Take over the company?

Isn't Feng the most disgusting thing in the company? How can you suddenly think of taking over the company?

Did you take the wrong medicine?

Not only is the cold, even Tang Fu and Tang mother are Tang Feng said this sentence to be stunned.

They, did they hear me right? Tang Feng even said he was willing to take over the company?

Tang Fu never thought that he would hear this from Tang Feng's mouth. After all, every time he talked about these things with Tang Feng, Tang Feng was disgusted.

However, who knows, at this time, he actually took the initiative to put forward it?

Tang Fu Leng for a while, behind the whole person is directly angry, looking at Tang Feng, "do you think you said so, can you fool the past like this? Don't interrupt me! What did you just go out for? "

Don't blame Tang Fu for thinking so. Tang Feng has always been a restless person, and he often confronts Tang Fu like this. Now when Tang Feng says this, Tang Fu naturally thinks that Tang Feng is perfunctory to him.

It's just an excuse for what he just went out.

Tang Feng's eyes straight at Tang Fu, half did not want to joke, "I said, I want to take over the company!"

On the way back, Tang Feng thought carefully for a long time.

What if he had made it all the way? What about the moon? Mu Qianyue doesn't mean anything to him now. Some are just simple friends.

Even if he knew that it was the company who stigmatized mu Qianyue and let her leave the company, after he went back, could he really let mu Qianyue return to that company again?

Moreover, mu Qianyue doesn't necessarily want to go back to that company.

Besides, the people of that company, though ostensibly respectful to him, only because he is the successor of the down group.

Behind his back, he may still be talking about something.

This moment, do not know why, Tang Feng's mind suddenly incomparably clear, and, these things, also manage incomparably clear.

If you want to be like this, you can only make yourself stronger and stronger. Is this the only way to protect her?

Don't know why, Tang Feng's mind suddenly thought of Lu Zeyuan's figure, that is not angry since Wei, let the whole Kyoto have some fear, fear of people.

I don't know how he got along with mu Qianyue.

This is the second time Tang Feng said this, if the first time is a mirage, is that Tang Feng is fooling himself, then the second time, this matter, should not be like this?

Tang Fu heard Tang Feng's words, but for a while, he didn't react. He looked at Tang Feng.

However, at least in the market experienced big waves, strategists, Tang Fu is naturally a moment back to God.

However, there are still some people who don't believe that Tang Feng should say such a thing. Some people are suspicious, "you just said that you want to take over the company? Are they all true? "

Tang Feng definitely nodded, looked at Tang Fu, pursed his lips, and suddenly said, "yes, I have decided that I will take over the company's affairs and follow you to the company to help."

"These days, I have figured out that I am your child and your only child. Naturally, I want to help you share these things. In the past, I was too ignorant and didn't think about the reason. I'm sorry

In the end, Tang Feng even bent down and bowed to his father and apologized.

Tang Fu quickly helped Tang Feng, Tang Feng suddenly became like this, Tang Fu did not know how to talk to Tang Feng for a time.

This is the first time Tang's father saw Tang Feng so clever. Is it really that he was locked up at home these days and he wanted to understand?

However, when we had dinner together last night, they were still angry?

When holding Tang Feng, Tang Feng looks up and looks over. Tang Fu's face is a little embarrassed, some seriously take back his hand.

Tang Fu: "well, it's very good for you to think like this. If you had this idea earlier, wouldn't you? I have to shut you up for a few days. Now I've gone out for a trip, and I'm finally willing to figure it out? "

Tang Feng this time did not refute Tang Fu's words, but pursed his lips and nodded.

Tang's mother watched from behind. Seeing the two people's fusion, she could not help but show her only smile in the past few days.

Both Tang Feng and Tang Fu are the most important in Tang's mother's heart. Therefore, the two most important people, who used to make such a scene, felt very uncomfortable in Tang's mother's heart. Now that the two people can resolve the past in this way, naturally, Tang's mother is not happy.

Tang Feng asked Tang Fu, "when can I go to work in the company?"

Although Tang Feng is still thinking about Mu shallow moon in his heart, he would like to go to Mu shallow moon's side immediately, but now, Tang Feng knows that he can't do this.

Standing on his promise to go to work in the company, he proposed to go to m country. I'm afraid Tang Fu can't help but have some doubts.Although Tang Feng is not afraid of their doubts, but if a doubt, to check his words, if involved in Mu shallow moon, this is not worth the loss.

Have to say, Tang Feng's head melon seeds or very smart.

Today's good news one after another, Tang Fu is simply some links too busy, "you want to go to the company now?"

Although Tang Feng now agreed, but Tang Fu thought that Tang Feng would take several days to go to the company, but he did not expect Tang Feng to be so anxious. Now he still asked him when he could go to work in the company.

At this moment, Tang Fu still can't hold back his seriousness. Looking at Tang Feng, he patted Tang Feng on the shoulder, "this thing, of course, is when you want to go, when you want to go, the sooner the better."

"It's just that you can't go fishing for two days and bask in the net for three days, just like before. If you want to quit, you can just leave!"

Tang Feng pursed her lips and said, "no way."

Now he needs to experience himself well, so that he can have a better chance to find Mu shallow moon and pursue Mu shallow moon!

Tang Fu: "well, you can follow me to the company tomorrow. However, I would like to remind you that you should start from the most basic level, and you can't tell the people in the company that you are my Tang Yu's son! Do you know? "

Tang Feng Meng looked up at Tang Fu, "why?"

He had thought that this time, it was similar to before. Tang Fu should arrange a better identity for him when he went to the company. He worked in the company for a period of time, and then found the reason. Then he could naturally go to Mu Qianyue.