What's more, there is still the wind family.

Mu Qianyue doesn't know how she came back home. She feels like she is in a trance. What did she just do?

Mu shallow month returns home, lock oneself into bedroom, don't know how long, Mu shallow month just went out the door.

Zhang Ma sees Mu shallow month some spirit is not good, worried asked Mu shallow month a few words, Mu shallow month toward Zhang Ma smile, say oneself is OK.

After dinner, muqianyue wants to go out for a walk alone, tell mama Zhang, and then leave.

Tell mom Zhang, it's just because she doesn't want to worry her.

Mu Qianyue walks alone in the street and looks at the pedestrians coming and going on the street. There are children, old people, young people and lovers. They are all doing their own things.

It looks very busy.

A couple, walking on the street, did not know what they were talking about, and finally had a quarrel.

Two people quarrel, the woman turned to leave, who knows the man a woman to pull into his arms.

Don't know what to say, the woman's face showed a smile, two people hugged each other and left together.

Mu shallow month looks at two people to leave the back, lip side involuntarily draws up a wipe of smile.

Today's young people are noisy, but they have not really separated.

Mu Qianyue didn't know that she was thinking about it. She was also a young man.

Mu shallow month took a car, the driver asked Mu shallow moon where to go, Mu shallow moon did not have a place in mind, but suddenly emerged out of a sea.

Tang Feng took her there.

Mu shallow month reported a name, the driver did not know, some embarrassed looking at Mu shallow moon, Mu shallow moon also did not say anything, very understanding smile at the driver, and then got off the car.

After getting off the car, the moon sighed and walked aimlessly, as if to walk for the end of time.

Mu shallow moon does not know how long he has gone, and when there is a burst of cool sea breeze blowing over, Mu shallow moon just returns to God.

Looking at the boundless sea in front of me, I feel a little dazed by the shallow moon.

What is this place?

How did she get here?

Mu shallow moon doubts frown, just want to turn around and leave, but unexpectedly feel that the sea, as if some familiar.

Mu shallow month looked carefully, this is not the place that Tang Feng brought her to last time?

This place is neither far nor near from Kyoto.

If walking, it is estimated to take 40 or 50 minutes. Mu Qianyue didn't think that he could walk like this. Now he has already come here.

Moreover, she had never been able to remember the way, but now she can accurately walk here.

Maybe this is fate.

Fate brought her here.

What Tang Feng said is not wrong. When you see the sea, the sea seems to be able to wash away everything in your mind.

I feel that the whole person is relaxed a lot.

Mu shallow month found a place to sit down, holding his head quietly watching the tide of the sea rise and fall.

So, sometimes, people will be like this, although the feelings are good, but one day, there will be a time to separate.

Mu shallow moon looking at the sea, do not want to think about anything else.

Tang Feng stopped the car and was about to go to the beach to blow the sea breeze as usual. He calmed down his mind. However, he found this woman sitting on the beach in front of the big sea.

The woman's hair, with the sea breeze, fluttered towards the back, and wearing a skirt, it seems to have a very aesthetic feeling.

Let a person, can't help but want to go up, have a look at that person's face.

Although this is the place where Tang Feng wants to find out by accident, he is not sure whether there are other people coming.

Besides, it's not his place, and he can't refuse other people to come.

However, don't know why, Tang Feng heart has a feeling, intuition that person is, he has been thinking of these days.

Tang Feng looked at the back of that sitting on the beach, slowed down his pace and walked slowly towards the man.

I'm afraid that the woman sitting on the beach will be startled by the heavy step.

Tang Feng slowly came to Mu shallow moon's side, the whole person held his breath.

The sand is stepping on it. Even in the subtle movements, you can hear it clearly when you bathe in the shallow moon.

So, when Tang Feng is close to Mu shallow moon, Mu shallow moon turns head all of a sudden.

Tang Feng felt that his heart was hit hard.

Because just now, when muqianyue turned her head, the sea breeze brushed her hair, and her expression was confused and confused. This is the other side of muqianyue.

It was her!

Tang Feng doesn't know how to express his joy.He did not expect, Mu shallow moon unexpectedly will come to this place, this he only took her to that place!

Mu shallow month saw Tang Feng is also very surprised, "Tang Feng, how do you also here?"

Tang Feng calmed down his joy, but the smile on the corner of his lips could not be restrained.

Although know, Mu shallow month already married Lu Zeyuan, tell oneself, want to put down her.

However, Tang Feng felt that this was impossible when he saw mu Qianyue today.

Bathe in the moon

How could he have let it go.

Tang Feng looked at Mu shallow moon, as if to Mu shallow moon's eyebrows and eyes are reflected in his mind, "well, I'm just at home idle boring, so come out for a stroll, but unwittingly stroll here."

Tang Feng said and sat down beside the moon.

Looking at Mu shallow moon, "how about you?"

Mu shallow month smile, "me too, I was just walking in the street, but I don't know why to walk, even walked here."

Tang Feng lip angle rise, "we are really predestined."

Tang Feng sits beside Mu shallow moon, Yu Guang keeps looking at Mu shallow moon.

Thin, the whole person also looks a little haggard.

He didn't have the happy and lively look when he was at home.

Is it because of what happened online?

Think of those things on the Internet, Tang Feng's heart is a little sour, and heartache.

Although mu Qianyue is looking at the sea, Tang Feng's eyes are also some blazing. It's hard to ignore mu Qianyue.

Mu shallow month turns to look at Tang Feng, "since you just sat down, you have been staring at me like this, what's the matter? Is there anything dirty on my face

Tang Feng was a little embarrassed by the bag. He moved away from his eyes with difficulty. His ears were a little red, but now it's dark. So he didn't see the flush on his ears and face.

"No, no, I just think that you seem to be a little thin recently, and the whole person looks haggard a lot. Is it something happened at home?"