Can only be so good nonsense slowly looking.

Isn't it a woman? If you like it, just grab it. Tang Feng's life experience is no worse than Lu Zeyuan's.

He can give Mu shallow moon all, Feng elder brother also can give naturally.


Lu Zeyuan called reporters in the company today to explain the relationship between the two people. Of course, many people asked questions, but Lu Zeyuan, who had no patience for a long time, had the patience to answer them one by one.

Of course, the premise is to ask about Mu Qianyue and Lu Zeyuan.

The picture is only a few minutes, but mu Qianyue has seen it several times.

For a long time, Mu shallow month just put the mobile phone down, eyes some empty looking at the outside.

I'm afraid it won't take long for the whole Kyoto people to know about her and Lu Zeyuan.

Mu Qianyue has been resting at home for almost ten days and a half months. Although she wants to go to work in the company now, she knows that she can't go now.

Mu shallow month gets up, simple cleaned up the bedroom, in the clean up to the desk, there is a thing do not know from where to fall down.

Mu Qianyue put the handkerchief aside and picked up the note.

That's the last time, Lu's mother asked mu Qianyue to go out and gave him a check of five million yuan to let mu Qianyue leave Lu Zeyuan, but at that time, mu Qianyue didn't agree.


Mu Qianyue looks at the check and is lost in thought.

Suddenly, Mu Xiaoyue held the check tightly. She didn't know what she was thinking. She seemed to have made a very important decision.

The next day, mu Qianyue gets up, and Lu Zeyuan's figure is still absent from the bed. Mu Qianyue touches some of the cool quilts beside her, gets up from the bed, cleans up, and then goes to Su youyou.

Su youyou is in the cake shop now. If there is no accident, you are usually in the cake shop.

However, today, the cake shop seems to be particularly busy.

Mu Qianyue walked into the cake shop. It's only about 10 o'clock now, so there are not many people in the cake shop, so people are very leisure.

Xiaorou is the most sharp eyed, all of a sudden saw Mu shallow moon, but did not run over for the first time, but over there very happily called out, "shallow moon sister."

Mu Qianyue is expressionless at home these days, because she really can't laugh. Now I don't know whether she is bewitched by xiaorou. Looking at the smile on xiaorou's face, mu Qianyue's face can't help but take a little smile.

Carry step to walk past, just found Su you, xiaorou, ye Yun are where, can't help but some doubt, "where are you all around for what?"

Xiaorou stood up and came to Mu's side. "Sister, look, she's so cute."

Xiaorou is surprised, and the voice of joy rings out. Mu Qianyue looks at xiaorou's finger and sees Su 11 sitting on a bench.

Today, Su 11 wears two braids, one on the left and one on the left, wearing a pink fluffy skirt and a pair of pink leather shoes on her feet. Her innocent and lovely face is full of smile, which makes people feel soft.

Mu shallow month also quite like children, see Su 11, eyes can't help but a bright, "good lovely child, whose children are this?"

Xiaorou pointed to Su youyou beside her. "It was brought by sister youyou. She said it was a friend's child."

Mu Qianyue noticed Su youyou next to her. She took her hand and said, "Yo, when did you have such a lovely child? It's so cute. May I touch her? "

Before Su youyou said anything, Su Yi jumped down from the bench, which was not very high. However, Su Yi jumped down like this, which still scared all the people present. However, seeing that Su Yi was ok, he put his heart back.

Su a rubbed and rubbed ran to Mu shallow month in front of, looked up at Mu shallow month, "you are the month elder sister?"

Mu shallow month some surprised, "Oh, you know me?"

At the same time, I can't help but squat down and look at Su one at the same time.

Su nodded one by one, "I saw your picture in sister you's house. Sister you said, you are her best friend, and you two are the best friends in the world!"

Speaking from Su Yi's mouth, it makes people's heart soften, and the voice is too good to hear.

Mu shallow month looked at Su Youyou, "yes, you and I are the best friends."

Su Yi laughed and looked at Su youyou and mu Qianyue. "Sister Yue, what you said with sister you was really the same. Sister you said that at that time."

Mu shallow month looks at Su 11, asked, "can I hold you?"

Sue nodded one by one and opened her hands automatically. "Of course."With a smile on her face, she lifted Su one by one.

Su Yi is only more than four years old, which is not very heavy. When she holds her arms in her arms, she only feels that her heart and eyes are full of this child, just like having the whole world. She is very satisfied.

Xiaorou was a little unhappy and blocked her mouth. "It's really differential treatment. We've taken care of you here for so long. We don't want to give you a hug. Now when we see sister Qianyue, she immediately lets her embrace her. You said, did you let sister Qianyue hold her because she was beautiful? "

Su looked at xiaorou's eyes one by one, and hugged Mu's neck. "Yes, I like sister Yue."

It's really heart piercing.

Xiaorou ah, fell on the shoulder of Ye Yun, "Xiao Yun, I was despised, she actually disliked me."

Ye Yun's face also can't help but take a few minutes of smile, "come on, you just, you still knead one small hand?"

Xiaorou, "that's different. I want to hold her."

Cute and cute, who don't want to be so close to her.

After a few words, Su youyou and Mu Xiaoyue enter a room inside.

This room is not big, but it looks very warm. Everything in it is warm yellow. There are fresh lilies on the table, a sofa beside it, and a single bed at the bottom. Sometimes you can rest in it if you are tired.

Mu shallow month into the house, holding sue one by one sitting on the sofa, suddenly do not want to let go.

Su youyou looked aside, "OK, quickly put her down, you hold so long, do not feel tired?"