Mu shallow month returns to God, the face shows a smile, smile toward elder sister Liu, "thank you, sister Liu."

After eating this meal, mu Qianyue can see that sister Liu is a very warm-hearted person, everything goes to her bowl, and it is very good to her.

Apart from Lu Zeyuan and Youyou, there are not so many people who treat her well.

After dinner, mu Qianyue helped sister Liu clean up the things here. Ling Shu watched TV with Ling Fu for a while, and then went into his room.

Mu Qianyue looks at Ling Shu's back. If she didn't know that Ling Shu kindly helped her move those things this afternoon, mu Qianyue thought Lingshu hated her.

After all, Ling Shu's appearance is not like to her.

Mu shallow month to help Liu sister to clean up the things, Liu sister a force of praise Mu shallow moon, praise Mu shallow moon are some embarrassed.

Accompanied by Sister Liu said for a while, Mu shallow month is ready to leave, but do not know what suddenly thought of, and turned back.

Liu elder sister saw Mu shallow month to come back again, still think Mu shallow month is what matter, "how shallow moon."

Mu shallow month looked at sister Liu, "Sister Liu, my phone number, I don't intend to use, I want to go tomorrow to do a new phone card, because the number is over there, I use here is also a bit inconvenient."

Sister Liu nodded, "well, it's OK. Indeed, it's not convenient to use the card over there

Sister Liu thought about it and said to Mu Qianyue, "it's just that I don't have anything to do tomorrow. I'll take you out for a stroll tomorrow and get familiar with the environment here. Then you can see what you need to buy in your home. You can buy all the things tomorrow."

Mu shallow month gratitude toward Liu Jie smile, "thank you, sister Liu, fortunately I met you, otherwise I don't know how to do."

Yes, I came to this completely strange place alone, and I didn't know how to go in the future.

Fortunately, mu Qianyue now meets sister Liu and they are so dedicated to helping themselves.

"Sister Liu," said, "what do you do? Before, I came out alone, so I know your difficulties now. Well, it's not too early now. Go back and have a rest soon."

Mu shallow month and sister Liu said goodbye, and then went back to his room, looking at this although there are everything, but still some cold room, Mu shallow moon sighed.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, some shaking God, do not know what to think.

Unconsciously, she thought of Lu Zeyuan again. When she left, nothing was left for Lu Zeyuan, not even a letter or a word.

What's more, what mu Qianyue said to Lu's mother one day, I don't know whether Lu Mu told Zeyuan or whether Zeyuan returned to Kyoto and knew about those things.

If you know these things and see her leave without saying goodbye, plus the people of the Shanglu family, you will not have any feelings for her.

Mu Qianyue smiles bitterly. Should she still thank the people of the Lu family? She hasn't found her a place where there are no people or ghosts.

At least, she can speak Mandarin very well, and she can also understand it.

What's the matter with Zhang's mother? If you know that she's out and not found, will you tell Lu Zeyuan?

However, this kind of thing should not happen. When she left, she was afraid of Zhang's mother's worry, so she left a note for her mother, telling her that she would go to live in youyou's house for a few days.

Mu Zeyuan didn't want to see Zhang's mother in such a hurry, but she didn't want to see her mother so much.

So mu Qianyue finally decided to leave a note for Zhang's mother, saying that he had gone to find youyou and was ready to stay with her for a few days, so that she did not have to worry about her. Moreover, if there was anything wrong with Zhang's family, she could go back.

What worries mu Qianyue the most is youyou. I don't know how youyou is now.

However, she believes that nanluochen should be good and sincere to youYou.

What's the use of thinking so much now? Bathe shallow month simply flushed a bath, washed for a while, then then lay on the bed ready to sleep.

I don't know if there are some reasons for recognizing the bed. Mu Qianyue always feels that she can't sleep well. She wakes up many times in the evening and thinks it's dawn, but she finds that it's only at a few o'clock in the morning and sleeps soundly until the last midnight.

By the time I woke up the next day, it was already bright.

Mu shallow month touched the mobile phone and looked at the time. It's almost eight or nine o'clock now.

Mu shallow month covers oneself with quilt, do not want to rise.

Suddenly, I found that if I didn't have to do anything, I would sleep at home and wake up naturally. This feeling is also very good.However, this can only think about it. After all, life will continue, and money will continue.

Mu shallow moon sleeps on the bed for a while, and then gets up from the bed.

After washing herself, she was ready to go out for a walk and get to know the terrain, environment and conditions. After all, she has already lived here, and she must figure out the surrounding conditions, so as not to return when she goes out.

It's a shame to say so.

Mu Qianyue vaguely remembers that when she came up with Ling Shu yesterday, she passed a shop, where there seemed to be a breakfast shop.

Or go to have breakfast first, and then in to get familiar with the environment, bathe shallow month to feel some flat belly.

Mu Qianyue is also an action group. After thinking about these things, he went out.

Fortunately, the breakfast shop is not far from the community downstairs. When you get out of the community, turn left and you will arrive.

Everything in the shop is very complete, there are steamed stuffed bun, soybean milk, fried dough sticks, steamed bread, porridge, in short, there should be everything.

Moreover, the food culture here is not very different from Kyoto.

Mu Qianyue has some doubts. How did the people of the Lu family find this place.

What's more, the people of the Lu family are so kind? Let her come to this place?

Mu Qianyue had a simple breakfast here, and then went back to her room. Now she is not familiar with this place, and she doesn't want to run around, so as not to get lost.

And now there is no phone, when you want to contact a person can not contact.

That's really sad.