Ye Yiyi, "OK."

After returning to God, ye Yiyi finds that he and Cheng Ling are so close that he can't help blushing. A little step back.

Who knows, behind is the wall, ye Yiyi didn't notice, seeing the head was about to hit, Cheng Ling quickly put the document in one hand, the other hand quickly put behind Ye Yiyi's head.

"Be careful!"

Ye Yiyi's head bumps into Cheng Ling's hand, and the strange feeling heats up in their hearts.

Although Cheng Ling's hand blocked some, but also can't completely block.

Ye Yiyi's head still bumped into the wall. Although Ye Yiyi can't compare with Lu Ruoxin, she was a spoiled child. She couldn't help hissing and frowning.

Cheng Ling heard Ye Yiyi's voice, and frowned with her eyebrows. Worried, she said, "how about it? Are you all right? "

Ye Yiyi shook his head, "it's OK."

But when shaking his head, he is involved in the place just hit. Ye Yiyi can't help but frown and cry out.

Cheng Ling saw this and couldn't help saying, "how could you be so careless?"

Ye Yiyi some grievances, "I just did not think of these ah."

Ye Yiyi came here to wait for Cheng Ling. When he saw Cheng Ling, he asked about Mu Qianyue. After that, he was alone with Cheng Ling. Ye Yiyi's face was so thin that he was at a loss.

Cheng Ling put the document on the ground beside him and said to Ye Yiyi, "come here, I'll rub it for you."

Ye Yi Yi see Cheng Ling so casually put the document on the ground, can't help but say to Cheng Ling, "you just put the document on the ground casually, OK?"

Cheng Ling, "otherwise? Come here soon. "

Ye Yiyi spits out her tongue and comes to Cheng Ling. Ye Yiyi's height is almost as high as Cheng Ling's chest. Ye Yiyi doesn't dare to look up. He is afraid that he will blush when he sees Cheng Ling.

If it is a shallow moon here, it will certainly say its own.

Cheng Ling laughingly looked at Ye Yiyi, "turn around, you are hit by the back of the head, not in front of."

Cheng Ling successfully saw Ye Yiyi in hearing what he said, and then he turned around.

In this way, the sense of oppression is much less, and ye Yiyi breathes a sigh of relief.

She felt her heart was about to jump out of her chest!

Ye Yiyi couldn't help holding down the position of his chest with his hand to let him not jump so fast.

The next second, ye Yiyi found that he had a big, warm hand on the back of his head and kneaded it.

Cheng Ling's technique is very good, ye Yiyi is rubbed by Cheng Ling, and suddenly he wants to go on like this.

Cheng Ling looks at Ye Yiyi's soft head, and suddenly a feeling that has never been seen before rises in her heart.

That feeling, how to say.

It's like a warm heart, rising, but very comfortable.

Moreover, the hands on Ye Yiyi's head can't help but feel some crispy numbness.

Cheng Ling, "OK."

Ling Ye suddenly finds that she has lost her hand.

Ye Yiyi turned to look at Cheng Ling, "well, thank you."

Cheng Ling, "am I terrible?"

Ye Yiyi, "ah?"

Ye Yiyi looks up at Cheng Ling.

"On wechat, everything can be said. Why do you look like a frightened rabbit after seeing me?"

Ye Yiyi's face is red when she is teased by Cheng Ling.

He opened his mouth and suddenly didn't know what to say.

Cheng Ling thinks that ye Yiyi is very cute. Before, she only knew that ye Yiyi was in the company and was a good friend of Miss mu.

But who knows, one day miss Mu unexpectedly will come to ask his contact information, and what he likes to eat.

Then, suddenly there was a stranger to add him, although the two did not chat on wechat, but. The daily contact is still not broken.

Unconsciously, Cheng Ling almost subconsciously felt that this is also very good.

Cheng Ling, "OK, now go back to work."

Ye Yiyi looks at Cheng Ling and nods foolishly.

seeing Cheng Ling holding such a large stack of documents, ye Yiyi can't help but say, "how about I hold some for you?"

Cheng Ling, "no, I can still bear the weight. Come on, get back to work. "

Ye Yiyi looks at Cheng Ling's back, a pair of eyes are all on Cheng Ling's body.

Until, Cheng Ling's figure disappeared, ye Yiyi took back his eyes and patted his head with some annoyance.

Just finally saw Cheng Ling, she said something.

……Of course, in the Mu shallow moon of M country, I have no idea what happened in Kyoto.

Even if you know, Mu shallow moon also has no way, she can't fly back like this now.

What's more, it took so much courage to decide to leave, so it's not easy to go back to the moon.

After living here for a period of time, mu Qianyue feels that he still likes here.

This next thing, Mu shallow month also almost all familiar with, at least, oneself go out alone, return time, also can't find a way.

Mu shallow moon is also very happy, although he has some road infatuation, but the memory is OK.

However, today, Mu shallow moon closed his clothes.

As soon as she got familiar with the environment, she couldn't help running out to find a hospital.

After all, her main purpose here is to find a good hospital for treatment.

But who knows today Mu shallow moon does not know how to walk, actually lost the way.

Mu Qianyue didn't want to trouble sister Liu, so she walked quietly on the street alone and wanted to find her way back.

As for the dim light on the street, there are still some people who are afraid of the dim light on the street.

After looking at the time, it's already ten o'clock, and it's really very late. Mu Qianyue knows the name of the community where he is. When mu Qianyue is considering whether he wants to take a taxi to go back, mu Qianyue suddenly looks at the back as if he suddenly discovers something.

With the incident of the last kidnapping, mu Qianyue was also alert when she stood alone and was afraid of the kind of things before it appeared.

Mu Qianyue looked back, and saw that not far away from her, there were several people wearing leather clothes and leather pants and Martin boots underneath. They were smoking cigarettes, holding mobile phones, and their mouths were still moving. They didn't know what they were talking about.

Mu shallow month heart next tight, take back own vision, should not she want that appearance?