Why don't you let this man know?

If you want to know so much, I can tell you

"Do you know that in addition to Xiaochen's one child, Xiaoyue also has a child? Two of them are twins, and the other is a sister. "

Lu Zeyuan said in a deep voice, "I know."

This matter Mu shallow moon and Lu Zeyuan said, but, Mu shallow moon is to avoid the heavy said, difficult or not, there is something he does not know?

Lu Zeyuan's eyes sank, did not speak, quietly waiting for Qiao Si Er to say.

Qiao Si Er sees Lu Zeyuan this appearance, know, Mu shallow moon certainly some things did not say with this man.

This silly girl.

"Did you know that the child was taken away the day after he was born. Do you know how much she cried and how long she was sad for the child who was taken away. In the end, she didn't have any news. She almost committed suicide. Do you know, if it wasn't for the cry of steamed bread, if it wasn't for the crying of steamed bread, if I didn't go in and see it in time, can you imagine the consequences? "

Qiao Si Er looks at Lu Zeyuan, at the beginning such situation seems to be still in her mind.

At the beginning, fortunately, I didn't have much strength, so the wound was not very deep, and because it was discovered in time, it didn't lead to disaster. Otherwise, I don't know what the consequences would be.

Every word jos'er said seemed to fall on Lu Zeyuan's heart, especially when mu Qianyue almost committed suicide for the sake of small dumplings.

At that time, Mu shallow moon, how helpless, how aggrieved

Lu Zeyuan can't imagine what kind of life she lived here when she was alone.

Qiao Si Er looks at Lu Zeyuan's appearance, cannot help but hook lip, sneer a, can't accept now? She has so much to say.

If, after he knew what kind of life mu Qianyue had lived in the past five years, he would not regret his death.

Josel wanted to say something else, and suddenly came the voice of the moon.

Mu shallow month looks at two people, some doubt, she just went up, two people are not still sitting very far? Why are you so close now?

Mu Qianyue is afraid that Lu Zeyuan will do something to Qiao Si'er. After all, Lu Zeyuan is a person who doesn't know any reason.

"What are you talking about?"

Mu shallow moon with landing Beichen and Qiao Yu down, looking at two people, casually asked.

With a smile on her face, Josie turned to look at mu Qianyue. "No, I'm talking about you. How come you went to Kyoto and found a man to come back. It seems that your love is not shallow."

Mu shallow month was joked by Josie son has already practiced the golden body, "general general bar."

Qiao Si Er looks at Lu Beichen, "has everything been found?"

Lu Beichen nodded, "I found it, Ganma."

Mu shallow moon, "OK, then we should go now."

Qiao Si Er also did not stop Mu shallow moon, "OK, you walk slowly."


On the bus, mu Qianyue didn't ask Lu Zeyuan what he had just done.

Because, no matter to Qiao Si Er, still Lu Zeyuan, Mu shallow moon is very trustful.

Because of Lu Beichen and Qiao Yu, and mu Qianyue also wants to give them the best in all aspects. Therefore, mu Qianyue doesn't continue to rent a house with sister Liu. Instead, she comes out and buys a house outside. She still has two bedrooms and one living room.

Because Lu Beichen has always been sleeping next to Mu Qianyue, and now Lu Beichen is still young, mu Qianyue doesn't feel anything.

Now Qiao Yu is sleeping by himself. After all, he is so big.

The new community is not far away from the company, but because there are some detours to meet Lu Beichen and Qiao Yu there.

However, also quickly arrived at the place where the moon is.

Mu Qianyue lives on the 26th floor. There is a large supermarket downstairs. When several people pass by the supermarket, mu Qianyue suddenly remembers that he has not been at home these days, and there is certainly no food at home.

"Go to the supermarket first. There seems to be nothing at home."

Lu Zeyuan has no opinion, and mu Qianyue enters the supermarket together, while Qiao Yu takes Lu Beichen's small hand and follows them into the supermarket.

Several people in the supermarket casually bought something and then went back.

After returning home, Lu Zeyuan looked at the tired muqianyue and left a kiss on his lips. "You go and have a rest. When the meal is ready, I'm calling you."

Mu Qianyue is so tired that he doesn't want to move. He nods to Zeyuan when he lands. Then the whole person falls on the sofa. Lu Zeyuan looks at the blanket next to him. He just wants to put his hand over mu Qianyue's body. Who knows a pair of small hands next to him take the blanket from Lu Zeyuan's hand.Lu Beichen directly took the blanket on Lu Zeyuan's hand and said in a soft voice, "I'll do it. You go to cook first."

Lu Zeyuan looked at Lu Beichen, did not speak, turned and left the living room.

Lu Beichen carefully covers the blanket on the body of the moon, and feels a little distressed about the moon.

In fact, Qiao Yu and Lu Beichen can cook.

At the beginning, mu Qianyue's company was established. Naturally, mu Qianyue was very busy all day long. When he was in the company, his family would sometimes neglect it. However, Qiao Yu was very sensible when he was young. Therefore, Qiao Yu began to learn how to cook since then.

Even sometimes, Mu shallow month from work to rush back from the company, waiting for her is steaming food.

Mu shallow moon moved to cry.

There are not many dishes to buy this evening. Lu Zeyuan simply fried a few vegetables. By the way, he made a soup and put it on the table before he came to call mu Qianyue.

Mu shallow moon some bleary open his eyes, "OK?"

Mu shallow moon still stays in, Lu Zeyuan cooks and calls himself where to eat when he is ready.

So when he saw Lu Zeyuan calling himself, he subconsciously thought that the food was ready.

Lu Zeyuan couldn't help rubbing his head and nodding, "well, come on, get up and eat."

"And the child?"

"I told them to wash their hands and eat."

Lu Beichen and Qiao Yu, who have just come out of the kitchen after washing their hands, see the moon in their wake. They look at each other with the same information in their eyes.

Oh, this hypocritical man!


What do they say? They come out to ask mummy to eat after washing their hands. Obviously, they want to ask mummy to have dinner by themselves!

Do you want such a good name? It's fair and aboveboard!