"So, when Zeyuan went on a business trip last time, I just came out of the hotel. In fact, if it wasn't for you, I didn't know where I was going to stay in those days."

"However, Tang Feng, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to cheat you about that."

Tang Feng listens to Mu Qianyue's words, although he hears Lu Zeyuan's name from mu Qianyue's mouth, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

But he had no reason to be uncomfortable. Who let Lu Zeyuan meet her and be with her before he did.

Tang Feng some reluctantly toward Mu shallow month smile, "nothing." Even if you lied to me, it doesn't matter.

"It's getting late, and I'm going back."

Mu shallow month stands up, gives the coat to Tang Feng, facing Tang Feng Road.

Tang Feng also quickly stood up, "I'll send you back, you just came by yourself, and now the time is so late, if I take a taxi, I'm not sure."

Tang Feng looked at his coat and said to the moon, "you'd better wear it first. It's not too late to give it to me when you go home, lest you get a cold."

Mu shallow month thought, also right, toward Tang Feng nodded, finally or on Tang Feng's car.

Mu shallow moon looks at Tang Feng, and suddenly thinks of Su Xinrui. Suddenly, Tang Feng and Su Xinrui are quite compatible.

Thinking of Su Xinrui, mu Qianyue's lips can't help but bring a trace of shallow smile. Although Su Xinrui and mu Qianyue have not been in contact for a long time, mu Qianyue can feel that Su Xinrui is a very beautiful and kind girl.

Mu Qianyue looks out of the window at the flying scene, some sigh, she has lived in Kyoto for so long, did not expect, one day, unexpectedly will also leave like this.

Tang Fengjin went into the palace with a smile and said, "thank you.".

And Tang Feng sat in the cab, looking at the figure of Mu shallow moon, until the figure of Mu shallow moon disappeared, Tang Feng took back his eyes.

Looking at his coat, it seems that there is the fragrance of Mu Qianyue on it. Moreover, when he handed him the coat just now, when his fingers accidentally touched each other, the warm residual temperature was a little warm.

Tang Feng's fingers curled up a little.

The next second suddenly hold, as if that wipe residual temperature still exist in his palm.


After Mu's return to the villa, Zhang's mother is packing things up in the living room. Seeing Mu's return, she hurriedly comes to Mu's side. "Miss mu, are you back? My husband called back just now, and I almost couldn't get in touch with you. Fortunately, you are back now. Otherwise, my husband will be crazy. "

Mu shallow month smell speech a Leng, take out his mobile phone, found how to press do not light, this just found that has been turned off.

Mu Qianyue ran up and charged his mobile phone. Before the mobile phone was full, he immediately called Lu Zeyuan.

The phone rang twice and was connected to the other side.

Mu shallow month holds a mobile phone, temporarily do not know what to say.

Or Lu Zeyuan said, "moon."

So tender and affectionate to call this name, only Lu Zeyuan would call it like this.

Mu shallow month hastily should a, "well, I am in."

Thinking of what Zhang's mother said to her, Lu Zeyuan called and found that she had not been contacted. Mu Qianyue quickly explained to Lu Zeyuan, "a yuan was just sorry. I just went out for a visit, and then my mobile phone was out of power, so the phone was turned off. Sorry, I didn't hear from you. "

Mu Qianyue doesn't know what kind of mood Lu Zeyuan is when she can't contact him, but she knows that if she can't contact Lu Zeyuan and his mobile phone is off, she will be very worried and worried.

Therefore, mu Qianyue explained to Lu Zeyuan at the first time.

Lu Zeyuan has been busy there for a whole day. He is bored to death by the things in Y City. Although the matter is not very big, as long as the salary is paid to those employees, it will have an impact on Lu's group if it is not handled properly.

Just now, he took the time to call mu Qianyue at the end of the meeting. However, he found that Mu's mobile phone was turned off, even several times.

Lu Zeyuan was about to go back, but fortunately Cheng Ling reminded him and asked him to call his family. Zhang Ma told him that mu Qianyue had gone there and that he would come back soon.

If Lu Zeyuan doesn't have time to go back, I believe.

In the past, when there was no miss mu, the president always revolved around his work. Now, with Miss mu, the president is all around Miss mu.

But now hear the sound of Mu shallow moon, feel that the fatigue of this day has disappeared, but there is a very relaxed feeling.

Lu Zeyuan heard mu Qianyue say that he went out, but he couldn't help worrying, "what did you just go out for? You don't know your mental state these days. Your health is not very good. You have to go out and stay at home one day. Is it not good to have a good rest at home? "Although Lu Zeyuan is saying some reproachful words, but there are many concerns in his tone.

And although mu Qianyue didn't say that, Lu Zeyuan found that Mu's mental state was not very good these days, so he didn't force mu Qianyue to come to y city with him.

Hearing Lu Zeyuan's voice, mu Qianyue suddenly has an impulse to cry.

Especially after today's decision on this matter, and this matter has been agreed with the people of the Lu family. It may be that she will leave Lu Zeyuan one day.

Think of here, bathe shallow moon nose and eye some sour, what thing cannot restrain from inside the eye to flow down.

Wait until the cold tears slip across the cheek, Mu shallow month just found that he cried, Mu shallow month quickly wiped his tears.

In order not to let Lu Zeyuan hear his tone when it sounds a little sad, mu Qianyue eases his mood.

Then he said to Lu Zeyuan, "I just stayed at home all day, which was boring, so I went out for a stroll. Now, I don't come back? And nothing happened to me. Don't worry about it. I promise you won't do it again

Hearing the soft tone of Mu Qianyue, Lu Zeyuan could not have been angry. He laughed helplessly, "you."

It's really impossible for her to fight or scold.

What else?

Their own women, can only good pet.