Lin Qi said with some embarrassment: "young master, I don't know what happened in M country. As soon as I came back, I was assigned to the Tang clan."

Tang Feng did not speak for a while.

For a while, he couldn't figure out what Tang Feng was thinking.

By the way!

Why don't you use his own mobile phone to call him? This phone number should not belong to the young master?

Seeing that Tang Feng didn't speak, Lin Qi was very active. This means that he wants to know about Miss mu?

Lin Qilian hurriedly said: "young master, you wait. I will go to check the affairs of M country now, and report to you as soon as there is something."

Tang Feng: "yes."

After Tang Feng finished, he hung up the phone. Lin Qi looked at the hung up phone, some of whom wanted to cry without tears.

Therefore, he is not only in the Tang Group Company, but also to ask Tang Feng about the information of M country?

Lin Qi suddenly felt that he had nothing to love.

Why does he have such a young master!

However, complaints are complaints, but what should be done still needs to be done.

Cold in the side heard Tang Feng said M country, but some are not calm, when Feng brother went to m country, unexpectedly and M country related?

Gao Han looked at Tang Feng with astonishment: "brother Feng, what's the matter of M country you said?"

Tang Feng looked at the cold lightly and threw the mobile phone back into the cold's arms: "nothing. You don't have to ask about these things."

Gao Han said, "Oh, no, brother Feng, you don't even tell me these things. You should not be my brother!"

High cold breath of Tang Feng Road.

Tang Feng: "you think it is, but it is not."

Gao Han was choked by Tang Feng's words.

This, should not be this development?

How does that get him to answer?

Well, since I can't think of it, it's hard to think about it.

I've known Tang Feng for so long, and I know what kind of disposition Tang Feng is. The more you want to know, the more Tang Feng won't tell you.

Gao Han: "when I just came in, your bedroom door was not locked, Feng Ge, you said, can you go out?"

Tang Feng looked at the cold one eye, that one eye, it was like looking at a fool.

Let the cold simply can't help but want to give Tang Feng a blow!

What kind of eyes are you looking at.

He's doing it for you, okay? I still look at him with such eyes.

Tang Feng sat on one side, because he had just had a little breakfast. He was hungry and uncomfortable last night, which was better.

Tang Feng: "when you came in, didn't you see those people guarding outside?"

Gao Han shook his head. When he came in, he was cautious and didn't care about the people outside. So naturally, he didn't know that there were so many people outside.

No wonder brother Feng can't go out now.

Tang Feng now only want to do is want to fly to m country immediately, want to see Mu shallow moon.

However, just now I have told Lin Qi that Lin Qi should tell him about the situation of bathing in the shallow moon, and Tang Feng is relieved for a while.

Gao Han sat by Tang Feng's side and said to Tang Feng, "brother Feng, otherwise, you should first comply with Uncle Tang's requirements, but is it going to work in the company? In fact, it doesn't matter. Just go and make a number every day? In this way, uncle Tang will not lock you in like this. "

Cold persuasion.

Tang Feng some irritable frown: "do not go."

He didn't like those things in the company. Moreover, he quarreled with Tang Fu only last night. Now how can Tang Feng go to work in Tang's group.

Gao Han: "if you want me to say it, you are just too stubborn. It doesn't matter if you listen to Uncle Tang."

"By the way, brother Feng, I'll tell you something."

"What's the matter?"

Gao Han: "it's related to Lu Zeyuan. I think you should be interested."

Sure enough, hearing Lu Zeyuan's name, Tang Feng slowly sat up straight.

In fact, it's not that Tang Feng has any meaning to Lu Zeyuan, but the relationship between mu Qianyue and Lu Zeyuan, so Tang Feng subconsciously wants to know everything about Lu Zeyuan.

After all, if you know yourself and your enemy, you can be invincible.

"What's the matter?"

The cold approached Tang Feng and told him the news from his mobile phone today.

In addition, when Tang Feng is not here, Lu Zeyuan has completely broken the relationship with the Lu family!

All kinds of things, combined, feel that there are some things wrong.

After listening to Tang Feng, he collected his eyes. Lu Zeyuan had never been a high-profile person before. This time, how could he?Think of Mu shallow moon far away in M country, Tang Feng heart is shocked, this is called a thing, won't have what relation with Mu shallow moon?

If Lu Zeyuan did these things for the sake of bathing in the shallow moon, it could also be said.

Because, why does Lu Zeyuan deal with who and whose company it is not good to buy, but to target at Fengjia?

Tang Feng: "do you know why Lu Zeyuan did this?"

Some of the cold look at Tang Feng, is really afraid of Tang Feng know, will make what kind of things.

This is called a matter of affairs Guan Mu shallow moon, now Mu shallow moon is no longer in Kyoto, and do not know where to go, I do not know how to say it like this, Fengge will not have anything.

The cold is still worrying here, but I don't know that his worries have become a reality, OK?

Tang Feng don't know when already and Mu shallow month met, moreover, two people are still together for such a long time, still worry about the little cold?

Gao Han took a look at Tang Feng's face. Tang Feng's face didn't look very good. He looked at the cold without any emotion. He had a cold war subconsciously.

Talk about it!

He said not yet?

Why look at him with such eyes.


"Didn't muqianyue disappear in Kyoto some time ago? At that time, I heard that Lu Zeyuan, the president of Lu's group, was crazy looking for mu Qianyue. When he had a trace, he didn't know what Lu thought, but suddenly he said that he would not look for mu Qianyue. Then, as mu Qianyue had never been around him, he was indifferent to the outside affairs and became more and more cruel. "

Some things, let the cold hear, can't help but some sigh.

Lu Zeyuan's reputation in Kyoto has been very frightening, but now it has become this way. People in Kyoto are even more scared and don't know what to do.

So recently, people in Kyoto are like frightened birds.