Mu Qianyue rubbed her forehead reluctantly. After so long in Kyoto, it's time to come back and clean up the mess. I don't know how to pile up a lot of things in the company these days, waiting for Mu to come back to deal with it.

Although it is said that when mu Qianyue went to Kyoto, Fu Zheng also helped mu Qianyue take care of the company's affairs, but many things still need to be handled by mu Qianyue himself.

"Sister mu." Outside, love knocked on the door of the office.

After getting mu Qianyue's consent, he opened the door and came in. He put the information on his hand on Mu's desk, and said to Mu Qianyue, "sister mu, this is the information left down these days. You can have a look first. I'll call you for a meeting later."

Little love said, eyes can not help but look at sitting beside Lu Zeyuan one eye, and then back out.

Xiaoai didn't dare to see more. She just took a look at Xiaoai and went out because when she saw Lu Zeyuan for the first time, Xiaoai was scared by Lu Zeyuan. Now there are some psychological shadows.

After going out, Xiao AI still thinks that the relationship between sister Mu and the boss's wife is really good!

Even to work to stay together, it is estimated that when in Kyoto, sister Mu may also be with the boss's wife, no matter where it is.

It turns out that little love is the truth.

Mu Qianyue feels headache when she looks at the stack of data that Xiaoai has brought in. How could she not find it before? When she was dealing with these things, mu Qianyue felt that she was more energetic. But why did she go to Kyoto and stay in front of Lu Zeyuan for a few days and feel that these things are so boring.

Mu Qianyue thinks it may be lazy.

Still can't wave!

"Do you have a laptop here?"

Lu Zeyuan looks at mu Qianyue and asks.


Mu shallow month says, hand over the notebook computer beside Lu Zeyuan, by the way, "do you want to work?"

Lu Zeyuan looked at mu Qianyue with a smile, "yes. I've chased you here. What can I do if I don't work and how can I support you? "

Hearing what Lu Zeyuan said, mu Qianyue couldn't help blushing.

Glare at Lu Zeyuan, how did not discover before, Lu Zeyuan so can speak?

"All right, you work."

Lu Zeyuan dotes to see Mu shallow moon, did not speak.

A time so big office, only finger tapping on the keyboard sound, two people are very serious into their work.

When Xiao AI comes in and asks mu Qianyue to go out for a meeting, Mu Xiaoyue winks at Lu Zeyuan and says to Lu Zeyuan, "I'll be back in a minute."

Then he went out with little love.

After mu Qianyue goes out, Lu Zeyuan collects his laptop and looks at this pattern very familiar but unfamiliar to the office.

Eyes are full of love, how can not hide.

He now wants to know urgently how he spent the past five years without his own light moon, whether he has been bullied here, whether others have bullied her.

Lu Zeyuan thought, finger in the notebook computer to type a few words to send out, then shut down the computer, waiting for mu shallow moon's return.

Mu shallow month did not come back for a while, when he came back, he laughed at Lu Zeyuan, "we can go back now, oh, by the way, we have to pick up Xiaochen and Xiaoyu first."

Mu shallow moon between the eyebrows is also unable to hide the fatigue.

It's also true that after taking such a long flight, I came to the company after I got off the plane and dealt with so many things. It's false to say that I'm not tired.

Lu Zeyuan took mu Qianyue into his arms and answered.

He walked out with the moon.

The company's people are also cleaning up now, ready to work, see Lu Zeyuan so close to Mu shallow month out, one by one can not help but stare at their own eyes.

Is it really like Xiaoai said that this man will be their boss's wife in the future?

Some people's eyes are on the body of Mu Qianyue, but they can't help it. The next second, the person feels that there is a line of sight falling on his body, just like being fixed by something cold, which makes people feel afraid.

But fortunately, that vision did not fall on the body for long.

When the eyes moved away, the man could not help but feel relieved.

What kind of look was that? It's just too scary.

After they left the company, Lu Zeyuan now acts as a driver and drives to pick up Lu Beichen and Qiao according to Mu Qianyue's route.

God knows that Lu Zeyuan doesn't want to drive to pick them up now. Why don't you just let them go? In this way, he can live in his own world with mu Qianyue.

But Lu Zeyuan knew that was impossible, because mu Qianyue wanted Lu Beichen and Qiao Yu very much. At this time, Lu Beichen in Lu Zeyuan's mouth was surrounded by Qiao Si'er.

Qiao Si Er looks at Lu Beichen, a face of puzzled, "Xiaochen, do you say that the person you saw in the airport today is really your father? How come the whole person doesn't look like it at all. "A ferocious look, and Lu Beichen did not hang up at all.

Frightened by Lu Zeyuan, Qiao Si Er also subconsciously ignored what Lu Zeyuan looks like.

So I glanced vaguely. Now where can I remember what Lu Zeyuan looked like.

Lu Beichen sipped his small mouth. "I don't want him to be my father. I know he's robbing my mother with me all day." Speaking of Lu Zeyuan, Lu Beichen also looks unhappy.

Josel sneered, "the light moon has been here for so many years, so much bitterness and so many tears. She has tasted it all by herself. Why didn't you see him come out at that time? Now the life of the shallow moon is getting better. Do you want to be with the moon now? There are no doors. If you want to be with Xiaoyue again, you have to go through her level. "

Moreover, according to Mu shallow month present status, that also dares to look down upon Mu shallow month, the good man is also a grasp a big, is not only that man.

And what's good about that man.

Josie's eyes turned and called for landing in Beichen and Qiaoyu. "Xiaochen'er, xiaoyu'er, shall we discuss a matter?"

"What's the matter?"

Lu Beichen and Qiao Yu look at Qiao Si'er with one voice.

Josie cleared her throat. "Xiaochen, you don't like your father now, do you? How about we find a new father for your mother? Find one that we all think is good, and now your mother is worth better. "

Qiao Si Er just don't want to let Mu shallow moon and that man together, shallow month has suffered so much here, so many grievances, that man has no sincerity, that is absolutely impossible!