Mr. Lu's experience, experience, contacts, or anything else in Kyoto is always more than Lu Zeyuan.

After all, it's the people who beat down the Lu Group, and the reason why Lu's group can develop so well now is due to the painstaking efforts of Mr. Lu.

This is also the reason why Lu Zeyuan came to see Mr. Lu this time.

Master Lu thought about it for a moment, and then he knew what Lu Zeyuan meant. He sighed and looked at Lu Zeyuan. He said, "I can't even see my daughter-in-law. Now I have to trouble my old bone! All right, all right, let's go. "

Lu Zeyuan pursed his lips and did not speak. He had nothing to say. He also knew that this was his own fault. Otherwise, mu Qianyue would have lost it.

In the end, it was his own failure to take good care of the moon.

In Kyoto, Cheng Ling and yunmo are also trying to find.

Yunmo also told his friends about this matter and asked them to ask for help.

Mu shallow moon's identity, now in Kyoto are guessing, who is this woman.

We all know that yunmo asked them to find another person named mu Qianyue, but they didn't know what identity mu Qianyue was.

Can make yunmo so nervous to find people.

However, some people who have participated in the Feng family group's father's birthday know the reason and who mu Qianyue is.

So the rumor spread that Lu Zeyuan was looking for his wife. I almost went through Kyoto.

Feng Rucong, Lu Ruoxin, and Li Yutong also got news.

Several people get together, Lu Ruoxin said that he heard those rumors, a face unhappy, some irritable frown, and some disgust.

"Muqianyue has left Kyoto now. My brother is still so worried about her. He even let so many people look for her. So is yunmo. I don't know what relationship he has with mu Qianyue. He cares about Mu Qianyue so much! "

"Who knows if the two of them will have an affair." Li Yutong said a word on the side.

"Who knows? After all, who can know what she can think of in her heart after all

Lu Ruoxin, "I think it has something to do with it. The cloud ink, as soon as he sees mu Qianyue, calls out to be more intimate. It's not the people of their cloud family. What do you care about so much?"

Wind like song looked at Li Yutong, did not speak, now Li Yutong and before that Li Yutong, can be very different.

In the past, Li Yutong and they did not have much intersection, and it looks like they are very close to Mu Qianyue.

But now he would take the initiative to ask them to discuss mu Qianyue's affairs. Now that mu Qianyue has left Kyoto, Li Yutong seems to be very happy. There must be something in it.

The wind is like a song, thinking secretly.

Lu Ruoxin looked at the wind and said, "sister Ruge, don't worry. Maybe it's brother who is still reluctant to give up mu Qianyue. After all, mu Qianyue left without any reason. It's a man's heart.

But wait for a long time, the elder brother will never think of Mu shallow moon that woman again.

If you want me to say, mu Qianyue doesn't deserve to lift your shoes. What kind of person is she? At the beginning, she just played a little trick to get her brother in hand. Now, you will be my sister-in-law if you leave

Feng such as song toward Lu Ruoxin smile, nod, "good."

"Really, isn't it just missing? Do you need to look for someone in such a big way? People who don't know think it's something important.

And just because of a woman, she almost turned over the whole of Kyoto. Lu Zeyuan really is. " Li Yutong is on one side of the road.

Lu Ruoxin couldn't help but agree, and then said, "that's it."

Now Mu shallow moon that woman left still so uneasy!

"Well, don't talk about it now. Now Zeyuan is looking for mu Qianyue. We'd better not talk about it first, lest Lu Zeyuan get suspicious and come to us, and then it's hard to say." The wind such as song saw Lu Ruoxin and Li Yutong one eye, light way.

They nodded and said, "OK."

Li Yutong was singing to the wind. "Now Lu Zeyuan is in a low mood because of the light moon. Do you want to go to the company?

Take a look at Lu Zeyuan's situation. You can help him share it. Maybe he will look at you differently. "

Lu Ruoxin was listening. Suddenly her eyes were bright. She said to the wind like a song, "yes, sister Ruge. This idea is very good. Why don't we go to see my brother together?"

The wind, like a song, thought for a moment, and then agreed.

Seeing this, Li Yutong took his bag and said to Lu Ruoxin and Feng Rugong, "well, I should also go back now. You can go to see Lu Zeyuan first. It is estimated that my parents will worry about my late return."Lu Ruoxin took Li Yutong's arm and shook it, "mm-hmm, that's what you said. You'd better go back first, so as not to see your figure when Chu Li's elder brother can't see you again."

Li Yutong scraped Lu Ruoxin's small nose, "isn't this just what you want? If my brother comes, you may have another chance to see him, isn't it good? "

Lu Ruoxin was blushed by what Li Yutong said. She couldn't help but stare at Li Yutong, but she didn't deny it.

She really liked it.

Li Tongxin and her brother are happy to see her now and then.

Li Yutong said to Lu Ruoxin and Feng Rugong, "OK, you go first. Someone will pick me up later."

Lu Ruoxin, "well, we'll go first."

The wind is like a song, "goodbye."

Li Yutong, "goodbye."

Li Yutong looked at the two people's back, the whole person some relaxed to lean on the chair, some comfortable.

Now, muqianyue has left Kyoto.

Moreover, listen to Lu Ruoxin said, also certainly will not come back, that matter words, also can conceal for a lifetime.

Now, she is the daughter of the family!

The only daughter of the family!

Li Yutong thought, the lip angle can't help but some slightly up, completely unable to restrain his good mood.

When Gu Chu Li came, he saw Li Yutong in the sun, looking comfortable and in a good mood.

Can't help coming from behind, covering Li Yutong's eyes, "guess who I am?"

Li Yutong chuckled, "brother, I know it's you. Don't play."