If it was in the past, when she didn't know the real identity of Mu Qianyue, who she would be with and how Feng Ruge would be, it was none of her own business.

But now it's different.

She has always kept a secret in her heart. If Mu Qianyue doesn't leave Kyoto, she will always feel uneasy. Therefore, Li Yutong thinks that the wind is like a song. The wind like song must be more than her desire to leave Kyoto. After all, Feng Rugong should be the person who hates muqianyue most.

Therefore, Li Yutong would like to find Feng Ruge to cooperate.

Because, the wind such as song is no doubt not the best candidate.

The wind was like a song with a beautiful smile on her face, "I don't know. What can I do for you today?"

Although Feng Ruge has a smile on his face, it is hard to know what he thinks in his heart. After all, Li Yutong and mu Qianyue have been close to each other before, and they have helped mu Qianyue.

Therefore, it is natural that Feng Ruge said that he did not like Li Yutong.

Li Yutong toward the wind such as song smile, also did not sell off the key son, direct way, "nature is because Mu shallow moon thing."

Well, "song of the wind?"

"As far as I know, Miss Feng, I'm afraid I hate being in the moon?"

After all, muqianyue is the man who robbed the man of the wind.

"What do you want to say?" the wind narrowed his eyes

Li Yutong, "nothing, just want to talk to Miss Feng about muqianyue."

If you want to cooperate with Feng Ruge, you should also find those who are interested in it.

Wind such as song but not so easy to fool, "if I remember correctly, you are not and Mu shallow moon walk very close?"? At the beginning, he also helped mu Qianyue deal with me and Ruoxin, how? Now suddenly come to me to talk about muqianyue. I don't quite understand. "

Li Yutong laughed. "Before, it was all my fault. I didn't see clearly what kind of person mu Qianyue was. Now that I know, I will not be with mu Qianyue again. "

"I know that Miss Feng must still be very upset about Mu Qianyue's robbing Lu Zeyuan, the president of Lu's group. So, I'm looking for Miss Feng now?"

The wind is like a song, on the face quietly, "what true face?"

Li Yutong sighed and said slowly, "it's hard to say. Isn't my brother and Lu Zeyuan good friends? Naturally, he is more interested in Mu Qianyue than ordinary people. My brother is also very good at mu Qianyue. But who knows, Lu Zeyuan is still so restless in Mu Qianyue. I don't think I need to say more about more detailed things? "

Li Yutong looked at the wind like a song and whispered.

No one knows, Li Yutong put the hands under, tightly held together, lips also pursed tightly, do not know is in tension, or what is doing.

The wind is like a song, only if Li Yutong is too disgusted with mu Qianyue, so he doesn't think about other things.

After listening to Li Yutong's words, Feng Rucheng couldn't help but laugh at him. "First Lu Zeyuan, then Tang Feng. Now, even Gu Chuli has been taken in love by mu Qianyue. Mu Qianyue is really capable of making three excellent men in Kyoto so crazy for her, and I don't know what they are after mu Qianyue!"

Although the wind such as song is said with a smile, but the meaning of gnashing teeth is self-evident!

Just mention Mu shallow moon, wind such as song, feel a strong hatred!

Li Yutong listens quietly. Although he doesn't know who Tang Feng is, what he can compare with Lu Zeyuan and Gu Chuli is naturally no worse.

Now it seems that she is really coming to the right place. Just looking at the hatred of the wind like song to Mu Qianyue, Li Yutong feels that this matter has already been inseparable.

However, what Li Yutong didn't think of was that this matter had become

Did not wait to continue what the students are saying, a surprise voice, so into the ears of two people.

"Sister rugo, I'm here."

"Yutong, are you here, too?"

Lu Ruoxin looks at Li Yutong and asks.

Li Yutong looked at the wind such as song one eye, nodded, "I find Miss Feng some things, so came."

Wind such as song, "since we are already so familiar, then don't call in Miss wind, Miss wind, listen to strange strange, Yu Tong, you call me as song, then I will call you Yutong directly, you won't mind?"

Li Yutong was surprised for a moment and then chuckled, "it's natural."

Lu Ruoxin looked at the two people in surprise. "When have you two people's feelings been so good?"

Wind such as song smile, "is just now ah, you don't know, that Mu shallow moon, actually still want to seduce your brother Chu Li, fortunately, Yu Tong found early, just is in and I said this matter."

"Look, I'm sweating. I don't know what makes me so happy."Before Lu Ruoxin sat down, she heard what the wind was saying.

The whole person couldn't sit still. "What? Mu shallow moon, she actually want to seduce my brother Chu Li? How dare she dare

Lu Ruoxin rubbed up all of a sudden and stood up, and the whole person was rubbing against her with anger.

Li Yutong helped Lu Ruoxin to sit down. "OK, didn't you succeed? I was stopped, however, I always feel that I can stop once, not twice or three times, in case one day, Mu shallow moon is successful? What are you going to do

Hearing Li Yutong's words, the wind like a song looked at Li Yutong without a trace, and then looked away as if nothing had happened.

Just, the smile on the lips, some thin cool just.

Li Yutong did not find it.

Self care and Lu Ruoxin talk, said, all is and Mu shallow moon related bad words.

Li Tongfeng didn't tear it apart.

Although I don't know Li Yutong is an's heart, but the mood should be the same as they want to let mu Qianyue leave Kyoto.

It has to be said that compared with the wind, Li Yutong is still a little short.

The wind such as song to Lu Ruoxin to a glass of water, "first drink saliva, look at you in a hurry to run up, even water are not care to drink."

Lu Ruoxin took the water from Feng Ru's singer and took a sip of it. Only then did he put down a little bit of his impatience.

Lu Ruoxin breathes a sigh of relief at the thought that mu Qianyue has left Kyoto and naturally can't seduce her brother Chu Li.

Turning around and looking at the wind like a song, "sister Ruge, this time I come to see you is to bathe in the shallow moon. I believe that after you hear this news, you will be very happy."