Therefore, the most important thing now is to see how to move all the centers to Kyoto.

It's also good that muqianyue was thinking about going back to Kyoto at that time, so it's only a matter of time.

After that day, Lu Zeyuan did not say yes, nor did he say no, so that mu Qianyue could not guess.

But anyway, mu Qianyue still decided to stay here for two days and left after staying here for two days.

M is urging her to go back.

Just as mu Qianyue is thinking about how to persuade Lu Zeyuan to agree to go back, Lu Zeyuan tells her a piece of news that is not news.

Five years ago, Mu's departure from Kyoto was caused by the wind.

In fact, mu Qianyue's heart has already had an idea, and also guessed that the wind is like a song in which the ghost, but she has not been based on the truth, so this matter has been ignored.

"Mu dry song? Did you find out? "

Lu Zeyuan: "yes."

Mu shallow moon's reaction is very insipid, at least in the news, did not show any redundant look.

After all, muqianyue had already guessed this matter, and although it was said that it was due to the misleading of the wind like song, she also blamed her own weak will.

If she told Lu Zeyuan about the incident at the beginning, and then went to the hospital to have a good examination, would it not have been like this.

But if you give mu Qianyue a chance, mu Qianyue thinks that she will not tell Lu Zeyuan because she doesn't want Lu Zeyuan to worry about her.

So the wind such as song may be to seize this psychology, will frame her like this.

So, what else can she say to Feng Ruge now? Just asking why she did it? Why do you do this to her?

But why does Feng Ru Ge want to be like this? Isn't it obvious? Is it for Lu Zeyuan?

If she left, Lu Zeyuan would be with her.

But mu shallow month heart is still a little uncomfortable, for a man can be so unscrupulous?

Mu Qianyue doesn't know what Feng Ruge thinks in her heart, and she doesn't know what she will do if it happens to her. She may be doing things from different angles and positions, which is different.

Just when mu Qianyue is thinking about these things, Cheng Ling suddenly knocks on the door and comes in.

Cheng Ling glanced at mu Qianyue, who was sitting beside the sofa, and Lu Zeyuan, who was sitting on the sofa. She said to Mu Qianyue, "Miss mu, the wind is like a song. She said she wanted to see you. It was five years ago. She still owes you an explanation."

Cheng Ling was disgusted when he saw the wind like song coming. However, Feng Rugong is also a president now, and he is just an assistant. Therefore, no matter how disgusted he is, he can't show it on his face.

Although some reluctant, but Cheng Ling or dutifully told Mu shallow moon.

In case Miss Mu wants to see the wind like a song.

What's more, what can be said about the events five years ago? Were they all caused by Feng Rugong and misled by others? Now there is the face to say that five years ago, there is still a lack of explanation.

Mu shallow month also has some surprise, she originally wanted to find the wind such as song.

Did not expect that she has not found the door, the wind such as song to find it.

She also said that five years ago, she would like to see what her explanation was?

Mu shallow month to Cheng Ling way, "you go to invite people in."

Cheng Ling: "OK."

Lu Zeyuan frowned and looked at mu Qianyue: "do you want to see her?"

Mu Qianyue said, "see you. She said that she wanted to give us an explanation about what happened five years ago? What's her explanation, then? "

It is impossible to say that there is no resentment in the heart.

If it had not been for the song of the wind, mu Qianyue would not have left Lu Zeyuan for five years, dividing them into five years.

Cheng Ling went out for a while, and the wind came in.

Compared with five years ago, there is no big change in the wind. If there is too much change, the whole person does not seem to be so domineering.

In the sight of Mu shallow moon and Lu Zeyuan, the wind such as song is not surprised at all, as if it is a matter of reason.

Mu shallow month pick pick pick eyebrow, her return to Kyoto matter, although did not deliberately conceal, but, they also can't know so soon, right?

The song back to Kyoto is like the wind.

Mu shallow moon has no mouth.

"Miss mu." The wind, like a song, looks at the moon with a very complicated look.

Mu shallow moon light way, "the wind miss is not said five years ago, you want to give us an explanation? I don't know what Miss Feng wants to explain? "

Wind such as song smile, "you are more intelligent than I imagined, five years ago, you should have found it?"Wind such as song also does not mind Mu shallow moon's attitude, anyway, she has no reason to want to aim at Mu shallow moon.

Moreover, she felt that her present life, compared with the past, still liked her present life.

"Yes, I did what I did five years ago. One day I went to the hospital with my mother for examination, and I saw you inadvertently, so I thought of such a way

"I don't know whether this method is useful or not, and I don't know whether you will be cheated. But at that time, I was looking for your watchman all the time. After knowing your next action, I will go to the hospital and talk to them first, so you should know all the later things."

Lu Zeyuan's gaze on himself is simply not what ordinary people can bear.

As if the next second, just want her life.

The wind, like a song, naturally felt Lu Zeyuan's gaze on himself.

Can't help but smile bitterly, what dream is she still having? She likes and admires people for more than 20 years. She looks at herself with this kind of vision and wishes to kill herself. What expectation does she still have?

The wind such as song looks at Mu shallow month, "Mu miss, I want to talk with you alone."

"No way!"

Mu shallow month did not speak, in the side of Lu Zeyuan refused.

Looking at the wind like song's eyes is like looking at a pile of garbage.

The wind is like a song, "I just want to say a few words with you. We are talking outside, and we don't go too far." The wind such as the song did not pay attention to Lu Zeyuan, but has been looking at Mu shallow moon.

Now she can see that Lu Zeyuan has to listen to Mu Qianyue sometimes.

It can also be seen how much Lu Zeyuan dotes on muqianyue.