Mu shallow month embarrassed toward Lin Zheng, they smile, "Uncle Lin, two uncles, I'm really sorry, I feel a little uncomfortable, I'll go first."

"What's the matter? What's the matter with your body

Mu shallow month, "nothing, nothing, I go back to have a rest and wake up, it's OK."

"Well, be safe on your way."


Mu shallow month and a few people said goodbye, took his bag, went out.

The pace is a little urgent.

When I got out of the box door, I didn't forget to look at the opposite box.

At this time, yunmo just came out of the box and saw the figure flash away from the opposite side.

Yunmo stopped his pace. "Gee, how does this person feel so familiar?"

When yunmo wanted to take a closer look, the man had already disappeared.

Yunmo is too lazy to investigate.

Lu Zeyuan sat in the car, staring at the door for fear that he would leave here if he did not pay attention to the person.

There was smoke in the car, but outside the window, there was a cigarette butt on the ground, but Lu Zeyuan seemed unable to feel it. He smoked all the time, but his eyes did not come back.

Mu Qianyue comes out of the box. Since seeing Lu Zeyuan just now, Mu's heart has been pounding.

She did not want to go to Lu Zeyuan, but now that Lu Zeyuan is there, he may be talking about things, or he has already left.

What's more, mu Qianyue hasn't figured out what to say if he meets Lu Zeyuan.

These things, let Mu shallow moon retreat.

Lu Zeyuan saw the moon coming out, and quickly opened all the windows to let the smoke in the car dissipate.

The car drove to Mu shallow moon's side, "get on."

With two simple words and incomparable numbers, mu Qianyue couldn't help but look at Lu Zeyuan.

Lu Zeyuan did not look at Mu shallow moon, but seriously looked at the road ahead.

It seems that I haven't seen the moon.

Mu Qianyue wants to say something. Seeing Lu Zeyuan like this, he feels a little sour.

Open the door. Get up.

Little love didn't think that he was just a step late, and sister Mu got on the car of a stranger.

If anything happens, it's OK.

Xiao AI ran to the past, "sister mu, get down quickly, you got on the wrong bus..."

Before Xiaoai finished, she saw the man sitting in the cab suddenly turned his head and looked at himself coldly.

Little love suddenly shut down, so terrible, this person's eyes.

Mu shallow month looks at small love, command way: "little love, I'm ok, you go back first."

"But, sister mu..."

Little love just export, the car will drive by the side of little love, leaving a tail gas for little love.

Xiao AI stomped her feet in the same place. She was very angry. Who was that man? Why take sister mu?

What's more, sister Mu said it was ok?

Is it difficult for sister Mu to know that person? Or is this the person that Mu elder sister knew in Kyoto?

However, it's not too right. If it's a person sister Mu knows, how can her eyes be so terrible?

Xiao AI swears that she will never forget that look in her life. She is so cold that she can't breathe as if she was restrained by a poisonous snake.

On the car, Lu Zeyuan sipped his lips and didn't speak. The car was driving fast. Mu Qianyue was a bit uncomfortable. There was a strong smell of smoke in the car. Moreover, the speed was too fast. The wind outside kept blowing in, making Mu's hair messy.

I don't know how long it took for the car to stop, but mu Qianyue didn't react at all.

The next second, Mu shallow moon was pressed under the seat.

Windows are all closed, such a closed space, let Mu shallow moon some fear.

Mu shallow month a lift an eye, see magnifying version of Lu Zeyuan, distance oneself just a few centimeters.

Mu shallow moon is confined in this narrow space, and the waist is still in the shape of a bow, some uncomfortable.

Mu Qianyue can't help but push the person in front of him, "Lu Zeyuan, you..."


Mu shallow moon widens his eyes.

The fragrance of vanilla and the smell of cigar are constantly introduced into the breath and taste of the moon.

A pair of cold hands holding his wrist, that cold hand, let Mu shallow month can not help but fight a shiver.

Along with it, there is more depth.

Mu shallow moon can only be forced to bear.

"Well Lu Zeyuan First of all Let me go... "

Mu shallow moon sends out a trace of sound intermittently, but is soon swallowed by Lu Zeyuan.Just when muqianyue thought that he was going to be out of breath, Lu Zeyuan let go of muqianyue. Something separated from their mouths. Muqianyue's eyes were slightly red, and their eyes were sharp red. There was a trace of crystal liquid that could not fall. His face also showed rose red and kept breathing fresh air.

In Mu shallow moon has not yet responded, Lu Zeyuan again attached.

Don't let go of Mu shallow month mouth of a cent, like a hungry wolf devour general.

Mu Qianyue has no doubt. If it wasn't for this place, it would be

Lu Zeyuan is imprisoned by mu Qianyue, but he is constantly attacking the city. It seems that only in this way can he really feel that mu Qianyue is in his arms.

After a while, Lu Zeyuan's hands began to get restless, because mu Qianyue was wearing a professional dress, with a white dress on top, a black suit on the outside, and a skirt underneath.

When the cold hands touch the warm skin, the consciousness in the frozen mind suddenly wakes up. Seeing Lu Zeyuan attached to his body, mu Qianyue is ruthless and bites down.

The smell of blood was spreading, but Lu Zeyuan didn't mean to let it go. Instead, he was more rude.

Mu Qianyue is a little afraid. She hugs Lu Zeyuan and says in a low voice: "no, no, here..."

Lu Zeyuan stops for a moment, and then gets up from mu Qianyue. Before muqianyue reacts, Lu Zeyuan takes mu Qianyue out of the car.

He opened the door with his fingerprint, and without half a minute's stay, Lu Zeyuan went upstairs and put mu Qianyue on the bed, and the whole person attached to it.


Bathe shallow moon rubs own forehead, slowly opens some sour eyes, the head good pain.

Mu Qianyue looks at some strange ceiling in front of her, but she still can't get back to God. Last night, she was talking business with Mr. Lin? She remembered that she had drunk a lot of wine?

Why are you here?