Mu shallow month listen to the driver said those words, oneself from time to time should be so one or two, outside these things, really good.

What's more, when driving all the way over, mu Qianyue also found that there are a lot of doors here, but there are not many people.

In Mu shallow month is still thinking about those things, the driver suddenly stopped the car, "little girl, Jincheng square is here."

Mu shallow month to return to God, said a thank you to the driver, and then dragged his box out of the car.

Standing on this big square, mu Qianyue looks at a completely strange city and a completely strange crowd. A sense of powerlessness rises from mu Qianyue's heart and spreads to every corner of his body.

This square is so big that there should be a lot of renters, right?

Now the most important problem is to solve the place where you are going to live.

Otherwise, mu Qianyue doesn't know where he should live.

However, mu Qianyue also knows that it may be difficult to rent a house today, because it's already four or five o'clock in the afternoon.

So mu Qianyue found a hotel, opened a room, put all the things in it, thought of taking a simple rest for a while, and then went out to look for a house.

No matter where he is, mu Qianyue feels that he should find his place first.

But, Mu shallow month looks at this hotel, pour also does not have what dislike the meaning, thought is quite good.

The planks, beds and so on here are all made of wood. Moreover, it reveals a very simple feeling, just like the feeling of coming to a small town in the south of the Yangtze River.

It's a bit primitive.

However, Mu also likes this kind of environment.

Mu shallow month first oneself simple wash gargle for a while, sit in the room to have a rest, and then went out the door.

About to walk to the hotel, mu Qianyue came back and asked the front desk service staff.

Mu shallow month, "Hello, I would like to ask, is there any place here can rent a room?"

The front desk lady raised her head and looked at the moon. "Do you want to rent a house?"

Mu shallow moon nods.

"You go straight out of the hotel door, go out, turn right, and walk for a few minutes. Turn right. There is a community over there. There are many rental houses there."

"OK, thank you."

"It's OK."

Mu shallow month learned where to rent a house, and then immediately went out.

According to the receptionist, go out, turn right, walk for a few minutes, and then turn right.

Mu shallow month came to the outside of the community, sure enough, there is a wall outside, there are a lot of notes on it, all of which are to rent the house.

Mu Qianyue takes a look at the community, which is not much different from the house she rented in Kyoto and youyou. However, the floor seems to be lower.

However, Mu shallow month also did not care about those now.

It seems that they wrote their own telephone numbers and rented their own houses. There was no housing agency like that in Kyoto.

Mu shallow month thought, looking at the dazzling phone number above, Mu shallow month found a two room one hall, and then called in the past.

The phone was put through without a few rings.

Mu Qianyue said, "Hello, do you have a house to rent? I want to rent a house. "

"Well, yes, where are you now?" It sounds like a female voice on the opposite side. It sounds very gentle and kind.

Mu shallow month looked around, "I am now in a community outside, here posted a lot of phone numbers to rent."

"OK, just a moment. I'll be right there."


Mu shallow month Hang up after the phone, standing under a tree next to, did not wait for a few minutes, a woman came out from the door of the community.

Looking around and finally walking towards the moon.

A woman is about thirty or forty years old. She is wearing a new black and white suit. Her hair is tied into a ponytail and tied behind her head. She looks a little capable.

The woman came to Mu Qianyue's side and showed a smile towards him, "Hello, are you the Miss Mu who just called?"

Mu shallow month nodded, "mm-hmm, it's me."

The woman showed a friendly smile toward Mu Xiaoyue, "come with me, Miss mu. This house will be in this community. The owner of this house moved away two days ago, and she is entrusted to me to deal with it."

Mu shallow month follows the woman's pace, not slow to follow in the woman's back.

Mu shallow moon, "by the way, I don't know what you call it?"

The woman didn't look back and said, "my name is Liu Ying. You just call me sister Liu. You don't have to pay too much attention to these details."

Mu shallow moon, "OK, sister Liu."Although it doesn't look very good outside, when I enter the community, mu Qianyue feels that it's quite good here. It's not much different from the place they rented in Kyoto.

The floor is not very good. It's on the sixth floor. There are only 20 floors here. There are elevators.

Sister Liu took mu Qianyue to the sixth floor, and then took the key to open the door and called mu Qianyue in. "Miss mu, this is where you go first."

"It's quite nice here. The room is good, and it's facing east. Every morning there's sunlight coming in. If you don't like the sun shining in, you can close the curtains."

"In the past, there was a couple who lived here. This room had not been decorated for a long time. However, because of the promotion and salary increase of the male, they were moved to other places. They would not be able to come for a year and a half, and maybe it will be longer. So let me help them rent it out."

"You can look at it carefully and think it over."

Mu shallow month nods, "OK, thank you sister Liu."

Mu shallow month should a, walked away, walked into the door, left next to the living room and kitchen, kitchen about 89 square meters, the living room and dining room are together, but there is a curtain in the middle, you can clearly see everything in the living room, it is also very convenient.

On the right is a bedroom. It is a secondary bedroom, about 156 square meters in shape. Then the next one is the master bedroom. The master bedroom is bigger than the secondary bedroom. There are independent toilets and bookshelves in it. It can be seen that people who lived here before obviously enjoy life.

There is a five or six square meter balcony outside. There are several pots of flowers and hanging orchids on the balcony. There is also a lazy chair. Now the sun just comes in and shines on the lazy chair. In the afternoon, you can drink a cup of afternoon tea and sit here reading books leisurely, which is also very correct.