It can be said that in the past four years, Josie has contacted two children more than mu Qianyue, but they don't know why. They just like to bathe in the moon.

Maybe it's the nature between mother and son.

When mu Qianyue started his own business and started a company, Qiao Si'er also invested money. He was glad that he had overdraft, because now mu Qianyue is doing better and better in this area.

Qiao Si Er drives the car, comes to Mu shallow month in the company, holds the small hand of landing North Star, walks toward inside.

Mu Qianyue's office is on the 38th floor.

The elevator goes straight.

As soon as they got out of the elevator, Lu Beichen let go of jos'er's hand, like a kite with a broken line, and ran toward the president's office in a familiar way.


Is cleaning up the things after work Mu shallow month heard the sound, should a.

Then some helpless shake his head, this just a few days did not see, she thought of him like this.

"Mom!" The door of the office was pushed open, and a small regiment came in like this. Without stopping, he ran straight to Mu Qianyue's side and hugged mu Qianyue's thigh.

"Xiaochen? Why are you here? " Mu shallow moon to see landing North Chen, a Lu Beichen to embrace up, "Mom miss you so much."

"Xiaochen also miss her mother very much." Lu Beichen kisses on both sides of Mu's cheek.

Mu Qianyue looks at landing in Beichen, and learns from Lu Beichen's appearance. He kisses Lu Beichen on both sides of his cheek.

Lu Beichen's hands are around mu Qianyue's neck, and his cheek sticks to Mu's cheek, with a happy smile on his face.

"Godmother brought me here."

"Do you remember me as a godmother?" Just as Lu Beichen's voice just fell, Josie's voice came in.

Mu shallow Moon: "think son."

"Xiaomantou has been clamouring for a long time to come to you. No, he's very annoyed today, so he brought it here."

Lu Beichen retorted: "it's not!" However, the blush on his face betrayed Lu Beichen.

"No? So the next time someone says it to me, can I just ignore it? "


Josel: OK, OK, no more teasing

Mu shallow month in one side to think, "since all come, let's go, just this morning after work, I cook to comfort you."

"Don't you have to work overtime today?"

Mu shallow month: "well, just finished busy, so recently can take a good time to accompany Xiaochen and Xiaoyu they play."

Mu shallow month said, doting to see Lu Beichen.

Josie looked at the moon.

A professional dress, shoulder length hair four or six points, showing a delicate face, that face has disappeared some of the original green look, instead of mature, stable.

"What are you looking at? I'm not going."

"Here it is, here it is."

"It's not easy to have your meal today. May I take your order?"


"Well, I'd like to have sweet and sour spareribs, tomato spareribs, corn soup, braised fish, and, um, shredded pork with fish flavor. Let's start with these. I haven't thought about the rest."

Josie broke her hand and slowly said what she liked to eat. Her eyes were bright.

Josie is still looking forward to the craft of bathing in the moon.

Mu shallow Moon: "good."

"No! Only two! "

Lu Beichen, who is in the arms of Muqian moon, speaks in a voice, his mouth is tight and his face is tight.

"Is this still protected?" Qiao Si Er looks at Lu Beichen like this, some are unable to laugh or cry.

Lu Beichen has been considerate to Mu Qianyue since he was a child. Now he just leaves work and hears that he has to cook so many dishes. How can Lu Beichen agree?

Looking at Mu shallow moon and Lu Beichen getting along with each other, Qiao Si Er has some envy in the bottom of his eyes.


She wants to have a child.

It's so cute. What should I do?

Want to take it away!

In the end, however, Josie didn't make it because Cheng Yinan called.

Mu shallow Moon: "we go to pick up elder brother first."

Lu Beichen: "good."

Now Qiao Yu is also nine years old. Mu Qianyue sent him to school at the first time.

However, what mu Qianyue didn't expect was that Qiao Yu was still a Xueba.

Every time mu Qianyue goes to school to hold parents' meeting, teachers and parents can't help praising.

Now Qiaoyu is in the fourth grade. He leaves school at 4 p.m. every day. Now, the time is just right.

Qiao Yu used to be OK when he was a child. He liked to laugh, and he was very cute. But as he grew up, mu Qianyue found that Qiao Yu was a little mature, just like a little adult.Lu Beichen likes this elder brother very much, although sometimes Qiao Yu will rob him of the love of the shallow moon.

In fact, Qiao Yu is very good to Lu Beichen.

"Joey, this is the chocolate I specially prepared for you. You must take it." A girl with a ponytail and a white fluffy skirt stopped in front of him and handed him a box of chocolates.

There are some abnormal redness on the face.

After a look at Qiao Yu, he lowered his head as if he had some bad intentions.

"I don't want it," he said

With that, he wanted to walk away from the girl.

"Oh, Joey, you must take it!" Seeing that Qiao Yu wanted to leave, the girl put the chocolate on his hand and ran away.

Qiao Yu looked at the box of chocolates, frowned and looked at the garbage can next to him. Finally, he didn't throw it away.

When Qiao Yu comes out, mu Qianyue sees a big box of chocolates in his hand.

"Xiao Yu!"

Qiao Yu looks towards this side, see to wait for his Mu shallow moon and Lu Beichen on one side.

Elder brother Qiao called in the north land

Mu shallow month walks past, knead Qiao Yu's head, "how?"



Lu Beichen came to hold Qiao Yu and said, "brother, what do you want to eat? Today, mom is cooking

Qiao Yu: "I can do anything."

"Oh, brother, who gave you this chocolate?"

Qiao Yu pursed her lips, "a classmate sent it."

Mu shallow month smile, "is male classmate or female classmate?"

Qiao Yu's face quickly climbed up a blush, "female students."

Lu Beichen looked at Qiao Yu and saw the moon. He said, "brother, does that girl classmate like you?"

Qiao Yu Leng for a while, just way: "don't talk nonsense, just ordinary classmate relationship."

Mu shallow moon some helpless, do not know Lu Beichen is there to see these, "OK, nonsense what, get on the bus quickly."