The next second, his mouth turned away, and then he cried like this.

At the moment, Qiao Si'er no longer talks to Mu Qianyue any more. She starts to coax her small steamed bread slowly, "ah, darling, the steamed bread doesn't cry or cry..."

But no matter how much Josie coaxed her, the steamed bun just kept crying.

Josie wrinkled her brow. How could she cry all of a sudden? Just now she was still fine. Besides, she changed her diaper and didn't pee. Why did she cry?

Mu Qianyue raised her head and took a look at Josie: "maybe the child is hungry. Give me the child first."

Although Qiao Si Er is still living with the gas of Mu shallow moon, but see Mu shallow moon this appearance, the gas also eliminated a lot.

He held the steamed bread to Mu Qianyue.

Mu shallow month just want to lift up the clothes, found that there is a straight look at their own eyes.

Mu shallow month's hand action to pause, some embarrassed looking at Josie son, "think son, can you turn around for a while?"

Although said that the two people present are girls, but, to let a person look at their own breast-feeding, bathing in the moon is still not used to.

"Why do you want to turn around? You feed the steamed buns quickly. Besides, we are both your women. You have them, and I have them too. What's so shy about? "

Mu Qianyue

That's right, but she's not used to it.

All right.

Mu Qianyue began to feed steamed bread.

Small steamed bread did not cry.

After taking two puffs, the steamed bun suddenly let go, grabbed Mu's clothes and began to cry. Moreover, the voice also sounded weak.

Mu shallow month this also some have no measure, "how can be like this?"

Josel didn't know what was going on. "Wait, I'll get the doctor."

"Oh, my son."

Mu shallow moon just want to stop Qiao Si Er, see Qiao Si Er ran out in a hurry.

"Good, steamed buns don't cry. My mother is here..."

Mu shallow moon also had to coax small steamed bread.

I cried for a while, maybe I was tired of crying, and the steamed bun just went to sleep like this.

Just as the bun was sleeping, josel and another doctor in a white coat came in.

She's a middle-aged woman doctor.

Female doctor asks Mu shallow month is how to return a responsibility.

Mu shallow month simply told the woman doctor what happened just now.

The heart is relieved, fortunately is a female doctor, otherwise Mu shallow month does not know how this word should open mouth.

"Haven't you had a good meal these days, and sometimes you haven't?"

Although Mu shallow month has some doubts, why female doctor can ask so, but she is really like this these days, Mu shallow month also nodded.

However, she didn't want the female doctor's face to become very ugly. Looking at mu Qianyue, she criticized: "you have just finished giving birth. Now it's time to be in confinement. Moreover, this is the most important time. How can you go on a hunger strike? If you fast, you will have no nutrition. If you have no nutrition, then there will be no milk. Without milk, children will not be able to eat. "

Mu's face is burning. No wonder the steamed bread can't be sucked out just now.

Mu shallow month, "OK, doctor, I know, I will pay attention to it."

After seeing off the female doctor, Mu shallow month just wanted to say something, his stomach suddenly called up.

Mu shallow moon this just found oneself very hungry.

Josie looked at mu Qianyue, left a sentence to wait, and then went out.

Why does Josie go out, mu Qianyue's heart is also clear.

Mu Qianyue sighs and looks at the steamed bread that is sleeping by her side, "steamed bun, mom is sorry for you, mom shouldn't do this..."

Muqian still doesn't know that she wants to say something about steamed bread.

After a while, Josie came back with a lot of things in her hand. She smelled the fragrance when she bathed in the moon, and the cry in her stomach became more obvious.

Josie put the things by the bed, and inadvertently saw mu Qianyue's look at her eyes. She moved away her eyes uneasily and said to Mu Qianyue, "don't think about it. These are all for small steamed bread. What should I do if the steamed bread is hungry? Eat quickly, and eat more. "

With that, Qiao Si'er sat on one side and looked at the steamed bun, and did not put his eyes on mu Qianyue's body.

Mu Qianyue reaches out to take the food next to him, but he obviously overestimates himself.

She didn't eat for such a long time, and she also cut her wrists. She didn't have any strength on her body, and her wrist hurt badly. When she first touched the box, she couldn't help exclaiming.

Qiao Si'er, who is looking at the sleeping face of a small steamed bun, hears the startled voice of Mu Qianyue. He can't help but look up and see that the white bandage tied to Mu Qianyue's hand has spilled a little blood, and mu Qianyue also looks very difficult.Qiao Si Er sighs, still can't help but come to Mu shallow moon's side, help Mu shallow month open those boxes, put in Mu shallow moon's front.

Mu Qianyue smiles at Josie, "thank you, miss."

If it was in the past, Josie would be talking about the moon again.

What's the relationship between them? Do they need to say thank you?

But this time josel did not speak.

Mu Qianyue looks at the things that Josie brings for herself, all of which are great supplements.

What crucian carp soup, chicken soup, pig's hoof soup, ribs soup, are very tonic.

Mu Qianyue is not eating because she is too hungry, and she did not eat some time ago. Now she can't eat too much at once. She should take her time.

After bathing in the moon, there will be hours to clean up these things.

And Josie sat by the moon, but did not speak.

Mu shallow month gently pulled the sleeve of Qiao Si Er, "think son, are you still angry?"

"No, it's your choice how to do it. What can I get angry with? And what's the use of being angry?"

It's obvious that you are angry. You should also say that you are not angry.

Mu Qianyue pursed her lips and said to Josie, "I'm sorry, I'm not a good mother. After the little dumpling disappeared, all I could think of was only the small dumpling. The little dumpling is a piece of meat that fell off my body and was carried away within a day after I was born."

"You don't know, I was really desperate at that time, my head was blank, and I even knew what to do, but fortunately, you were still with me. I really don't know how I could have done such a stupid thing at that time. "