In the evening, mu Qianyue is half dreaming and half awake. She just feels that someone has hugged her. Mu Qianyue barely opens her eyes and has a look. It is Lu Zeyuan who is too busy to see human figures these days.

"Are you back?"

"Well, sleep." Lu Zeyuan looks at the dim Mu shallow moon. He can't help but feel his head. He feels his way to the moon.

"I'm going back tomorrow."


Mu Qianyue is really sleepy. After finishing these two words to Lu Zeyuan, he can't help but close his eyes.

The next morning, when mu Qianyue got up, there was no figure of Lu Zeyuan around him. Moreover, there was no residual temperature beside him. I didn't know how long Lu Zeyuan had been up and what he was doing.


Lu Beichen sees mu Qianyue and can't help but pounce on him. These days, when he wakes up, he is alone. Today, Mommy is here.

Mu shallow moon should.

"We are going back today. Do you have anything to bring? Mom's going to help you

Mu shallow moon embraces Lu Beichen and asks.

Lu Beichen shook his head, "No."

This is how he came to buy a lot of things here.

"What about brother Ling? Did he go back? "

"Brother Ling has already gone back. He asked me to tell you."


Mu shallow moon also has nothing to clean up, her things are in that hotel, let love help to clean up together.

After cleaning up almost, mu Qianyue takes landing in Beichen to go to Lu Zeyuan's company, but he doesn't see Lu Zeyuan's figure. Even Cheng Ling is not there.

It is to see ye Yiyi. Ye Yiyi sees mu Qianyue and says a lot of things. He also likes Lu Beichen.

Ye Yiyi said, "I didn't expect that you haven't seen you for five years. You even have children. This child belongs to our president. Look at this little face. It's the same as the President's

"Yes. Where are you and Cheng Ling, where are you going? "

Mu Qianyue is curious about ye Yiyi and Cheng Ling.

"Don't talk about it. But I haven't proposed to me yet. I've decided that if he doesn't propose to me, I'll go on a blind date this month."

"Is it so serious?"

Mu Qianyue is a little surprised.


"In fact, it's OK. Sometimes I don't know how to take the initiative, which also makes me very embarrassed. You said, it doesn't look like a mug gourd. Why don't you take the initiative?"

Mu shallow month smile, "still find a time to stimulate him, go blind date."

Ye Yiyi, "OK, now even you are making fun of me."

"No, No

Ye Yiyi still has to go to work. Mu Qianyue doesn't stay here for long because she has to leave.

Mu shallow month to Lu Zeyuan made a phone call, the phone rang for a long time. No one answered.

Mu shallow month takes a deep breath, hang up the phone, but he did not answer this time, she told him.

Mu Qianyue takes the hand of landing Beichen to get on the bus and go to the airport.

Xiaoai is also going there now.

"Mommy, daddy, don't you come to see us off?"

On the car, Lu Beichen looks at Mu shallow moon, some hesitant ask.

This is the first time Lu Beichen asked Lu Zeyuan.

Mu Qianyue said, "no, dad should be busy now. Mommy, I don't know if he will come to see us off. However, you should believe that Dad will come to see us when he has time, and we can come back to see dad when we have time."

"Dad didn't come to see Xiaochen off. Was Xiaochen angry?"

"Well, it's not. It's better if he doesn't come. No one will rob my mother with me."

Lu Beichen has some duplicity.

Mu shallow month in side smile, also did not tear through Lu Beichen.

After arriving at the airport, Xiaoai has been waiting there. When she sees the moon, she is like a wolf. She sees a bone, and her eyes are shining.

"Sister mu, you finally come. Do you know that I have been waiting for you so hard."

"Well, I'm here, isn't it?"

After Xiaoai and muqianyue complain, they can't help looking at the back of muqianyue.

"What are you looking at?"

"Landlady, sister mu, you're leaving today. Won't the landlady come to see you off?"

Mu shallow moon, "do not know."

Now she still can't contact Lu Zeyuan, let alone send.

Mu shallow month in the heart also has some irritability.

I don't know where people have gone.

"Didn't the landlady come? But we are about to register. "

The moon looks smaller than love."I didn't come, I didn't come. I left."

"Oh, Dad!"

Lu Beichen suddenly called, as if in response to what he called, Lu Beichen immediately covered his mouth, he would not admit that he called his father.

"Moon, wait for me. Where are you going? "

Behind him, a familiar voice rings.

Mu shallow month said don't care is false, or can't help but turn around, was carried into full.


"Board first."

Lu Zeyuan interrupted mu Qianyue's words.

Mu Qianyue saw Lu Zeyuan with a suitcase.

Mu shallow moon, "you?"

After the words Mu shallow month did not say, she did not know what to say, so lenglengleng was led by Lu Zeyuan, boarding.

Until on the plane, Mu shallow moon still has lenglenglenglengleng, how did he come?

What's more, it's still next to you?

After sitting down, mu Qianyue couldn't help but ask, "what's going on? Why are you here? "

"Otherwise, what do you think I am busy these days? What a heartless little thing

Mu Qianyue touched his nose and looked at Xiaoai. Xiaoai took the landing to Beichen and moved his eyes, saying that he did not see anything.

Mu shallow month, "so, you are so busy these days, are to accompany me to go together?"


Mu shallow month, "you won't still want to move Lu's group to m country to develop?"

"What's impossible?"

Lu Zeyuan asked, anyway, now he will not be separated from Mu shallow moon, no matter what.

Mu shallow moon some helplessly help forehead, return really so.

"No, I'll just go back to Kyoto. You've been in Lu's group for so many years, and Lu's group has been deeply rooted in Kyoto. Do you want to suddenly shift the focus to m country? Does the board of directors agree?"

"Well, they don't have to agree."

He can do what he wants.

All right.

Mu shallow moon has already been unable to make complaints about Lu Zeyuan's idea.

Anyway, Mu yuan and I don't have to work hard to develop in our country. I hope that you and I can develop well in our country