So it was very convenient to clean up, and didn't let Ling Shu wait too long.

Mu Qianyue carries a box to go down. Although there are not many things, they still have some weight. Moreover, mu Qianyue is a girl, and she will inevitably feel some difficulty.

Ling Shu saw this, hurriedly came to Mu shallow moon's side, to Mu shallow moon way, "I come." Although I was a little angry when I came down, I am not so angry now.

Mu shallow month head up, toward Ling Book smile, "thank you."

Ling Shu looks at the smile on the face of Mu Qianyue, pauses and moves his eyes.

Mu shallow month smiles, did not speak.

Ling Shu looks very good-looking, eyebrow star sword purpose, youth, sunshine, there must be many girls like in school.

Because consider Mu shallow month, so go back when Ling Shu can't help slowing down some pace, let Mu shallow month just be able to keep up with his pace.

Mu Qianyue looks at the roadside buildings, is trying to write them down in his mind, although some can not find the way, but walk a few more times to know.

Mu Qianyue looks at this place and thinks it's still very good. She just doesn't know why when she was on the plane, when she talked about it, she didn't want to come here.

They didn't walk for a few minutes before they arrived at the house they rented just now.

It's summer now, so it's inevitable that the weather is still a little hot. Ling Shu takes the box to mu, and moves to his home, ready to leave.

They were not very familiar with each other. What's more, sister Liu asked Ling Shu to help mu Qianyue. Now that the work is done, it's natural to leave.

Mu shallow month call to go Ling book, to Ling book very seriously said a, "thank you, Ling book."

Ling Shu moved her eyes a little awkwardly and said in a hurry, "well, it's OK." Then he left.

Mu shallow month looks at Ling Shu's back, can't help but chuckle, and suddenly feel that Ling Shu is quite cute.

It seems that the people here have just moved away. Not long ago, the room is still clean, so mu Qianyue just simply cleaned up the things here.

As for the photo she saw just now, mu Qianyue thought about it and put it in a more hidden place for them. After all, it is the property of other people's family, and it must be very important for them. Maybe it was because she left in a hurry that she forgot it here.

Mu Qianyue makes the bed well, and then takes out the things in the box and puts them one by one. After a while, mu Qianyue looks at the room and nods with satisfaction, which are all his own achievements.

Mu Qianyue is sitting on the bed, preparing to have a rest for a while. She suddenly thinks of something. She touches out her mobile phone and unloads the phone card.

Use a box and put it well. That's all.

Now that I have decided to leave Kyoto, I should not be so soft hearted because of these things.

Mu shallow month in the heart silently said a sorry, is in order not to let Lu Zeyuan find her.

Just as mu Qianyue was thinking about something, a knock on the door suddenly sounded outside, which startled mu Qianyue. Later, she reflected that it should be sister Liu.

Mu shallow month hurriedly out of the bedroom, opened the door, found that Ling book is now in front of his own door, now the sky has been completely dark down, the sky has been dark, Mu shallow moon did not think, just just just cleaned up for a while, now the sky is actually dark.

Mu shallow moon, "what's the matter? Ling Shu. "

Ling Shu takes back his knocking hand. He knocked on the door for such a long time. No one responded. He thought there was no one in the house.

Ling Shu, "my mother asked me to come and tell you to eat."

Mu Qianyue has some headache. She thought that sister Liu was just saying it casually, but she didn't expect that sister Liu took it seriously. What's more, she even asked her to have dinner together.

Mu Qianyue's face is a little embarrassed. It's thanks to sister Liu that she can rent such a good house today. Now how can she bother her.

Mu shallow month, "I don't have to go. You can eat by yourself. I'll order a takeout later."

Mu shallow month is to do not want to trouble sister Liu again.

Ling Shu heard Mu shallow month said that words, really no action, has been standing there, looking at Mu shallow moon.

Ling book did not go, Mu shallow month also embarrassed to close the door, thought Ling book is there is something else, can't help but ask, "what's wrong, Ling Shu, is there anything else?"

Ling Shu, "go and eat."

Look at this, is mu shallow moon, if not in the past, then he will have been standing here.

Mu Qianyue

Mu Qianyue, "I..."

Mu shallow month after the words have not finished, Ling book's mobile phone suddenly rang up, Mu shallow month had to stop talking.Ling Shu looks at mu Qianyue and connects the phone. Mu Qianyue doesn't know who called, but her intuition tells her that it's definitely not a good thing. She has a bad premonition.

Mu shallow month also don't know who, just stood there quietly, did not make a sound, Ling book connected the phone, called a mother over there.

Mu shallow month hears that sound mother, eyebrow heart can't help but jump.

Then don't know what was said there, Ling Shu frowned, and finally said, "OK, I'll be here soon."

After hanging up the phone, Ling Shu looked at mu Qianyue, "can I go now? If she doesn't go away, she'll call for someone in person later

Both of them knew who she was talking about.

Mu shallow moon helplessly help forehead.

She did not expect that sister Liu would be so good.

I even called her to have dinner with her.

At this moment, even if Mu shallow moon wants to push back, it can't be shirked.

Mu shallow month helpless, had to follow Ling book together.

Mu shallow month to Ling Shu way, "you wait for me first, I go back to clean up, immediately come out."

Ling Shu nodded, "OK."

Then Mu shallow month ran in, simply cleaned up their own, this just came out to Ling Shu way, "OK, let's go."

The distance between the two families is only two or three meters, so it's only a few steps away.

Ling Shu is familiar with the way to open the door, a door Mu shallow moon smell a burst of fragrance head-on.

Two people have just entered the room, sister Liu's voice came over, "but is to let you call a person, how can I come back now?"

Mu shallow month heard this, subconsciously went to see Ling Shu. But Ling couldn't see anything in writing and didn't answer sister Liu's words.