The group of thugs behind are still talking. Obviously, they are talking about Mu Qianyue. Someone said that. They can't help but take a look at the place where mu Qianyue is. They just see mu Qianyue running out.

They have never met this kind of situation, so the man pointed to the running figure of Mu shallow moon, and was too anxious to say anything.

"What are you talking about? What's the matter


"What's wrong with people? I know there's someone ahead. "

"No, it's not..."

"What is that? You must say it quickly

These people all feel that so many of them must have watched mu Qianyue alone, so they have neglected a lot, but who knows, they have made mistakes like this.

"That woman just ran away!"

The man finally rolled out a complete sentence, looking at Mu shallow moon's back, not anxious!

Several people turned to look, just in front of them Mu shallow moon really did not know when already disappeared.

"What are you doing, chasing?"

As soon as this sentence comes out, all the people are running towards the direction of Mu shallow moon.

Only the person who spoke just now, looking at their running figure, also quickly followed up.

Mu Qianyue is running towards the front with great efforts. She doesn't dare to look at the back or stay. Just like this, I have been running, running all the time, and I dare not relax at all.

I don't know how long she's been running for a long time. In addition, she really can't run any more. She just stops, her back is against the wall, supporting her waist and breathing heavily.

The heart inside the chest, plopping and jumping, as if the next second to jump out of the chest in general.

Mu shallow month stands on the whole leg is soft, can't help but some of the prosthetic buttocks sit on the ground.

Closed eyes, just that scene is so imprinted in Mu shallow month's mind, how also can't go away.

Originally, mu Qianyue came out today to familiarize herself with the environment. In addition to looking for a hospital, she planned to go back by herself. Because during this period of time, sister Liu was bothered too much, so mu Qianyue didn't call them.

But now, although mu Qianyue doesn't want to disturb sister Liu, she doesn't want to bother sister Liu.

Mu shallow moon looked around for a moment, this place she had never seen.

I don't know the location here, so I have to send wechat to sister Liu.

After sending wechat, mu Qianyue felt relieved. Sitting on the ground, he felt a little frightened when he heard about the things just happened.

I can't imagine what the consequences would be if she hadn't run away just now.

Don't know how long, long to Mu shallow moon feel that they are squatting a little numb, but suddenly heard a voice, Mu shallow moon slightly opened his eyes, looking at the person in front.

The weak light shines on the face of Mu Qianyue, who can see a tall figure in front of him.

Ling Shu took a photo with his mobile phone, "in the words of a squeak."

Mu shallow month hastily answer a way, "in, I am here."

Mu Qianyue wants to stand up, but after squatting on the ground for such a long time, his legs are numb, so when mu Qianyue gets up, he can't help but stagger, and almost reaches the ground again.

Ling Shu saw this, and quickly helped Mu shallow moon.

Frowning, "are you ok?"

Mu shallow month shook his head, "I'm ok, just, just now may be squat too long, so the leg is a little numb just, trouble you."

Mu shallow month with Ling Book strength to stand up.

He lowered his legs and relaxed.

This just straight up to look at Ling Shu, "how come you came?"

Ling Shu looked at Mu shallow month, "they just have something to go out."

Mu Qianyue looked at Ling Shu nervously, "my position on wechat?"

mu Qianyue didn't expect Lingshu to answer the phone. At that time, she was so nervous that she didn't even recognize Lingshu's voice, so she reported the address.

Ling Shu, "don't worry, I have deleted the positioning."

After that, he hesitated and asked, "what's the matter with you?"

Mu shallow month didn't expect Ling book to ask so unexpectedly, Leng after a second some bitter smile way, "I'm ok."

Ling Shu pursed her lips and didn't speak. Now she bathed in the moon like this, and said such words, it really makes people have no trust.

But he also knows that these things are other people's privacy, others are not willing to say more, he is also embarrassed to ask what.

In fact, this matter, even if Mu shallow month is not willing to say anything more, Ling Shu almost guessed a 7788, m country, is not always like this.

Ling Shu, "how, can I go now?"Mu shallow month nods, "should be OK."

"Then go."

Ling Shu said, leading the way ahead, mu Qianyue rubbed his legs

ready to keep up with Ling Shu's pace. Who knows mu Qianyue just stood up, and the next second his legs softened, the whole person fell forward to the front.

Mu shallow month ah, closed his eyes, ready to meet and the earth to come to a close contact, who knows, the imagination of pain did not hit, but is a light soap fragrance into the tip of the nose.

Mu Qianyue didn't respond to it, Ling Shu's voice sounded in his ears, with a trace of worry, "are you ok?"

Mu Xiaoyue frowned and didn't show off like before, "legs are still soft."

Ling Book standing beside did not move, in the Mu shallow month that Ling book is in disgust of their own trouble, Ling book this just light mouth, "I come to carry you."

Mu shallow month looks at Ling Book broad back figure finally or to Ling Book way, "need not."

Mu Qianyue is still a little unaccustomed to the touch of other people in Lu Zeyuan, so she refuses to think about it, but Lingshu doesn't think much about it.

The atmosphere is a little awkward for a while. Mu Qianyue says to Ling Shu, "otherwise, you'd better hold me?"

Ling Shu, "OK." Ling Shu didn't think much about it.

They walk quietly on the road. Ling Shu takes a taxi and takes mu Qianyue and Ling Shu to the community. Mu Qianyue sits in the car for a while, and his legs are soft. This is better.

Two people got off the car, and so on to the sixth floor, about to leave, Mu shallow moon suddenly stopped Ling Shu, "this matter, can't you and sister Liu say? I'm afraid she will worry."

Sister Liu is good at muqianyue, and she knows about it. So, when she can't trouble her, she doesn't want to trouble her, let alone let her worry.

Ling Shu said, "even if you don't say it, I won't tell her."