Although Qiao Si'er doesn't like Qiao Yu very much, she can't help but feel some feelings when she thinks of him all the time.

Originally, I wanted to go shopping with muqianyue at the beginning, but in the end, they were showing Qiao Yu clothes.

What's more, it means more and more interesting.

Three people into a children's clothing store, Josie looked at a variety of children's clothes, some can't put it down, "shallow moon, light moon, you come to have a look, how about this set of clothes? Isn't it good? "

The waiters who can work here have already developed a pair of golden eyes. If you look at the clothes of Josie, you can know that she must be rich or expensive.

"Miss, this is a new style just introduced in our store. It's very popular British style. It's just right to wear it at this time. It won't make people feel cold."

The waiter was explaining to Josie.

Josel nodded. "Well, you go ahead and we'll have a look."

Looking at Qiao Sier's clothes, Qiao Sier's is not bad.

Josel took the dress down and put it in front of Joey? Do you like this dress? "

Qiao Yu took a look at the dress, then moved his eyes and looked at the moon.

Mu Xiaoyue let go of Qiao Yu's hand, touched the material of the clothes, and said to Josie: "or, you take him in to try on the clothes?"

Josel pointed to herself, "me?"

Mu shallow month nods, "right, you take him in first try, I am pregnant now, also inconvenient."

"I don't have anything," said josel. Just look at him. He sticks to you so much that he can't leave you all the time. I think he won't let me go in with him? "

"It's OK. I'll talk to him."

Mu shallow month bent over, looking at Qiao Yu: "let aunt Qiao take you in to change new clothes, mother is waiting for you outside, you go to put on new clothes, mother to see."

"Well? OK? Nod if you can, will you? "

Josie son saw mu Qianyue beside her. She didn't want to say anything, but her mother?

When has she become his mother?

It's really a character.

I don't know how she will take care of him later.

Qiao Yu looks at mu Qianyue, and then puts his eyes on Josie's body. Looking at Josie, he nods slowly.

Mu shallow month rubbed Qiao Yu's head, "really good."

After Josie brought Qiao Yu into the fitting room, mu Qianyue sat on the sofa next to him. The waiter saw Mu's appearance and brought him a cup of hot water. "Miss, you can have a glass of water first."

Mu shallow month took over: "thank you."

"You're welcome. That's what I should do."

"The little boy just now, is that your child? How lovely. I have never seen such a lovely child, and besides, he is so cute

Mu Qianyue had a smile on her face: "well, it's my child. He's a little shy outside and doesn't like to talk

The waiter wanted to ask Qiaoyu why he didn't speak the next second. However, mu Qianyue said such a thing in the next second. The waiter only laughed and said, "so it is. You look so young that you have such a big child."

"Well, when you meet someone you like, you naturally get married, and you want to marry and have children."

Mu shallow month said, lips can not help but take a silky smile, looks very sweet.

Just as soon as they were talking, the door of the fitting room was opened, and Josie came out with Qiao Yu.

Qiao Yu changed his old clothes into a British suit. He stepped on his shoes and wore his lovely face. He was like a prince coming out of England. He looked cute.

When the waiter saw that Joe was wearing it, he could not help showing a startling look in his eyes. "This dress is really suitable for him. He is really cute, just like a British prince coming out of the painting."

Mu shallow month sees Qiao Yu when, also can't help but Leng Leng.

Although she knew that Qiao Yu was cute and good-looking, she didn't expect that when she put on such a dress, she would look like this.

Qiao Si Er sees two people some of the appearance of stupefied, raise eyebrow triumphantly: "how? Do you think I have a good eye

It's really good. Qiao Yu looks really good in this suit. It's just a new look.

Mu shallow month returned to God, looking at Qiao Yu's appearance, nodded, "mm-hmm, good-looking."

Josel: I'll tell you. He'll look good in this dress

"All right, waiter. Check out."Said josel, calling for the waiter to come and check out.

The waiter rushed to josel's side, "is this just wearing it?"

Josel: "mm-hmm, wear it."

Mu shallow moon stopped Qiao Si Er: "or I come."

"What, you come and I come, aren't they all the same? Besides, I'm xiaoyu'er's aunt. Why buy him two clothes? Well, you put it away. I'll pay the bill. "

Josie said, forcefully pushed the card back to the moon, and then handed his card to the waiter, "brush mine."

The waiter took the card and said, "OK, it's 1800 yuan. Please sign here."

Josie Shua Shua Shua Shua two times to sign her name, and then took mu Qianyue's hand: "OK, let's go. Go and buy more clothes for the child, so that you won't come out often in the future

Mu Qianyue had this plan, but now Josie said that, their ideas coincided.

In fact, Qiao Si'er is still very good. What Qiao Yu said just now is probably not intentional, but a child adopted by mu Qianyue suddenly. She is still a little surprised.

This afternoon, mu Qianyue and Qiao Si Er took Qiao Yu to the mall. They bought a lot of shoes, clothes, sleepiness, toiletries, toys and so on.

Mu Qianyue only took some things in her hand, because she had a big stomach, so Josie took the things to herself.

Until josel was still trying to shop, she found her hands were full.

That's a bit of giving up.

Mu shallow moon some helpless.