing these words from Gao Han, Tang Feng's steps stopped, and then he continued to do his own things as if nothing had happened.

Gaohan has been paying attention to Tang Feng, because he is afraid that Tang Feng will do something stupid.

After all, this is the first time Tang Feng likes a person. Now he has become the wife of other people.

When he saw Gao Feng's hair, he didn't feel upset.

See Tang Feng does not talk like this, alpine to Tang Feng way, "Maple elder brother, you don't so don't speak! Or, I give Mu shallow month to make a phone call, ask clear, what is she thinking in the end? What about? So that there can be a break between you. "

Tang Feng took a cold look at the cold, "no, this matter does not need you to worry, I will solve it myself."And let this matter come to an end. What do you want to end?

In this case, he is the only one who is interested in Mu Qianyue.

And, Mu shallow moon still don't know, how to ask this sentence well?

Hearing Tang Feng's warning tone, the cold is anxious to turn in place!

He just wanted to go up and pry open Tang Feng's brain to see what was in it.

Where has his previous decisiveness and choice gone?

How now encounter Mu shallow month's affair to become this appearance? Is it hard to come true? As others say, it's silly to fall in love?

The emperor is not in a hurry. The eunuch is in a hurry.

Take a look at Tang Feng, the client, sitting in his bedroom. He doesn't know what he's thinking about. He doesn't look worried at all.

That's because the cold doesn't know. Tang Feng doesn't know what kind of expression he should make now.

He also wants to call Mu shallow moon, he hasn't seen her for a long time.

He never felt like this before, and he never thought that he would miss someone so much.

In fact, Tang Feng is also afraid to hear the answer he doesn't want to hear from the mouth of Mu shallow moon.

What if that's true? Tang Feng doesn't know what to do. Now his heart is very complicated and fidgety.

Tang Feng looked at the cold beside him and said, "you go back first. You don't have to deal with this matter for the time being. I will handle it well."

How can Gao Han go back now? He wants to take good care of Tang Feng. After all, this is the first time Tang Feng likes a person.

Moreover, he died before he got out of the school. He had already become such a man. How dare he leave Tang Feng in the cold!