Yunmo really did not want to understand, Lu Zeyuan in the end is how to think, clearly a few days ago still want to know Mu shallow moon news, but now, know Mu shallow moon news, he does not want to know.

Cheng Ling doesn't know what Lu Zeyuan is and why he said such a thing. However, Cheng Ling said to Yun Mo, "Yunshao, you go out first. I'm here with the president."

Although yunmo still wants to say something more, seeing Lu Zeyuan's current state, he also knows that these things should not be said. So as not to increase the trouble.

After a look at Cheng Ling, he indicates that Cheng Ling can look at Lu Zeyuan and must go to Mu Qianyue.

Since two or three months, Mu Zeyuan has never felt so helpless.

In the past two or three days, Lu Zeyuan has never closed his eyes. Once there is news of muqianyue, when he hears the news of muqianyue, even if it is only a little bit, Lu Zeyuan will not let go.

And Cheng Ling has never seen Lu Zeyuan like this. The whole person reveals decadence and helplessness. Her eyes are full of red blood.

Since returning to Kyoto, Lu Zeyuan did not have a good rest after knowing muqianyue left Kyoto.

How can Cheng Ling not worry.

"President, why don't you go to sleep for a while. As for Miss Mu's affairs, master Yun said that he had found Miss Mu's news just now. We are not in a hurry. And you can do it for us

"If you let Miss Mu see you like this, you must be worried, so you'd better go and have a rest first."

Cheng Ling is aware of Lu Zeyuan's weakness, so he can't help but mention it.

Sure enough, when hearing the name of Mu Qianyue, Lu Zeyuan couldn't help but pause and take a look at Cheng Ling.

The next second, it's straight down.


Cheng Ling couldn't help exclaiming.

Fortunately, Cheng Ling has been worried about looking at Lu Zeyuan, so he is relatively close to Lu Zeyuan, and is shocked to see Lu Zeyuan like this.

Then he quickly walked over to hold Lu Zeyuan.

Hearing Cheng Ling's voice, Zhang Ma couldn't help running up in the living room. Seeing this, the whole person was very anxious, "what's the matter with you? Why did you suddenly faint? "

Cheng Ling is calm now. "I don't know. I'd better send him to the hospital as soon as possible."

Zhang Ma and Cheng Ling rushed Lu Zeyuan to the hospital.

Cheng Ling asks Zhang Ma to go back first. He is OK here.

Zhang Ma knew that it was no use staying here, so she left.

After a series of results were checked out, Cheng Ling asked the doctor, "doctor, how is the president? Why did you suddenly faint? "

Doctor, "the patient is too tired and worried. In addition, he has not had a good rest in the past two days, so he faints when he is excited.

After the patient wakes up, we must ask the patient to have a good rest. He can't do this anymore. Although his body looks good, he can't stand such a toss. "

Cheng Ling, "OK, thank you, doctor."

After the doctor left, Cheng Ling returned to the ward and stayed in front of Lu Zeyuan's ward.

I don't know how things got this way.

Lu Zeyuan fainted. Such a big thing must have alarmed Mr. Lu.

Mr. Lu was carried into the ward by the housekeeper Lin, and saw Lu Zeyuan lying on the bed. "What's the matter? How could you suddenly faint like this

Cheng Ling quickly got up and came to Mr. Lu. "Master, just now the doctor said that the president was a little too tired. In addition, it may be the reason why Miss Mu has not yet found out. Therefore, he is worried too much, so he may faint when he hears Miss Mu's name."

"Now the president has been in a coma for a day and a night, and has not yet woken up. However, the doctor said that the president should wake up soon. It is because he has not had a rest in these days that he has been in a coma for such a long time."

Master Lu nodded, "you go out first."

Cheng Ling answered and left.

Old man Lu sat on one side and looked at Lu Zeyuan. Unexpectedly, Lu jiaran had a spoony master.

I don't know if I should say you are too stupid or love me too deeply.

Looking at Lu Zeyuan like this, his mind drifted away and fell into his own meditation. If he had been as brave as Zeyuan is now, would many things be different.

"What's wrong with Zeyuan? Why did you suddenly faint? How do you take care of Gu Zeyuan! Come on, get out of the way. I'll go in and have a look at Zeyuan. "

Lu's mother, holding a heat preservation box in her hand, looks at Cheng Ling, who is blocking the door of the ward, and asks Cheng Ling to leave.

Cheng Ling stands in front of Lu's mother and says, "Lu woman, Mr. Lu, you can't go in now. The president is taking a rest now. Please keep your voice down. The president can't stand your noise. "Lu's mother pursed her lips and did not speak. She was behind her father.

Lu Fu looked at Cheng Ling with a gloomy face. "Cheng Ling, are you so bold that you think you can be the master now, so you don't pay attention to us?"

Cheng Ling, "I dare not, but now the president is really resting. Mr. and Mrs. Lu, you can't go in."

Lu Fu sneered. "I think you dare! What are you doing now? Isn't it stopping us? "

Cheng Ling did not speak, standing in front of the ward to block landing father and mother, do not let them in.

Old man Lu frowned when he heard the voice. The Lu family was really a muddy water.

"Lao Lin, go out and have a look at what they are fighting about. Zeyuan is still lying inside, and they are making a lot of noise outside. What's the standard?"

Housekeeper Lin answered, turned and left.

Housekeeper Lin, "Mrs. Lu, Mr. Lu."

Lu Fu saw housekeeper Lin, and his expression on his face was somewhat restrained. "Housekeeper Lin, how can you be here?"

Housekeeper Lin, "the young master fainted so big thing, the master is naturally worried."

"The master came out to let me tell you that the young master is still resting in it, so that you don't make any noise here."

Lu Fu laughed and said, "we have heard that Zeyuan fainted. We are worried, so we come here to have a look."

Housekeeper Lin laughed and did not speak.

If you are really worried about the young master, how can you come here now?

After being in a coma for a day and a night, he began to worry about him.

Mr. Lu did not know when he also came out. When Butler Lin saw him, he quickly came to him and helped him.