Seeing Qiaoyu standing there stubbornly, mu Qianyue felt helpless. Finally, he had to put down his book and said to him, "OK, OK, I'll go to rest now, OK?"

since last time Qiaoyu and mu Qianyue slept together, Qiaoyu has been happy to sleep with mu Qianyue.

Otherwise, Qiao Yu would not find that mu Qianyue was still staying up late to read these books.

Hearing mu Qianyue say so, and put down the things in his hand, Qiao Yu's face just showed a smile.



Lu group.

There is only a black and white cold color office, sitting on a man, a well cut black suit, the whole face on the expressionless, or even no expression.

With this cool color, some rigorous offices seem incomparably matched.

Except for a green potted plant in front of a man's desk, a small pot of green succulent plants, it seems that everything here is so out of place, but it is strange and some coordination.

Lu Zeyuan put down his papers and rubbed his tired temple.

Eyes inadvertently saw the pot of green potted plants, the whole person seems a little trance, do not know whether to think of something.

All of a sudden, his face suddenly became very ugly.

Cheng Ling knocked on the door of the office. Lu Zeyuan's expression on his face suddenly returned to his usual expressionless face, "in."

Cheng lingtui opened the door and came in, holding a pile of documents in his hand, "president."

Cheng Ling put a pile of documents beside him and said to Lu Zeyuan, "president, there's M country..."

Lu Zeyuan frowned and just wanted to say something. Cheng Ling seemed to know what Lu Zeyuan was going to say. He said to Lu Zeyuan, "president, this is the third time. No matter what, you should go there."

When she comes out of the office, Cheng Ling wipes her forehead. It turns out that it's full of cold sweat. It's really terrible that the president looks like now. Every time Cheng Ling wants to go in and report something, she has to refuel and refuel.

Now Cheng Ling incomparably miss the time when mu Qianyue is there. At least, when Miss Mu is there, the president is not so terrible.

Now miss Mu left, although the president did not say anything, but the whole person is more and more gloomy and uncertain.

Thinking of what yunmo and himself said, Cheng Ling pursed her lips. Last time, she found out that Miss Mu was in M country, but she didn't know why the president suddenly didn't look for Miss mu.

I hope that this time, Miss Mu and the president can meet by chance.


In the evening, mu Qianyue is preparing dinner at home. When she puts the last dish on the table, she wants to ask Qiao Yu to come over for dinner.

Who knows just walked to the sofa in the living room, the stomach suddenly spread a sharp pain.


Mu shallow month did not hold back, called out a voice, cold sweat immediately climbed up Mu shallow moon's forehead.

Mu shallow month, one hand on his stomach, one hand on the side of the sofa, the whole person seems to be lying on the ground.

The brow is dead wrinkling together, the mouth is one to close, is speechless.

Qiao Yu just came out of his room and saw mu Qianyue lying on the ground beside the sofa.

Qiao Yu hurriedly ran to Mu shallow moon's side, "mother, mother."

Qiao Yu's expression on his face was almost crying, kneeling beside mu Qianyue. He didn't know what was going on.

Bathe shallow month's stomach ache one to smoke.

It's more painful than ever!

but when she sees Qiao Yu who is going to cry, mu Qianyue still puts out her hand and wants to rub Qiao Yu's head to comfort him. However, mu Qianyue overestimates her current situation.

Before the hand was up, it fell again.

"Call, call...... To Joe...... Aunt Qiao

Mu shallow moon almost exhausted the whole body strength to say this sentence.

Qiao Yu saw the mobile phone on the coffee table. Without hesitation, he immediately picked up muqianyue's mobile phone and called Josie.

After Qiao Yu gets through the phone, he looks at mu Qianyue. The whole person is so flustered that he doesn't know what to say.

Qiao Si Er sees Mu shallow month to call, have not spoken all the time, can't help but some doubt, "shallow moon, what's the matter?"

Qiao Yu: "aunt Qiao, mom, she, mom, she, now..."

"What's wrong with your mother? Xiao yu'er, don't panic. You slowly say, "what's wrong with your mother?"

Qiao Yu takes a look at mu Qianyue, who is very painful now, but still tries to smile at him.

After Qiaoyu said intermittently, the whole person was flustered and didn't know what to do.

Mu Qianyue tries to smile on her face and tries to comfort Qiao Yu, but she opens her mouth and can't say anything.Josie's speed is very fast, after hanging up the phone, she comes in a hurry.

See lying on the ground Mu shallow moon, bathe shallow month's clothes have been wet by sweat, his face looks very pale.

"Shallow moon, shallow moon, what's wrong with you?"

Josie looked at the belly of the moon and said, "is it going to be born?"

"Yenan, come on, pick up the moon and we'll take her to the hospital."

Josie looks at Cheng Yinan in a panic.

Cheng Yinan looks at the Mu shallow moon lying on the ground and frowns, "Archie, pick up the man."

After Cheng Yinan, a Qi steps forward and holds mu Qianyue up.

Qiao Si Er also can't care so much now, see a Qi to Mu shallow month to hold up, hurriedly chase up.

Cheng Yinan some impatient pursed lips, want to ignore these things, but at the thought of Qiao Si Er to Mu shallow month care degree, still gave up.


As soon as mu Qianyue was sent to the hospital, she was pushed into the emergency room. Seeing that all the doctors were about to go in, Josie quickly stopped, "doctor, how are you?"? It's going to be okay, right? "

"It seems that the patient is going to have a baby, and the family members will guard outside first."

With that, the doctor turned to the emergency room, isolating josel and others from the outside.

Josel turned and saw Joey standing next to her.

When I saw Qiao Yu, she was a little confused. Why did Qiao Yu come?

Josel: "Xiao Yu Er, why are you here? Don't worry. Mother will be OK. She is just giving you a younger brother. She will come out soon. I'll send you back first. "

What happened just now was too urgent. Josie was so anxious to send mu Qianyue to the hospital that she almost forgot Qiao Yu and didn't know how Qiao Yu came in.