Mu Qianyue is startled by Su Yi's words. Although she knows that Su Yi may have a little unhappy even though she doesn't have a mother, she doesn't expect that Su Yi will be like this.

It is estimated that Su 11 mouth said those, there are a lot of people playing with her, but also those nannies that Su Jingyan invited. Maybe it was afraid that Su yi11 was bored at home, so she invited a lot of nannies at home to accompany Su Yiyi to play.

But Su Yiyi doesn't like to be with them, so when you see Su Youyou, you will like it very much.

Although Su cautioned that her father SU-11 was very good, there was still some unhappiness in the heart of a child without a mother. Every time she went out to see other children, her mother would come to pick them up, and she had only her father, and she would certainly be envious.

Mu Qianyue was an orphan since she was a child, so she will know more about these things and feel the mood of Su 11.

But Su Jingyan heard the words Su said one by one, but his face was a little embarrassed.

He didn't think that Su Xi didn't want to go back. Now he even said these words.

Of course, if a child, no one will pay attention to it.

Su Jingyan takes a subconscious look at Su youyou. Sure enough, Su youyou looks at Su 11 with some heartache and rubs Su 11's head.

Su youyou said, "OK, now I'm still there? I'll come and play with my sister one by one

Su nodded his head one by one. Mu Qianyue was thinking of praising SU-11. Who knows shu-11 finally said a sentence, which made the three people present startled like thunder.

Su looked at Su youyou one by one. She opened a pair of eyes and was naive and cute. However, her words made people feel like they didn't want to. "Sister you, can you be my mother? Every time I go to kindergarten, they have their own parents to pick them up, but I only have my father

"All the students said I didn't have a mother I really want to tell them that I also have my mother's... "

"But I've never seen my mother Dad said My mother went to a far, far away place. She protected me in heaven and blessed me to grow up well... "

"Sister you, do you think so?"

Su Yiyi's words were intermittent, and sometimes he would stop to think about it for a while and then continue to speak.

After finishing, Su blinks a pair of eyes to see Su Youyou, naive and lovely.

When she heard what Su Yiyi said, mu Qianyue couldn't help but look away. At first, when Su Yiyi said those words, mu Qianyue thought that it was su Jingyan who taught her to say those words. The purpose was to be Su Xi's mother.

But after hearing what Su Jiyi said, mu Qianyue felt that these words should not be what Su Jingyan asked Su Yiyi to say, because at this time, when she heard Su Yiyi say those words, Su Jingyan's eyes were a little red, and she felt guilty and looked at Su 11 apologetically.

Maybe it's because they didn't give Su yi11 a happy, safe and warm home that made him look like this.

No wonder youyou said that Su yi11 came here to look for you when she had time. Maybe it was because youyou was good to her. She had the warm shadow of her mother.

That's why Su Xi's words made all three people present feel sad.

Mu Qianyue didn't know what to say for a while, but Su Jingyan was standing beside him, and he didn't know what to say to Su one by one.

Only Su youyou looked at Su Yiyi and said, "no, Yiyi has always had a mother. Every child will have a mother. However, as your father said, his mother has gone far away, but you have to believe it. After your mother is bound to come back, one by one so lovely, so clever and sensible, how can your mother always be outside, she will certainly like you very much. So you can rest assured that one by one's mother will come back. "

"And, you know, I'm your sister, I can't be your mother, you know?"

Su youyou looks at Su 11 and slowly teaches.

Su Yi was a little curious and asked, "why?"

Su youyou likes the expression of Su 11, which is so cute that people don't want it.

Su youyou patiently said to Su, "because I am your sister, how can my sister be your mother? is it? You'll have a mother in the future, won't you? Besides, sister you will always be your sister. You can come to me if you have anything in the future, OK

Sue nodded. "OK."

But Su youyou didn't see Su Jinyan standing beside her. Her eyes were obviously dim.

The smile on his face almost can't hold on. Su youyou has been comforting Su Xi, but naturally he doesn't see it. But mu Qianyue has been paying attention to the two of them. Naturally, he also found the emotional change of Su Jingyan.

When Su youyou said that her sister could not be her mother, Su's cautious eyes were obviously dim. She should be very lost.Su Jingyan is really interesting to Su youyou. Mu Qianyue thinks in her heart, but she doesn't say it, so as not to embarrass both of them.

It seems that Su youYou're just a friend to Su Jingyan. He doesn't like Su Jingyan.

Su Jingyan looks at Su Youyou, his face is as warm as ever, but if you look at it carefully, you can find that Su Jingyan is just holding on.

Toward Su you you some apologetic smile, "Yo, you don't mind, one by one talk is always some no big no small, just words, you don't mind."

Su youyou smiles, "it's OK. I also like one by one. "

Su youyou turned to Su Yi and said, "one by one, you can often come to me when you have time."

Su Jingyan waited for two people to finish speaking before saying to Su Yi, "one, hurry down, now it's too late, elder sister, they're going to rest, we should go back."

Su Yi heard Su Jingyan's words, and finally some reluctantly came down from Su youyou.

Su Jingyan hugs Su Yiyi, looks at mu Qianyue and Su Youyou, and nods to them. Su Yiyi also waves some chubby little hands to Mu Qianyue and Su youyou. "Goodbye, sister Yue. I'll come back to you when I have time."

Mu shallow moon and Su youyou smile at Su 11, should say, "good."

Two people watched Su Jingyan and Su one by one leave, Mu shallow month this just was relieved, sat on the sofa.