How could she be so calm? It was she who robbed her man. Why could she still behave like this? Zhou Xinxin looked at Qiao Si'er's appearance, in the heart cannot help but some resentment, can't help but grasp her bag, the blue veins on her hands are some violent, do not know out of what psychology, she clearly wanted to stop her friends, but in the end did not stop.

Friends see Zhou Xinxin did not speak, also think that Zhou Xinxin is identification.

They came to Josie's face and looked at her with arrogance, "are you the junior who Mr. Cheng has recently taken care of? I hear you've been crazy lately

Naturally, these people have never met jos'er, and naturally they do not know the identity of Qiao Si'er, nor what kind of status Qiao Si'er is to Cheng Yinan.

But Cheng Yinan's friends know, and Zhou Xinxin also knows. But she didn't tell her friends. She just talked about Josie intentionally and unintentionally in front of her friends, and said she was very pitiful. Therefore, in the eyes of her friends, Qiao Si'er was a junior, and then she was very proud in front of the Lord. Originally, they were the most demanding I'm tired of small three!

Josel raised her eyes, gave the woman a sharp look, took out her ears gracefully, and looked at the woman, "what did you just say? It's too windy for me to hear clearly. Can you say it again? "

Josel looked at the woman with a smile, but I don't know why, when the woman saw the smile on her face, she felt a chill rising from the bottom of her feet, which made her shake her body with fear.

But the next second, the woman looked at Josie angrily. She was just a young lady who just came out of the famous family, and jos'er was just a junior who could not be seen by outsiders!

You were afraid of her just now? In this way, the woman looked at josel, and there was a little anger on her face.

If it is said that a young lady who is looked at like this by a junior is a little scared, then what is her reputation to say?

Zhou Xinxin's good friend looked at Qiao Si'er unnecessarily, "what did I just say? Didn't you hear me clearly? I said you are a junior. Do you understand me? It is the kind of existence that destroys other people's families, which makes people extremely disgusting. And now that the Lord is here, you are still so arrogant. Do you think that with general Cheng's favor, you can do whatever you want and be unscrupulous? "

Zhou Xinxin's good friend, looking at Josie with some irony.

Qiao Si Er smiles, the smile on her face appears incomparably gorgeous and delicate, but in the eyes of Zhou Xinxin and others, she feels that the smile is incomparably dazzling, just like a fox spirit. No wonder Qiao Si'er will hook Cheng Yinan so much to her.

Several people can not help but secretly scold a fox spirit, the impression of Josie is even worse.

Josel didn't care what they thought. They were just strangers to her, and they could only bite a mad dog.

What did they say and why did she care? Don't worry yourself when you have time.

"Junior? Yeah, I'm junior. What's wrong? If you have the ability, you can ask Chong Cheng Yinan to leave me. If you have the ability, you can ask Cheng Yinan to marry that woman named Xinxin now. Do you dare him? "

Josie looked at Zhou Xinxin's good friend with a smile.

In my heart, Cheng Yinan did not know how many times he scolded. She knew he had a fiancee, and she said to herself that she had already solved the problem. However, she did not expect that this woman was so difficult to deal with. Every time she saw her, she would entangle herself and say some indisputable words.

Now Cheng Yinan doesn't know that the matter he dealt with has a little influence on his future happy life.


Josel was angry.

The consequences are serious.

Although Josie said this to Zhou Xinxin's friend with a smile, her eyes were looking at Zhou Xinxin, which seemed to have insight into everything, which made Zhou Xinxin feel embarrassed and wanted to run away immediately.

Zhou Xinxin came forward and pulled his friend's sleeve. "OK, let's go. Don't be with her. Anyway, it's just a nonessential person."

When Zhou Xinxin's friend heard the words from jos'er, the whole person got angry. He raised his hand and wanted to slap jos'er, but Zhou Xinxin pulled his sleeve.

In the end, the slap didn't go on. Zhou Xinxin's friend took a warning look at Josie, "you'd better stay away from Cheng Yinan. Or I'll make you look good. "

Josie looked at Zhou Xinxin's good friend and pretended to be terrible. "Ouch, I'm so scared. You're going to deal with me now. Let me stay away from him. You're going to let him stay away from me. It's all by himself. What are you doing with me?"

Josel looked at some people with some disdain.

Zhou Xinxin's friend also wanted to say something to Josie, but was pulled away by Zhou Xinxin.

After they went out, their friends kept on talking to Zhou Xinxin, "you, you are too soft hearted, but you are just a junior, but relying on Cheng Yinan's favor, so I will be so unscrupulous and treat you like this. Next time you see her, you should not do this again. When they say you, you will scold back! You know what? Otherwise, others think you are easy to bully. What should you do if you marry to the Cheng family in the future? "Zhou Xinxin's good friend looked at Zhou Xinxin with some worry.

Zhou Xinxin reluctantly smile at her friend, "OK, OK, I know. I'll pay attention to it next time. Let's go first. The party will start soon."

Zhou Xinxin's good friend is still immersed in the words jos'er just said to her, some anger, so did not notice that Zhou Xinxin face some unnatural.

Zhou Xinxin breathed a sigh of relief when her friend didn't see it.

I don't know whether to be happy or to be lost, but she didn't know what to say at that time.

As a matter of fact, Zhou Xinxin knows that Cheng Yinan has already broken the engagement with her, and this matter was brought forward by Cheng Yinan himself. Therefore, considering the face of the two families, he did not make it public.

Only the two families and some people know the reason, but people outside don't know, and Zhou Xinxin didn't tell her friends about it, because she felt that she had lost face.