"Don't talk to me about this for a long time." Mu shallow moon some helpless.

Ling Shu also did not pursue what to say, nodded and put his eyes on Qiao Yu's body: "you will send him back to the orphanage later?"

Mu Qianyue: "well, what can he do if he is here alone now?"

When Mu shallow month and Ling Shu were talking, sister Liu came out of the room and said to Mu Qianyue, "OK, let's go now."

Mu shallow month props up sofa to rise, Ling book helped Mu shallow month next.

Mu shallow month said thanks.

He took Qiao Yu's hand and left.

The distance from the orphanage is not far from the community where they are in, so mu Qianyue and sister Liu both walked there.

Mu shallow, and Mu shallow to walk.

Mu shallow moon also has some helplessness, do not know why Qiao Yu can so stick to her.

Is it because you saved him last time?

Mu shallow month with Qiao Yu into the orphanage, orphanage there are many children playing, noisy.

In addition, there are only a few volunteers who do not take the initiative to take care of the children in the orphanage.

However, there are children in the orphanage, and their voice makes the whole orphanage lively.

Sister Liu took a look at mu Qianyue: "let's go. I'll take you to the Dean directly. Then you'll give this child to the Dean, and let the Dean take good care of them. Don't run around. It's ok if there's an accident. It's hard to say."

Mu Qianyue also understands this truth.


Mu Xiaoyue knocks on the door.

"Come in, please."

There was an old girl voice inside.

Mu shallow month and sister Liu look at each other, push open the door and go in.

The Dean was sitting in front of the table with a large stack of materials on it, obviously looking at something.

See Mu shallow month and Liu Jie come in, also just light looked at them one eye, did not speak.

Mu shallow month led Qiao Yu to the president of the hospital, "Dean, do you know this child?"

The Dean looked at Qiao Yu and nodded: "it's from our orphanage. What's the matter? Are you going to adopt him? "


Mu shallow month did not speak, on the side of sister Liu can not help but said: "even if it is adoption, we should find a better time, don't you see that people are still pregnant? How can you adopt a child? "

"Dean, can you please take care of all the children in the orphanage? Do you know that last night, the child ran out by himself. What should I do if something happened? Who can afford the responsibility? "

Sister Liu is sharp, and she looks at the president directly.

The president was said by Sister Liu some hot, since it became the president, who can dare to talk to her like this.

If it's to adopt Qiaoyu, it's OK. But now it seems that they're not here to adopt children, and maybe they're here to find fault.

Dean: "there are so many children in the orphanage, and the manpower is limited. How can we take care of all the children? Even if he can take care of all the children, what can I do if he can't sit in the orphanage and wants to run around and play and doesn't come back at night? "

"Is it difficult for all the people in the orphanage to go to him?"

"Besides, this child. I'm not a big man, and I'm very serious. I even know I'm out looking for someone to adopt him. "

The Dean looked at Qiao Yu in disgust.

Mu Qianyue looked at the dean and looked at Qiao Yu's disgusted eyes. She didn't know where she was touched. "Is this what you should say as a dean?"

"The child ran out carelessly. You, the Dean, don't worry about it and don't let people go to him. Now you are still talking about it here."

Mu shallow moon really can't understand, also don't know, how she says such words.

Dean: what do you want me to do

Mu Qianyue led Qiao Yu to the dean's side, "he ran out last night, fortunately I saw him. Also, I hope you can treat him well. They are all children in the orphanage. Can you not treat him differently so obviously?"

Mu shallow month said, squat down to look at Qiao Yu: "OK, now I have sent you here, you are here, OK, I want to leave now."

Mu shallow month says, want to let go of Qiao Yu's hand.

Qiao Yu seems to know that mu Qianyue is going to leave. He holds Mu's hand tightly and doesn't want to let go.Mu shallow month: "obedient, you quickly let me go, I also want to go now."

Qiao Yu has been shaking his head, holding mu Qianyue's hand, saying that he doesn't want to let go.

Mouth open and close, as if has been trying to say something, but it did not make a trace of sound.

Mu Qianyue could not bear to see Qiao Yu like this. She touched her head and called her name for the first time: "Qiao Yu, are you good? You are obedient. I will come to see you often later

Mu shallow moon is really heartless.

The Dean pulled Qiao Yu's hand fiercely, and his strength was a little big. He felt the Mu shallow moon holding hands with Qiao Yu.

President pulled Qiao Yu's hand and said to Mu Qianyue, "OK, you can leave now."

Liu Jie pulls still Leng Mu shallow moon in place: "go quickly, still stand here to do what, difficult not become you still really don't want to leave?"

Sister Liu said, holding the hand of Mu shallow month, she pulled Mu shallow month to go outside.

Mu shallow month finally looked at Qiao Yu, and finally turned to leave with sister Liu.


Qiao Yu looks at the Mu shallow moon that leaves, also do not know how to use the whole body strength, fiercely broke away the dean to take his hand.

Run toward the moon.

As soon as mu Qianyue arrived at the door, he heard a hoarse roar. At last, he didn't hold back. Turning his head, he saw Qiao Yu's small stature running towards him.

With a smile on her face, she opened her arms and hugged Qiao Yu.

Qiao Yu's whole person stays in Mu shallow month's bosom, Mu shallow month feels oneself whole person has been filled.

Now, mu Qianyue doesn't think about anything in her mind. The only thing that comes to mind is to adopt this child.

Although he was not liked at home or at the orphanage.