Josie is with mu Qianyue all day, because she has just finished giving birth and she is still very weak. Moreover, it is said that after giving birth to a child, she still has to sit for a month.

Otherwise, if you don't sit well, you will get sick when you are old.

When josel heard this, she had to be careful.

Mu shallow month is some do not care about the smile, "where there is so weak."

What's more, as the saying goes, a woman giving birth to a child is like walking through the gates of hell. Besides, that person is not with you, and you don't know how painful you were last night. Of course, you should take good care of yourself

Mu Qianyue didn't refute. It was exactly what Josie said.

Mu shallow month looks at two small babies, silent for a while, suddenly open a way, "think son, I want to return to Beijing."

Yes, she wants to go back to Beijing, Miss Lu Zeyuan, her husband and her friends.

I have been away from Kyoto for such a long time. I don't know what happened to them.

Josie is a little surprised to see Mu shallow moon, "you want to return to Kyoto?"

Mu shallow month nods, "well, want to go back."

With that, mu Qianyue couldn't help but smile, "when I came here, I didn't know it. Maybe it was because I took that matter too seriously. I thought that I couldn't let him know or worry about it, but now..."

Mu shallow month mouth in that he, although Josie son does not know who, but also can guess a 7788.

In addition to the child's father, who can be in the mouth of the moon so many times.

Josel: Well, I support you. You can go back if you want

"Thank you, Sylvia."

"Well, stop, stop, what is the relationship between us, how can we say these words?"

"By the way, have you figured out the names of these two children? What's your name? "

This, return really Mu shallow month to ask to live.

At that time, when working in the company, mu Qianyue thought about how to put himself up and how to do a better job.

After adopting Qiao Yu, mu Qianyue put all the focus on Qiao Yu and that matter.

As for the name of the child, mu Qianyue also thought about it, and finally did not think of a satisfactory name.

When Josie saw mu Qianyue, she couldn't help but exclaimed, "shallow moon, no, you didn't even think about their names clearly. Really, you're really incompetent as a mother. Fortunately, I'm the godmother, otherwise, I don't know what you should do

Mu takes a look at the two children. The elder brother looks stronger and has a round face. The younger sister looks a little weaker than her brother. She looks cute and cute.

"Otherwise, my brother is called steamed bread, and my sister is xiaotangyuan?"

Mu shallow month looks at Qiao Si Er, some hesitant way.

"I'll give them a nickname first, and then I'll think about them later. Besides, I'll go back to Beijing. I should discuss the name of the child with him."


Hearing the names of steamed buns and dumplings, Josie couldn't help laughing.

"Moon, how hungry you are. Small dumplings and steamed buns are here. "

"Well, it looks like a little bit. Look at your brother, isn't it like a small steamed bun? And my sister, she's all round, just like a little dumpling. "

Hear Josie son so impolitely smile out, Mu shallow moon some face is hot.

Well, she was a little bit hungry just now, but it's really like the appearance of two little children

"Well, well, I'll stop teasing you. I'll just call them steamed buns and dumplings. It's a nice name. You should not have eaten when you wake up. I'll buy you some food

Qiao Si er said, put the small dumpling beside Mu shallow moon, just want to leave, and then fold back, "I'd better take Xiao yu'er with me, lest Xiao yu'er is here, and you can't care about it now."

Qiaoyu's eyes are still on the body of the small dumpling, but will not leave.

Seeing this, Josie couldn't help joking, "Xiao yu'er, are you still reluctant to leave? Is it because my sister is so cute that I want to touch it and touch it. "

Josel was only joking casually.

But who knows, Qiao Yu actually nodded seriously, "like."

"Poof, you know you like it."

"Well, for your lovely sake, you're looking at your sister."

Qiao Yu looked at the moon with a pair of big eyes, "Mom, can I touch my sister?"

Mu shallow month smile, "OK, but you want to be lighter, the younger sister is very fragile now."Qiao Yu pursed his lips and nodded seriously, "I know Mom."

Josie looked at Qiao Yu's actions, and she couldn't help but smile.

Qiao Yu stretched out his own chubby little hands. First, he touched the face of xiaotangyuan, and then he pinched his little hand.

A pair of eyes slightly widened, as if to discover something incredible, "good soft."

Mu shallow month some can't help laughing, "yes, now my sister is so soft, so you must protect your sister well in the future."

Qiao Yu nodded seriously, "mm-hmm, mom, I will protect my sister well in the future."

"Well, Xiao yu'er, let's go and buy some food."

Qiao Yu turned his head and waved to the moon, "Mom. Goodbye. I'll be back in a minute and bring you something delicious


Qiao Si ER and Qiao Yu walked out of the ward together. Just now, Qiao Si Er also heard what Qiao Yu said. Looking at Qiao Yu's appearance, she just felt how cute she looked.

I can't help joking, "how can you bring delicious food? You don't have any money on you now. You're still using my money. "

Qiao Yu clenched his hand, looked at Josie, seriously said, "aunt Qiao, can I borrow it? I'll give it back to you later. "

Josie couldn't help rubbing her head. "Well, it's funny. Let's go. Don't let your mother wait too long."

After Qiaoyu and jos'er go out, muqianyue is also a little sleepy. The two children have already narrowed their small eyes and began to sleep after eating and drinking enough.

Mu Qianyue covers the buns and dumplings and puts them beside him. He also lies down and prepares to sleep.